"Look at the energy fluctuation on these two seal chains. It should be set by the Lord of the spirit of birth castle."

After Gu Xuan's exploration, he analyzed the strength of the seal chain.

Gu Xuan offered a sword to kill heaven and slashed it.


A crisp sound.

The two seal chains were cut off at the same time, turned into pieces, fell to the ground, and had no power.

As soon as the seal chain disappeared, the whole mountain was in turmoil.

The forbidden energy on the mountain becomes more fluent and powerful, and its defense is greatly enhanced.

This shows that the previous seal chain not only sealed the mountain, but also weakened the mountain's guard and prohibition.

Once it is weakened to the extreme, the Lord of taling castle will surely use his means to invade it.

Unfortunately, he provoked Gu Xuan. This goal is impossible to achieve.

"Master of wood Valley, master of tomb Valley, the castle of spirit of birth has disappeared. It's safe here. You can open the guard prohibition."

The old woman was holding a piece of letter stone in her hand. After activation, who was she talking to.

Soon, the void trembled, and a dark mirror flew out of the mountain and appeared on the heads of the people, as if they were exploring the outside world.

A moment later, the dark mirror disappeared.

The gate of the mountain opened with a roar.

The guardian energy over the mountain is half weaker, but it never completely disappears.

Two goatee as like as two peas in appearance and clothes, came out of the mountain gate.

Behind them were a dozen undead warriors.

The expressions on people's faces were very complicated, both surprised and uneasy, as well as a kind of happiness for the rest of their lives.

"Lord Gu Xuan, it's you!

You must have saved us, right?

Thank you so much. You've saved Muzhong Canyon twice before. "

A familiar voice sounded from behind the two old goat bearers.

Gu Xuan followed the sound and saw a woman looking at herself in surprise.

The woman, whom Gu Xuan knew, was one of the two men he saved from a group of nightmare lizards when he first came to Muzhong canyon.

"It's you. Your strength has improved a lot. You are the first emperor.

Unfortunately, it seems that the promotion was hasty and the foundation was not stable.

By the way, didn't I help you with a nightmare lizard leader? What happened to it? "

Gu Xuan carried his hands and gave an easy-going smile.

The woman's face was gloomy.

"Mr. Gu Xuan has a brilliant eye. If I can be promoted, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to have a stable foundation in this life.

But I'm content to be the first emperor.

It's just that I'm sorry, my Lord.

The leader of the nightmare lizard you helped me to accept has fallen in order to save me. "

When the woman was dejected, a man behind her gently put her in his arms.

Gu Xuan smoked at the corner of his mouth.

The man was also saved by him at the beginning.

It seems that, like women, they were promoted by external forces, which led to the unstable foundation of the first emperor.

However, these two guys came to show their love for no reason. How unreasonable!

"Xiuer, don't be rude!

We should respect our predecessors more. "

At the same time, the two old men bowed to Gu Xuan, and with a thump, they knelt down.

"I have twice saved Muzhong gorge from danger. I really can't repay you for my great kindness. If you are sent by me in the future, I will repay you with all my heart and soul!"

The master of the wood Valley knocked his head three times to Gu Xuandong.

The valley owner kowtowed his head together.

This operation, the people around, see a Leng Leng.

Gu Xuan didn't respond immediately.

In front of them, you can tell by their names that they are the masters of the Muzhong gorge, the eldest one here, and they are usually superior. How can they be so upright?

Come up on your knees and kowtow?

This is too polite.

Gu Xuan quickly waved his hand, and an invisible force gushed out, holding them up.

But soon, Gu Xuan said in his heart that it was not good.

These two guys, on the one hand, have such a big gift. Either they have excessive demands, or they are extremely stingy and don't want to give any thanks.

How unkind!

The world is dangerous. I'm still too young!

"Two valley masters, why?

Although I have saved you, I don't need to give you such a big gift.

I just spent 200000 yuan. It's no big deal.

If you really want to thank me, feel free to... "

Before Gu Xuan's words were finished, little green interrupted Gu Xuan's words with a proud face: "a group of idiots!

My boss saves you, that's all. Don't take yourself too seriously.

Boss, the main thing is to save me!

I'm the boss's favorite Ling pet. My name is Xiao Lu. You should be good... Ouch

Gu Xuan left a fierce chestnut on Little Green's head, and almost knocked him unconscious.

"Fortunately, shut up and get out of the way!

I'll settle with you later. You'd better figure out how to explain. You've caused me trouble this time! "

There are black lines all over Gu Xuan's forehead.

This little green is so stupid!

I'm so smart and handsome, so I've got a 250 as my pet?

Little green covered her head, completely did not know why she was suddenly beaten, but still obediently went to one side, do introspection.

"If you don't thank me for your kindness, you are really kind and righteous!

The elder paid so much, but he was afraid that our burden was too heavy, so he even inspired lingchong to say so many words, which let us ease our guilt.

Master, what a good master

The wood Valley master was moved to tears.

The tomb Valley master wanted to kneel down and kowtow again, but he was held by the wood Valley master.

"We don't want to bear too much burden in our heart, so we have to do it!

It's enough to be grateful to your predecessors. You must not be superficial. It's too pompous.

Not only us, but also all of us should keep in mind our gratitude to our predecessors! "

The wood Valley Lord turns around and says to the younger generation behind him.

Gu Xuan was stunned.

The brain tonic ability of the wood Valley master is against the sky!

I don't mean that at all, OK?

You have to thank me, young master. You can take good things and precious things directly. No matter how much, you can be more valuable. I frown. I lose!

But at this point, Gu Xuan, no matter how cheeky he was, couldn't reach out for the money.

It's all about that stupid little green!

Looking for opportunities, we must teach it a good lesson, let it know, more mouth, will be beaten into dumb!

Little green shivered and suddenly felt that a chill fell on her.

But on second thought, the boss is here. What else is the danger?

Everything is an illusion. It's just an illusion.

"What has happened to the necromancer cemetery in the past year?

What's the secret of this Muzhong gorge that attracts people from the netherworld?

These things, I need to know. "

Gu Xuan's eyes swept over the people.

Wood Valley Lord and tomb Valley Lord smell speech, exchange a look, confirmed each other's idea.

Master Mugu bowed and made a gesture of invitation.

"Master Gu Xuan, it's not possible to clarify everything for a while.

Please follow us into lingchi mountain and talk about it in detail.

What we want to know, we know everything and say everything. "

Gu Xuan nodded and entered the Mountain Gate with the tomb Valley master.

Poor afraid of saints, little green, old woman and others, closely followed up.

In the end, only the master of the wood Valley and a dozen undead warriors were left outside.

"Lin Xiu, Lin Zhi, take people with you, go to gather the old headquarters, and straighten out the Muzhong gorge.

The castle disappeared, and many people who had been forced to stay would want to leave.

If you want to leave, let them go. If you want to stay, make statistics.

Go ahead. "

The Mugu master gave the order.

Lin Xiu and Lin Zhi are just a man and a woman who show love before.

When they received their orders, they took people away.

At this moment, Gu Xuan and his party have come to a huge pool.

The pool, ten feet long and ten feet wide, is located in the core of the mountain interior space.

The pool looks very ordinary.

Pure dead air, rolling in the pool, makes it add a sense of mystery.

The wood Valley owner has come to the pool.

"Master guxuan, this is the Shengling pool.

The new dead are born here! "

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