Gu Xuan stares at the mighty stream of runes. In his eyes, there is a fine light.

"You're right. You can see the real chapter under your hand."

Gu Xuan's face was very calm.

He ate a full 30 jin of pig meat, directly promoted to a small level, and became a high-level saint. In terms of hard power, he was no longer under the tower leader.

In front of him, this thorny mountain only has 70% of his strength. Gu Xuan doesn't believe it. He can't even clean it up!

In the blink of an eye, Gu Xuan and Zhutian sword in his hand became one.

A sword.


The sound of breaking the air.

In the void, Zhutian sword crossed a mysterious path. It dashed into the sky and suddenly cut out, cutting the huge stream of runes into two.

Thorn Yue's face showed a trace of surprise.

"Sure enough, I have some skills. No wonder I am so arrogant.

With your sword alone, you really have the qualification to be as strong as ordinary Da Yuanman!

Unfortunately, in my Longmen space, my thorn mountain is invincible!

Dragon scale array

Bramble Yue's body trembled, and strange energy surged on him.

Shua, Shua, Shua.

There are hundreds of dragon scales falling like they don't need money.

These scales, spinning in the void, turned into giant Dragons of ten feet in size.

In a moment, hundreds of dragons had gathered in the void.

Roar, roar!

There are hundreds of dragons, which make the sound of the dragon's chanting and the sound of the heaven shaking. It seems that they want to disperse the soul of Gu Xuan.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Hundreds of dragons flew towards guxuan and surrounded it in an instant.

At this moment, Gu Xuan felt as if he had become a boat in the ocean, with a sense of loneliness.

In his eyes, the hundreds of dragons seemed to be connected with each other, forming a huge net.

And the target of that giant net is him!


Bramble mountain suddenly drank and issued the order.

The hundreds of dragons raised their heads one after another and gathered an energy bomb. At the same time, they vomited towards guxuan.

Whew, whew!

There are hundreds of voices breaking through the air.

Gu Xuan's pupil shrank slightly.

The 100 energy bombs don't look too strong. Any one of them can easily block one of them.

But that's just what it looks like alone, that's all.

If you really hold this idea to resist the energy bomb, even if you are young Xia Ke here, I'm afraid it will be cool.

The 100 energy bombs are connected by invisible energy threads.

Once any one explodes, the power contained in the remaining ninety-nine energy bombs can be concentrated in that explosive energy bomb in less than an instant!

Moreover, it's not the superposition of one plus one equals two.

According to Gu Xuan's observation, only the power of ten energy bombs can be condensed together, and its power will change qualitatively.

If a hundred of them come together, their power will change again.

Even if you have a divine body, if you are caught off guard, the divine body will consume at least half of it!

Hit twice, the divine body is exhausted.

"It's a pity that I'm not a fool. I won't be fooled like this!"

Gu Xuan had a sneer in his heart.

Zhutian sword once again crossed the mysterious arc in the void.

"Wuxing Zhenjie sword!"

Gu Xuan cut out five swords in a row, and each sword was the five element sword move in Taishang jiujue Gong.

For a moment, the sword was full of energy, the sword was full of meaning, and the endless sword was in full bloom, like the sun shining.

Five swords in one, it turned out to be a huge energy sword, and hit an energy bomb with an invincible potential.


There was a loud noise.

The power of hundreds of energy bombs was instantly concentrated on that one, and burst out the power of destroying the sky and the earth.

The surrounding space became distorted and numerous cracks appeared.

The aftereffects of the explosion spread to Gu Xuan and thorn mountain.

However, one person and one dragon resisted all the aftereffects of the explosion and did not step back.

Even the hundreds of dragons in the aftereffects of the explosion were still carrying them.

"I wanted to use energy to play Yin to make you consume about half of the divine body.

I never thought you could see through it.

You do have some insight. Unfortunately, it's just a little.

Energy bomb, just to divert your sight.

The real killing move of my dragon scale array is on the dragon scale, that is, the giant dragon with hundreds of dragon scales!

They are ready to destroy all your gods

Thorn Yue opened his mouth and laughed.

Whoosh, whoosh!

The bodies of hundreds of dragons dashed towards guxuan.

At the same time, their bodies expanded at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The power of destruction pervades their bodies.

They're going to blow themselves up!

A sense of extreme danger has enveloped the ancient mystery.

Gu Xuan only felt that the surrounding space had become stagnant. He felt as if he had fallen into the mire, and it was difficult to extricate himself from the mire.

However, in Gu Xuan's eyes, there was no fear.

Surrounded by hundreds of dragons, they explode together. This move is really cruel and hard to escape.

However, from beginning to end, Gu Xuan didn't want to hide!

"Well! Just take you to try sword array!

It's your honor to see my young master perform my strongest sword array, thorn mountain, for the first time after he was promoted to a high-level emperor

Gu Xuan had a big drink, and once again he felt like a sword.

At this moment, Gu Xuan's whole body was blooming, as if his whole body had become a sword.

"A sword turns into an array."

With a wave of the right hand, the power of the law gushes from the sword. Countless runes hover on the sword body, like a dragon of runes.

In the void, as like as two peas in the ancient mysterious hands, the sword of heaven is condensed, and it also winds up a dragon of the character, and the sword sword is like a real sword.

"Zhutian three exterminate sword array, exterminate!"

Three Heaven killing swords, flying out of the front of Gu Xuan's body in order to penetrate the void, attack the approaching dragons like meteors!

Chi Chi Chi.

A series of body piercing sounds sounded.

Only three blinks later, the hundreds of dragons flying to guxuan stopped all their movements ten feet away from guxuan.

Suspended in the air, motionless, as if to be fixed in general.

"How can it be? How to turn a sword into an array?

Gu Xuan's Kendo is so high

Thorn Yue's eyes widened. He couldn't believe what happened in front of him.

The hundreds of giant dragons have expanded to several times the original size, and they are about to explode, but there is a big hole in them at the same time, pouring out energy.

Whoosh, whoosh.

In the space around guxuan's body, there were bursts of energy turbulence.

The expanding bodies of the dragons shriveled at the speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually, even their bodies could not be maintained.

In a moment, there were only one hundred dragon scales left in the void.

It's the kind that doesn't have a little bit of energy.

make love.

At the same time, the scales of the Dragon burst, turned into powder and floated in the void.

"My dragon scales, my scales..."

Bramble mountain roars hysterically! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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