Gu Xuan stood outside the door and didn't go in the first time.

He has separated a trace of consciousness into the palm of the world.

A mini guxuan appeared on the head of the jade skeleton man.

At this time, the jade skeleton man was sitting on the head of the matchless Devil Dog, with his legs up, looking like a leisurely person.

Wuxiang magic dog is very humble to crawl on the ground, it seems even dare not move.

Even when he saw Gu Xuan, he just moved his eyelids a few times. It was a salute.

"You will enjoy it. I don't know. I think it's your family. This matchless Devil Dog is your pet!"

Gu Xuan's voice, directly in the palm of the world.

"With your spare time, can't you think about how to recover all your memories?"

The jade skeleton man looked over his head.

"According to my current situation, I can't rely on my own efforts.

I need your help.

My memory was not only sealed, but also taken away directly.

Anyway, the situation is a little complicated. Just keep going.

When the chance comes, I'll recover. "

Gu Xuan eyebrows pick pick.

"Off, of course, we have to keep going.

But I have to figure out how many levels there are.

If I break through the first three hurdles, I want to get the key to the gate of time and space.

So what's the reason for me to break the fourth level? What are the benefits?

I just want to give up the bad things! "

The jade skeleton man jumped up in a hurry and stepped heavily on the dog's head, which made him show his teeth but dare not make a sound.

There's no way. A former host, a current host and two major hosts are negotiating. It's better not to attract their attention.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be myself who will suffer.

"You can't give up! Whether it's for me or for yourself!

If you want to go out and protect your ancient pagoda, you have to continue to pass. You must never lose to thorn mountain.

In fact, even if you get the key to the gate of time and space, I will advise you to continue to break through.

The key hidden in the stone pillar, I wanted to give it to you as a surprise.

However, I didn't expect that thorn mountain's insidious first suppressed the appearance of the real key.

With the key to open the fourth level, you are cheated here.

I think he wants to kill you here! "

The jade skeleton man raised his tone and said a long cross talk.

Gu Xuan smoked at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense, talk about the point!

First of all, tell me how much does it weigh to break through the gates in the palace? "

Without thinking, the jade skeleton man said, "nine in all!"

Gu Xuan raised his chin.

"What is the role of the test after the third level?"

The jade skeleton man pondered for a moment and organized his language.

"In fact, all the tests in the palace have only one purpose.

That is, choose the successor of the palace!

In short, as long as you pass enough tests, you can become the master of the palace and get everything in it.

The key to the gate of time and space is to pass the first three levels of reward.

The sixth level, there are rewards, and according to the situation of customs clearance, the level of reward is different.

The reason why thorn mountain has some permissions here is that he once passed the sixth level and got a token.

If your customs clearance situation is more perfect than his, then you can get a token with greater authority, and in a moment, you can deprive him of everything! "

Gu Xuan analyzed the words of the jade skeleton man.

After a while.

"Since he has passed the sixth level, he should be able to go to the seventh level.

Why do you want to break the fourth level with me now? "

Gu Xuan asked curiously.

The jade skeleton man gave a disdainful smile.

"If you pass the sixth level, there will be the level of clearance.

Moreover, only by the fourth pass to the sixth pass to determine the situation.

Only when you reach [first class], can you continue to break through.

And he, at most, is just the third class.

That point of authority, only in the first three levels.

When we get to the fourth level, we all have no special authority. "

Gu Xuan nodded.

"Bi Chuang Guan, he is a brother!

In other words, I don't need to break through the barriers and get good results.

As long as the result is better than him, can we deprive him of his authority?

At that time, ha ha

Gu Xuan had already figured out 72 ways to decompose the thorn dragon and how to use all parts of his body.

The jade skeleton man said seriously: "Gu Xuan, don't be careless!

That bramble Yue killed me twice. It's a skill. Don't underestimate him.

What's more, he broke through the fourth to the sixth level. I don't know how many times.

Even if the rating is not high, but it is also old experience.

He dares to bring you here. He wants to kill you, so... "

Gu Xuan interrupted: "do you know what the test contents of the fourth to the sixth levels are?"

The jade skeleton man shook his head.

"Specifically, I don't remember.

But I remember my deep evaluation of these three levels: wonderful

Gu Xuan was stunned.

"Wonderful? What do you mean

The jade skeleton man tilted his head and thought for a moment.

"I don't know."

Gu Xuan was angry.

"You are a wonderful flower!"

Jade skeleton man

Gu Xuan's consciousness withdrew from the universe in his hand.

He had a feeling that the jade skeleton man didn't tell the truth.

At least, I didn't tell the whole truth.

That guy is able to feel everything outside through the palm of the world.

However, she did not remind herself when she got the key to the door of fake time and space.

On this point alone, Gu Xuan decided that the jade skeleton man could not be trusted.

"That guy, how many memories have he recovered?

Why do you have to let me pass? "

Gu Xuan thought deeply.

He didn't ask any of these questions.

Because he is very clear, asked, jade skeleton people will also be vague.

Of course, although he didn't ask, Gu Xuan would not be so stupid as to go straight down.

After breaking through the sixth level and getting a reward, he immediately went back to the tomb pavilion to find the key to the gate of time and space.

After that, he took people to leave the sword tomb cave.

As for the next hurdle, no matter how attractive it is, he will not break through it.

No matter how good the reward is, you have to get it, don't you?

Besides, I've been here for a long time. In case the door of time and space falls into a deep sleep again, even if I get the key, I can't get out.

Who are you going to argue with?

"He who dares to play me as a fool will always turn himself into a fool in the end!"

Gu Xuan in the heart a cold hum, then all attention, put in front of this "animal garden" above.

"Gu Xuan, after thinking for so long, don't you even have the courage to push the door?"

Thorn Yue looks at Gu Xuan with a sarcastic look and thinks that Gu Xuan has no courage to open the wooden door in front of him.

With a smile, he strode forward and pushed the door gently.


The door is wide open.

"My young master is just thinking about something?

It's just pushing the door. Can it have something to do with courage?

What a disease

Gu Xuanbai took a look at the thorn mountain and strode into the wooden door.

The thorn mountain snorted coldly.

"Things that only show off their eloquence will look good to you later!"

Thorn mountain also entered the animal garden.

However, after crossing the wooden door, the cold expression on his face and the murder in his eyes all disappeared.

Instead, it was a smiling face like a spring breeze.

"I'll go. You can change your face faster than turning a book.

Is it natural or acquired? Teach me

Gu Xuan sensed the change of the expression of thorn mountain, and it was amazing.

This acting is amazing!

Thorn Yue glanced at Gu Xuan. He didn't even respond to Gu Xuan. He just looked lovingly at the low but exquisite wooden houses not far away.

"Chirp, chirp..."

A series of shrill calls, like the call of a spirit bird.

From the low wooden houses, there are dozens of fat birds with one horn but charming naive.

As they screamed, they pounced on Gu Xuan and thorn mountain.

However, they did not attack the two people, but around their feet, making calls like swearing.

"Chirp, chirp..."

At this time, that very familiar cold female voice, rings out in the void again.

"The fourth level, officially opened!

Customs conditions: find your enemy, conquer your enemy

Gu Xuan's mind is full of question marks.

It's understandable to find the enemy, but what's the ghost of conquering the enemy?

What's more, is the enemy the dozens of fat one horned birds in front of us?

That look, one punch can kill a group of people, right?

wonderful flower!

Sure enough, as the jade skeleton said, this pass is wonderful! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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