"My choice?"

Gu Xuan looked at the Lord of Shengling castle as if he was looking at the funniest fool in the world.

"What qualifications do you have for me to choose?

My young master said that today we will raze your holy castle to the ground, and let you damned souls pay the price they deserve.

Do you think young master Ben is joking? "


On Gu Xuan's body, he burst out the most powerful momentum.

This momentum, unexpectedly, is equal to the momentum of the Lord of taling castle!

The Lord of the castle snorted heavily.

"I'll beat you half to death if I propose a toast instead of a penalty!

Do you really think that with your strength, you can walk horizontally here?

You will never know how powerful a true great consummation is unless it is a great consummation

With a roar from the castle owner, his right hand turned up and beat, the whole space began to twist and disorder, as if to tear apart everything in this field.

"The way of space confuses all things!"

Gu Xuan felt that there were countless terrible forces on his body. He was pulling his body, as if he wanted to tear his whole body apart and reorganize it.

If you were any other high-level monarch, even the peak monarch, under this terrible power, your body would split up in a moment.

However, Gu Xuan is still like a nobody.

This level of strength can't even hurt him.

"A small skill of carving insects!"

Gu Xuan laughed scornfully.

Gu Xuan raised his sword to kill the sky and made a slight stroke to the void. A great force of space turned into a ripple of space and scattered around.

This space ripple, only a circle, from small to large, spread to the whole area in a moment.

Where we pass, the original disordered space is directly calmed down and becomes extremely calm. It seems that there is no space fluctuation.

The pupil of the castle master suddenly shrank.

"How can your way of space be so powerful?"

Gu Xuan gave a scornful smile.

"What's impossible? Show off your space in front of me, you are asking for trouble!

Originally, I stayed in your field to hear what you wanted to say?

Unexpectedly, it's all rubbish.

If you had known that, you should not have allowed your space field to develop smoothly! "

The castle master of Shengling Castle looks cold.

"Well! You are already in my field. What's the point of such big talk?

It's not my boast, I want to expand the field of space, no one can stop me!

Once in my space field, no one can go out!

You're good... "

The Lord of Shengling castle was about to speak harshly, but before he finished, he was interrupted by Gu Xuan.

"Is it?"

Gu Xuan disdained to smile.


He once again waved the sword and stabbed at the top of his head!


Sword point in the void, a bang!

The space that enveloped the castle owners of guxuan and taling directly broke a big hole and soon began to collapse.

All the scenes, from far to near.

They were back where they were again.

The old man and the old woman are still behind Gu Xuan.

General Wu Kui, however, is still standing behind the Lord of Shengling castle.

However, at the moment, the castle master and general Wu Kui have a ghost like look on their face.

Especially the castle master, no one knows better than him how wonderful his space field is and how many people he once trapped.

But Gu Xuan, with only one sword, directly cracked this field!

This means that Gu Xuan's way of space is not only superior to him.

Their control of the way of space is not at the same level.

"There's no reason! What treasure do you have?

Even though you are a strong man in the realm of great consummation, as long as it is not a disaster of great consummation, it is impossible to break my realm with one sword?

Besides, you are not perfect at all.

You can't be so accomplished in the way of space! "

So far, the owner of Shengling castle is not willing to believe the fact that he was destroyed by Gu Xuan.

More reluctant to believe that Gu Xuan's attainments in space are much higher than his!

Gu Xuan shook his head and sighed.

"You are full of powerful people. Can't you even see what treasure I used?

I only use this sword!

Believe it or not, admit it or not, my master's attainments in space are higher than you.

If you have any other skills, make them come out!

Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll never have another chance with my hand. "

Gu Xuan naturally won't tell the truth. He tells the castle master that what he is good at is not only the way of space, but also the more profound and mysterious way of time and space than the way of space!

The reason why Gu Xuan just broke the space domain of the castle master with one sword was his way of time and space!

In the eyes of the castle master, there was a touch of blood red.

The frightful killing broke out from the body, making the surrounding air seem to be a bit sticky.

"You are too arrogant, Gu Xuan!

No one ever dared to talk to me like that.

I've decided to kill you now.

There are other feasible ways to attract Princess rosefinch to come, even if it's a little trouble.

If you don't die, I can't get rid of my hatred! "

The Lord of Shengling castle was completely angry. He would not stop killing Gu Xuan.

"You just stay where you are. Don't move."

Gu Xuan reminds the old man and the old woman behind him.

He had already felt a sense of extreme danger from the Lord of Shengling castle, and knew that the other side was going to be serious.

This is exactly what Gu Xuan wanted.

He also wants to see the strength of the great perfect strong in the nether world!

"You Lan Gu gun, come on!"

The castle owner of the spirit of birth gave a loud drink, and a blue long gun appeared in his hand.

Starting with the long gun, the momentum of the Lord of taling Castle suddenly changed, becoming more rigid and more indomitable.

"Gu Xuan is dead!

The nine kill gun formula

With a loud shout, the castle master waved his long gun forward, nine guns in a row. The gun made the space explode, and the gun gave birth to countless illusions.

Each of these long gun phantoms is like substance, and each one contains the power of law.

On the body of the gun, runes flow continuously to enhance its power.

"Ha ha ha, Gu Xuan, you are dead!

This set of gun formula, the power of the strong, the magic of the shooting, the use of the law of energy, all are the level of the great circle of the strong!

It can be said that castle master Shi's display of this set of gun formula is already treating you as a strong man of Da Yuanman level!

Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan, it's your destiny that you can die under the master's gun formula

General Wu Kui looked at Gu Xuan with a happy face, and said sarcastically.

In his opinion, Gu Xuan is already a situation of ten dead and no life!

The old woman and the old man's face changed greatly.

Indeed, this move of the castle master is too strong!

"Lord Gu Xuan, if you can't fight, you'll run away. Don't worry about us!"

As soon as the old woman gritted her teeth, she directly transmitted the sound with her soul and told Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan just gave a faint smile and didn't mean to escape.

"Jiu Mie gun Jue is really strong enough.

But it's far from enough to kill the young master! "


Zhutian sword once again crossed the mysterious arc in the void, and the dazzling edge of the sword burst out from the body of the sword.

"Zhutian San Mie sword array!

Break it for me

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