Gu Xuan has been wondering since just now.

The old Wutong forefather clearly said that he would help him transform his palm in the middle world, and even the master master brought him in. Why did he not have a movie?

And it's very deep. Even I've been looking for it for a long time before I locked it.

After waiting for a long time, the old Wutong did not respond. The ancient Xuan stepped out of the way, and turned into a recluse. It came to the edge of the world, a grass.

Step on your right foot.


The world in my hand is shocked.

The ground cracked, revealing a plaque in the deepest part of the earth.

"What are you hiding here, old Wutong?"

Gu Xuan is a wonderful person.

Is this old Wutong forefather afraid of the princess rosefinch?

There's no reason, is there?

Princess rosefinch is strong, but she is only a human being here after all. If she can abuse the tower leader, it is the top heaven.

At the very most, it is equivalent to the old Wutong predecessor, and will never be stronger than it. What's so terrible about this?

What's more, this is her own territory. Princess suque also brought it by herself. Who can it do harm to?

I didn't see the tower leader's disgusting appearance. Although he was beaten at the beginning, didn't he get so many treasures?

The old Wutong found himself in a mysterious way, but he did not fly out. He hummed a cold. "I am only at the bottom of the ground, and I have a nap."

Don't you have to guess?

You don't think I'm afraid of that rosefinch, do you?

Ha ha, thanks for your imagination, it's ridiculous

After a proud plaque, after all, or slowly toward the direction of Princess rosefinch, flew in the past.

Princess rosefinch looked at the plaque curiously. From the plaque, she felt a deep and mysterious, with some familiar breath.


Princess rosefinch squinted.

Can let oneself feel familiar thing, that is worth to have a good look.

"Fairy palace?"

Princess rosefinch stared at most of the plaque, and her memory was quickly aroused in her mind.

As soon as you look at the plaque, you can see that it was from ancient times.

In ancient times, Da Yuanman was everywhere. A piece of meteorite fell from the sky, and it could hit several if it was not careful.

In that case, those who dare to use the name of "fairy Palace" must have arrogant capital, not a lonely and nameless force.

Moreover, according to Gu Xuangang who was just outside, he wanted to tell the full name of the fairy palace, but he couldn't say it at all. It was as if a force had stopped him in the dark. Combined with all kinds of circumstances, Princess suque had an answer in her heart.

"You call old Wutong, right? Are you the one who lost Phoenix

Princess rosefinch's eyes turned into crescent moon, and her smile was like a flower, as if she thought of something happy.


As soon as the plaque flew in front of Princess rosefinch, she heard such a sentence. She trembled and fell to the ground.

Soon, a little old man, who is only one meter five in height and has a young face, appeared from the plaque.

"Forgive the slowness of the villain, only now recognize your royal highness, and ask your royal highness not to take offence.

The little man is the master of Feng, a small instrument spirit. The body is originally Wutong, and the Phoenix is the master.

Because I am Wutong, so I am not very intelligent and slow in response. Otherwise, the villain will come out early and meet the royal highness of princess.

The old Wutong kneels down before Princess rosefinch, and the attitude is very humble.

This scene, let tower Lord, Gu Xuan and others, all shocked.

The Wutong's strength has reach the acme of perfection, but it can only transform the palm of the world, and the superb means. All of them have decided that he is strong enough to be against the sky, and that he will not be under the princess rosefinch.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he saw Princess rosefinch, he was just like a ghost. He was afraid to be like this and had no dignity, so he knelt down directly.

The tower master raised his eyebrows and felt that he had met his opponent.

The old Wutong predecessor is not under himself.

At least, this kneeling is of high standard, showing humbleness and submission.

The tower master feels that he still has a long way to go on the way of flattery.

"Oh! Phoenix master?

A fallen Phoenix is also called the Phoenix master?

Your old master looks shameless.

Can she bear these two words? "

Princess rosefinch sneered and sneered.

The body of the old Wutong tree trembled slightly, and the fist clenched, as if holding back its anger.

When Gu Xuan saw this scene, he had a bad secret in his heart.

These two guys are all against the sky. If they fight, the world in their hands will be doomed.

"Why, angry?

I call her Luofeng, I insult her, you as her instrument spirit, this can endure?

Don't you want to beat Princess Ben and take her out? "

Princess rosefinch took the initiative to provoke.

There was a thump in everyone's heart.

If there is a fight, everyone present will suffer.

"Ha ha, you are all the guests of my world now.

Besides, this is not an ancient time.

Your old stories are long gone, so don't mention them any more.

Why don't you think about the happy things, such as how to transform the world in your hands, how to keep the Shouyuan of tower owners and others

Gu Xuan wants to be a peacemaker and change the subject.

Princess rosefinch is white Gu Xuan one eye.

"Don't talk so much! It's just the spirit of falling Phoenix. I didn't pay attention to it.

Don't say I just scold Tuofeng. I just trample on Tuofeng. Do you think he dares to say a word? "

The old Wutong kneels on the ground, and the body is trembling fiercely. The energy of the fury is flowing in the body, as if it will burst out any time.

He clenched his fist more tightly.

Gu Xuan screams that it's over. Who can bear Princess suque's insulting his old master?

It is estimated that it is on the verge of an outbreak.

Ancient Xuan has secretly mobilized energy and made preparations to stop the fight.

The tower leader and others have retreated secretly.

However, at this time, a scene that everyone did not expect happened.

Old Wutong was angry to the extreme, instead of making a shot, instead of crying, he cried for a while, and was not satisfied. The little short hand began to beat his chest.

The crowd was shocked.

What's going on?

Nima, angry to the extreme, is not an outbreak, but cry?

"Your Highness, you broke the villain. How dare you do it?"

Even Lord Feng is here, I dare not do anything to you! "

The old Wutong hammer is enough for its chest and kowtow.

Princess rosefinch looked scornful.

"Well, don't howl. You're wise.

If you really dare to do it, today, all the people in the ancient pagoda should be able to see the sun again, and still keep all Shouyuan.

It's a pity that you didn't have the courage to do it.

Then I have no excuse to pinch you. It's a pity. "

Princess rosefinch shook her head and glanced at Gu Xuan.

The old mysterious man looked at the old Wutong, and held his chin. He did not know what he was thinking.

Old Wutong did not come to reason.

It's kind of weird, isn't it?

Is the words of Princess rosefinch suggestive of something?

For example, remind Gu Xuan that she has no excuse to be herself, so ask Gu Xuan to help find an excuse?

If you want to add crime, why not?

Princess Zhuque wants Gu Xuan to be a villain. If Gu Xuan is greedy and agrees, she can find any excuse to ask Princess Zhuque to deal with herself. Then she is not bad?

Old Wutong shivered and looked for help as if to look at the old mystery.

Gu Xuan naturally understood the meaning of Princess suque's words.

But he's not like that!

Old Wutong predecessor, though slow, is still very good. He promised to help himself transform his palm in the middle world. How could he have any adverse thoughts on him?

Gu Xuan coughed twice.

"Cough, Princess highness, old Wutong predecessor, we still forget unhappy things.

Let's talk about cooperation!

If Princess highness and old Wutong predecessors join hands, can we speed up the transformation of the palm to the middle world?

Or will it cost less to keep the longevity of the ancient pagodas? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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