In this space, everything began to regress.

How did the dense chains come from? How did they go back.

The space where Gu Xuan is located has already been occupied by many chains, but now, a large space is vacant.

Gu Xuan's figure, from virtual to real, appears in that space.

"Damn it! Gu Xuan, what have you done? "

The body has become a pair of blood red eyes, hiding behind the chain of thorns mountain, quickly restored to its original position, it seems never moved.

But thorn mountain is about to cry.

If it's true that it's never moved, that's good.

But in fact, it's not.

The energy he consumed was actually consumed.

However, the chain summoned by the magic power "magic dragon instant killing blood curse" was not controlled by him at all. In front of him, it changed from less and more changeable, from longer to shorter, and became shorter and shorter, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Looking back at Gu Xuan, standing in the same place, the whole person is intact, as if nothing had happened.

However, different from just now, Gu Xuan was covered with a light light.

The strong power of time and space emanates from the light.

Gu Xuan's eyes were full of surprise and doubt.

His attention, all focused on the space ring, that says "mountain palace" on the half plaque.

The power of time and space that enveloped his whole body was released from the half plaque.

"Obviously, when I wanted to enter the palm world, I was pulled out by this half plaque.

Before, when I was bound by the chain, it was the plaque that temporarily pulled me away from this space-time.

Now, it makes all attacks of thorn mountain return to nothingness.

This kind of means, even if it's a great success of mastering the way of time and space, I'm afraid it can't be achieved!

Can we say that if you pick up a broken plaque, it's a treasure against heaven? "

Gu Xuan held his chin and analyzed it.

You know, this half broken plaque has been hanging outside the gate of that dilapidated palace for tens of thousands of years.

I don't know how many strong people in the big round level have carefully observed it.

For example, when Gu Xuan took off the plaque and was ready to take it away, the tower owner once said that he had taken off the plaque 100000 years ago and had seen it carefully.

Now, if the tower master knew that this plaque contained such powerful power, he would not know if he would faint.

"Gu Xuan! Ben long is asking you, how dare you ignore me?

Even though I have no fighting power now, don't forget that this is still my dragon ball space! "

The hysterical roar of thorn mountain interrupted Gu Xuan's thought.

Gu Xuan smiles apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I was too preoccupied.

What did you say just now? "


Bramble mountain Qi and blood attack heart, is a mouthful of blood vomit out.

I thought Gu Xuan didn't answer his question on purpose to embarrass himself. Unexpectedly, he didn't even hear what he said!

This is chiguoguo's ignoring himself!

It's tolerable, but it's intolerable!

"You forced me! You forced me

A look of madness flashed in the eyes of thorn mountain.

If you don't kill Gu Xuan today, how can he be the leader of the tomb keeper?

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes.

What is the stimulation of this thorn mountain?

You want to fight with yourself?

Don't you look at yourself?

I'm afraid there is no Chengdu left with all my strength?

I dare to fight with myself. Is my brain broken?

"Get out of my dragon ball space!"

Bramble mountain has a ferocious face, and he reads the formula in his mouth.

Gu Xuan immediately felt that he was excluded from this space and would be "spit out".

He was even more confused.

Don't you want to work hard?

Why are you going to let yourself out?

What's wrong with this?

Gu Xuan wanted to find out. Unfortunately, he didn't have a chance to open his mouth at all. He had already returned to the tomb Pavilion.

As soon as I looked up, I saw the thorny mountain body of the dragon head, and the eyes whose blood red color was fading away.

The power of time and space on Gu Xuan has disappeared.

In the tomb Pavilion, the effect of the forbidden array still exists.

When people saw Gu Xuan appear, their faces all showed joy.

"Brother Gu Xuan, I'm scared to death.

The thorn Dragon said, what dragon ball space will you die in?

Now it seems that it really blows the air! "

The tower owner laughed.

Beside him, Ke Shaoxia, whose face was already gloomy, had a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Gu Xuan smiles and looks at the thorn mountain.

"Back to the familiar tomb Pavilion, my young master's main battlefield.

It seems that it is time to draw an end to this battle.

You still have your cards, don't you?

Then show it boldly, and let's do it again.... "

I haven't finished yet.

Bramble Yue has accepted defeat with the most ruthless tone.

"Gu Xuan, you bastard, if you want to die, you can!

But the third level, I admit defeat

After listening to the first half of the sentence, Gu Xuan had already begun to loosen his muscles and bones and was ready to make a move.

He did not expect that the latter half of the sentence of thorn mountain would admit defeat?

Gu Xuan felt very puzzled.

The ancient pagoda, the elders and disciples, have cheered.

Finally successfully through the third level!

This means that they can get the key to the gate of time and space.

They can go out of the cave and return to the world they used to be!

The tower master looks like a comforter.

Good boy, Gu Xuan. You are my brother!

Even the gloomy Ke Shaoxia also showed a smile at the moment.

After all, I can go out.

Ke Xiaodu is also smiling. After he goes out, he has already figured out nine ways and ten commandments to avoid contact with Gu Xuan.

As long as there is no longer any entanglement with Gu Xuan, with his strength, there will be a great achievement.

Even the guardians of the tomb at the level of emperor have a sense of survival.

If Lord dragon really insists on fighting, I'm afraid they will have to come out.

In the face of Gu Xuan, I'm afraid they're small characters like this.

At this time.

"The reward for passing the triple level test is there!"

Thorn Yue pointed to a stone pillar not far away, with a grin on the corner of his mouth.

All of them were breathless and looked in the direction of his fingers.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at the stone pillar.

Thorn mountain's hands bear a few fingerprints, and the forbidden Dharma array that envelops the tomb Pavilion suddenly dissipates, and there is no more power.

In the tomb Pavilion, everyone feels less pressure.

The energy in the body starts to work automatically.

Body protection energy can also be freely released.

The stone pillar also immediately changed, growing a dragon scale, in an instant, it changed into an upright stone dragon.

A very powerful dragon power emanates from the stone dragon.

Shi Long's body, suddenly move, open big mouth, then go to ancient Xuan devour and go!

Gu Xuan stands in the same place and doesn't mean to dodge at all.

However, they were startled and thought that Shi Long was going to attack Gu Xuan. Fortunately, Shi Long's huge head stopped in front of Gu Xuan, about half a Zhang away.

A box flew out of its mouth and suspended in front of Gu Xuan's body.

Don't think about it. Everyone knows what's in that box.


The box is open.

A shining but translucent key, which seemed to be between the virtual and the real, appeared in the eyes of the public.

The pure power of time and space revolves on the key.


The key vibrated, flew from the box, and floated slowly in front of Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan stretched out his hand and held the key in his hand.

Gu Xuan observed the key in his hand, which was condensed by the power of time and space.

In the center, it seems to be a space-time rune.

It is a condensed, mysterious and powerful rune of time and space.

I'm afraid that the value of this Rune alone is no less than that of any one with the flavor of immortal.

"Now, is it time to take us out?"

Gu Xuan holds the key to the gate of time and space and looks at the thorn mountain.

Thorn mountain is also looking at Gu Xuan.

The smile on his face became more and more intense.

"Who said you could go out after the third level?

I just said that you can get the key to the gate of time and space by breaking through the triple barriers.

But I didn't say, you can go out now!

Sir, please open the fourth level! "

All the warriors, their faces change!

There's a fourth level? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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