"The antidote?"

"What antidote?"

"Is anyone poisoned?"

Elder Fenglei, Li Wuyu and others look at each other face to face and don't know why.

With a sigh, the tower master knew that he could not hide any more, so he told all the disciples of the ancient tower about the poisonous insects.

When people knew the truth, they were angry and angry.

The eyes of hatred all fall on Ke Jiuji.

Ke Jiuji naturally doesn't care about the eyes of a group of saints.

He was also surprised at Gu Xuangang's words.

He didn't expect that Gu Xuan would be so easy to talk and would let him and Ke Xiaodu leave first.

And the condition is that he gives the antidote first.

He had to leave first and hand over the antidote first. This was the right thing to do. He didn't need Gu Xuan to put forward it. Ke Jiuji would do it on his own initiative.

Otherwise, he will be insincere in this transaction.

Now, instead of offering anything else, Gu Xuan surprised Ke Jiuji for a while, for fear that Gu Xuan was going to use any tricks.

"Gu xuankeqing, you are really a cheerful person!

Just follow your advice.

I'll give you the antidote first, you let me and Ke Xiaodu get out of the space-time channel first! "

Ke Jiuji laughs and seems to want to try again.

"But in order for both sides to have a guarantee, we must make a vow at the same time.

I promise, the antidote for you is true.

You promise that you and the tower master will not use any means to prevent me and Xiaodu from leaving!

How about it? "

Ke Jiuji's wishful thinking is very loud.

Once he swore, even if Gu Xuan wanted to go back, it was impossible.

At that time, he will be completely relieved.

The tower owner snorted coldly and said, "old fox!"

He wanted to persuade Gu Xuan not to agree with Ke Jiuji. It was too cheap for him.

Unfortunately, the lives of all the elders and disciples of the ancient pagoda are still in Ke Jiuji's mind. If he does not agree to his request, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Gu Xuan smiles.

"I don't want to make trouble. It's best!

In order to show sincerity, Ke Jiuji, it's up to you to swear first.

After that, I will take your oath.

In this way, you don't have to worry. There will be text traps in my oath. "

Gu Xuan said it sincerely.

This makes Ke Jiuji feel embarrassed.

It seems that it is the heart of a villain that leads to the belly of a gentleman.

Gu Xuan is a warrior who really wants to save the ancient pagoda. He doesn't want any accident.

At the same time, Ke Jiuji began to envy the tower owner.

It's the golden age of the ancient pagoda to get the help of Gu Xuan!

Even if it is nine poison Valley, for a long time, I'm afraid it can't compete with the ancient pagoda.

Looking at Gu Xuan, his eyes were full of gratitude.

"Gu xuankeqing, please listen carefully, I will start to swear now!

I, Ke Jiuji, swear... "

Ke Jiuji's eyes were firm, and he said a long series of vows.

It probably means that they will take out the real antidote to the warriors of the ancient pagoda. Otherwise, they will destroy their body and soul.

After listening, Gu Xuan couldn't help admiring Ke Jiuji.

This old guy, almost all the loopholes in the oath have been blocked.

Simply want to play word games, distorted oath Yin him, almost no possibility.

"It's your turn."

Ke Jiuji looked at Gu Xuan with vigilance, but he was full of expectation.

In his opinion, this is the last game between the two.

If Gu xuanruo really had a plot, now is the last chance to break out.

Otherwise, once swore, all dust settled, all plots are useless.

How can Gu Xuan leave himself, no matter how powerful he is, when he comes out of the cave?

Without hesitation, Gu Xuan made his own vows according to the format of Ke Jiuji's vows, without any elements of falsification and manipulation.

After listening, Ke Jiuji was in a good mood.

It's really over.

The ancient pagoda was moved by the elders and disciples. Several female disciples cried out.

Only Li Wuyu and the tower owner, a saint and a great consummation, are full of doubts about Gu Xuan's attitude.

The calmer and more cooperative Gu Xuan was, the more insincere they felt!

I'm kidding. When was Gu xuankeqing so easy to talk?

After forcing him to compromise, do you want to have a good end?

Is there such a good thing in the world?

However, Gu Xuan's behavior is really unpredictable. In their hearts, there are only three words: I can't guess.

"Gu xuankeqing, this is my sincerity. Please accept it!"

With a smile on his face and a wave of his right hand, Ke Jiuji flew to Gu Xuan with more than 30 pills.

Gu Xuan sniffed it lightly and swept away the power of his soul. Then he determined that these pills were exactly the antidote for killing the larvae of the multicolored poisonous bee.

After taking the elixir, the poison in the body of the elders and disciples of the ancient pagoda will be solved immediately.

"Jiuji Daoyou is a true believer."

With a flick of his right long sleeve, Gu Xuan flew to the mouth of an elder disciple.

Without hesitation, they ate it in their mouth.

The pills certified by Gu xuankeqing won't have any problems.

Soon, Gu Xuan was sure that all the elders and disciples were OK.

At this time, the tower master's eyes became a little bad.

He whispered: "brother Gu Xuan, the elixir has been cheated. What's the trick? Let's kill Ke Jiuji!"

Gu Xuanbai looks at the tower master.

But he has taken an oath honestly. There are almost no loopholes in the oath. How can he repent?

"Please, you can leave first!"

Instead of paying attention to the tower owner, Gu Xuan made an invitation to Ke Jiuji and Ke Xiaodu.

Ke Jiuji arched his hand to Gu Xuan and walked to the front of the passage of time and space.

"Tower master, Gu xuankeqing, there are many misunderstandings before.

However, all of you have been trapped here for 100000 years. Now, once you get out of trouble, you will be reborn. What hatred can't be put down?

Ke Jiuji solemnly promises that when we get out of here, we will never take the initiative to provoke the ancient pagoda in the future.

I hope you can think about it.

Even though we cannot be friends, we should not be enemies.

Goodbye, ladies and gentlemen

Before he left, Ke Jiuji's words showed his true feelings, sincerity and level.

In a trance, people almost thought that the man in front of them was a highly respected elder, not Ke Jiuji, a vicious and murderous man.

Fortunately, this feeling disappeared in the blink of an eye.

They soon understood.

Now, the rise of the ancient pagoda has been irresistible, and the decline of the nine poison Valley has been doomed.

Ke Jiuji's words and humble attitude are just used to confuse everyone and gain some time for the development of Jiudu valley.

One vein of the ancient pagoda and nine poison valley are already incompatible with each other. After going out, how can the two chambers be safe?


If the situation turns around, Ke Jiuji is afraid that the next day he will lead people to the ancient pagoda.

Besides, I'm afraid he won't even believe what Ke Jiuji said.

People are sure that after Ke Jiuji goes back, he will move the old nest of Jiudu Valley for the first time.

"Come on, poison, follow me!"

Ke Jiuji grabs Ke Xiaodu's shoulder and moves through the gate of time and space. He jumps into the passage of time and space and disappears.

With a whoosh, the tower owner rushed to the gate of time and space.

"Gu Xuan, they have already gone. The oath you made is no longer bound.

Let's catch up and kill them, or directly disturb the passage of time and space, let them fall into the chaos of time and space and wait to die!

Make up your mind quickly, or they will really go out! "

The tower owner urged.

A group of elder disciples, also looking at Gu Xuan, are ready.

As long as Gu Xuan gives an order, they will catch up immediately.

Gu Xuan didn't give an order. He just looked at the gate of time and space with a dignified look.

"Nothing to do! Just watch it here.

We have to pay the time debt we owe.

Ke Jiuji is already a dead man. "

Gu Xuan seemed to be talking to people and to himself.

He took out the little master's order and waved it gently to the void. A ray of light flew out and turned into a dark mirror, suspended in the void.

In the dark mirror, there is a scene deep in a dark canyon.

That's the other side of the space-time channel!

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