
A token and a plaque, actually took the initiative to break away from Gu Xuan's body, flew out and circled around his body.

Two rays of light, from the token and plaque, are in the middle of the space-time vortex in the void.


There was an explosion.

The whirlpool of time and space broke away.

Gu Xuan immediately felt that Shouyuan, which had just passed away, had risen back in less than a year.

"How could it be?"

Gu Xuan was shocked.

Shouyuan lost, can you return it?

Gu Xuan looked at Shao Zhu Ling and most of the tablets, and a bold idea came out of his mind.

Since these two things can help you fight against the correction effect of the law of time, can you help the tower owner and others fight against it?

Gu Xuan was a little excited when he thought about it.

If you can help the tower owner and others to keep Shouyuan, that is to find a large group of thugs. Yingtianzong's strength will change dramatically!

Gu Xuan immediately wanted to have a try.

He stretched out his hand and called back the little Lord's order.

But most of the plaque seemed to have his own idea. It was still suspended in front of Gu Xuan. He didn't mean to listen to his orders.

"I know what you want to do?

But it has to be done step by step.

After all, so many people, everyone needs to save 900000 yuan.

It's going to cost you enough energy to do it 10000 times. "

A sound came from the plaque.

The voice is very unreal and slow.

As far as the time of his speech was concerned, Gu Xuan felt that he had said the same thing three times.

Gu Xuan had heard this voice once before.

Last time, Gu Xuan felt that the owner of the voice seemed to have a low IQ.

Now, he still feels that way.

Normal people who talk so slowly?

"Are you the spirit of the plaque?"

Gu Xuan asked tentatively.

Instead of answering Gu Xuan's question, the plaque said to himself:

"If you really want to help them, put me and the little Lord in your palm.

It's OK to find another immortal tool, or one that has fallen into the realm.

In a word, those who can carry the Tao of time and space will do.

The little Lord and I will help you slowly change the world in your hand and make the time flow in it ten times slower than the outside world.

At that time, you only need to pay a very small price to let them keep Shouyuan and move freely in the outside world. "

I still speak very slowly.

Gu Xuan listened patiently. He just wanted to kiss them with the plaque.

"Changing the time flow of the world in your hand?

Ten times slower than the outside world?

Once successful, doesn't it mean that one year's cultivation in the palm world is worth ten years outside?

It's just a sharp weapon for cultivation! "

Gu Xuan was very excited.

One year of cultivation can be worth ten years, which sounds like it doesn't have much feeling.

But if so, what about 100000 years and a million years?

This is the difference between life and death.

"However, it's troublesome to need immortal utensils or fallen ones to carry the way of time and space.

Even if it is an immortal tool that has fallen into the realm, it is also much stronger than the ordinary emperor's tool. I don't know how many times it is. It is a rare treasure.

It's going to have to wait, there it is! "

Gu Xuan was worried about where to look for such a treasure, but his mind flashed.

I almost forgot the ready-made treasure!

"Mountain and river map, come out!"

Ancient Xuanxin read a move, then called out the mountain and river map.

Whoa, whoa.

A picture scroll, open in front of Gu Xuan.

"I don't know what you've done when you call me out."

The wolf spirit in the mountain and river map had just emerged half of his head and was ready to flatter him. But before he finished speaking, he saw most of the plaque floating around him.

Whoa, whoa.


The picture fell directly to the ground.

The wolf spirit was so scared that he couldn't even control the flight of shanhetu.

The pressure on the plaque is too exaggerated. Compared with Gu Xuan, the master, the pressure is even greater!

"Immortals... Immortals?"

The wolf spirit stammered.

"Why? You actually have half of a set of immortal tools?

If this set of immortal utensils is in its heyday, it should also be able to change the time flow.

That's good. It should fit perfectly with the way of time and space that I released.

With it, I will soon be able to transform the world in your hands! "

On the plaque, there is a light.

A force of time and space, turned into a chain, flew out, and bound the mountains and rivers in an instant.

"Release the world in your hand, and I'll take it and the little Lord's order in."

The plaque reminds us.

"No, no! Master, don't let it devour me!

I feel that it wants to wear out my will and completely control me.

Master, my subordinates have been loyal to you. Don't kill me

Wolf spirit with cry cavity, to Gu Xuan beg for mercy.

It thinks that guxuan is to let the plaque devour and refine it.

Gu Xuan frowned.

The wolf spirit is the spirit of the mountain and river map. Although he has only been with him for a short time, he is respectful to him and doesn't make any mistakes. We can't let the plaque go wrong and get rid of it.

"Master plaque, this wolf spirit belongs to me. You can't swallow it."

Gu Xuan reminds a way.

The plaque laughs.

"I'm really going to devour it. Since you can't bear it, that's all.

I didn't expect that. You're very emotional.

So, good, really good.

I'm in a good mood. Let me tell you my name.

I am called "Wutong". This is part of Pangu's body. The tree was buried by the master of the temple, and was cut off by the magic axe, and was refined into a plaque.

So, Wutong, you will call me "Wutong" or "old Indus".

Gu Xuan's heart was full of shock.

A part of Pangu's body, the transformed tree?

This rounding is about one in ten thousand of Pangu God, right?

"I have seen Wutong predecessors!"

Gu Xuan could not help but respectfully salute the plaque and release the world in his hand.

Old Wutong drags the mountains and rivers, and flies into the palm of the world with a few master orders.

In the palm of the world, immediately came a commotion.

"Damn it! Gu Xuan, I knew that plaque was a good thing!

Good luck again, you fellow

As soon as he saw the plaque that said "fairy Palace", the tower owner immediately recognized it. It was the plaque that Gu Xuan had taken off at the gate of the dilapidated palace.

However, the plaque at that time only had the word "mountain palace" on it.

The tower owner, who did not know that the plaque was extraordinary, even scoffed at Gu Xuan's taking it off.

But now, the tower master's intestines are green with regret.

His imagination is amazing. He has already determined that Gu Xuan can get so many opportunities in the palace because of this plaque!

Gu Xuan smiles triumphantly.

"Tower master, there are some things you can't envy.

My luck is really beyond your imagination.

By the way, don't call this plaque that plaque impolite.

This is the old Wutong predecessor, who helped me transform the time flow of my palm in the world.

After the success, it will help you keep Shouyuan.

Therefore, we must be respectful to our elders and never neglect them! "

Gu Xuan reminds the tower master and others that if they offend their predecessors, who can bear it?

Tower master and others smell speech, the body all involuntarily short half.

"Oh, it was" old Wutong "predecessor! Disrespect, disrespect

The tower leader took the lead, rushed to the plaque and bowed to salute.

A plaque that can change the speed of time and flow is so strong, OK?

How can such a senior do without flattering him?

Gu Xuan despised the flattering attitude of the tower leader.

Wutong, how long time will it take for you to help me change the time flow of my palm in the world?

Gu Xuan finally remembered the key problem.

"Don't worry, soon!

A thousand years is enough

The tone of old Wutong is very proud.

It's really fast and proud of it.

Tower master and others smell words, eyes constantly shine.

They've been waiting for 100000 years. What's a thousand years?

A thousand years, in exchange for 900000 yuan, make a lot of money, OK?

Gu Xuan almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

A thousand years?

God special thousand years, God special very fast!

A basin of cold water, pouring the heart of ancient Xuan cool cool.

White is happy!

"Make sure that this is where the God killing cemetery is, and then find a way out.

It's best to meet Xiao OU on the way!

I'm going to beat him up and take it out

Gu Xuan, full of depression and anger, turned into a light and flew out of the Canyon!

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