Xuezu stares at Wuhei.

There is an impulse to slap it to death.

It seems that there is no hope for the moment.

The blood ancestor also knew Gu Xuan's worries. On the sky, the mysterious warrior who used a huge hammer to break the guard mask of the tianwu chamber of Commerce's warship had not appeared yet!

Gu Xuan naturally did not want to be exposed first.

In that case, you will be in trouble if you are in the light and the enemy is in the dark.

At the moment, black feels pressure.

The bandits in the realm of five holy kings are constantly mobilizing their momentum and pressing hard on him.

"How powerful are the five of us?

Unless he is a high-level saint, even the ordinary middle-level saint can not be as unmoved as he is.

How strong is this man? "

The second leader's expression became more dignified.

Involuntarily, he strengthened his momentum.

Black still stood, motionless.

Although he could not feel the pressure, his inner fear was indispensable in any case.

He felt that his heart would burst.

As an elementary Xuansheng, he has to face five kings or murderous robbers. This kind of psychological pressure can be imagined.

If it wasn't in the bone of the stick in his hand, he would have been scared to death.

"It's time to go to war."

Gu Xuan looked at Wu Hei with a smile and a flick of his right hand.

A drop of water fell on the black forehead.

Wu Hei was startled, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

That drop of water, also at this time along the cheek, rolling down.


The water drops fell on the deck.

The sound is very small.

On the warships that are shouting, fighting and killing everywhere, constantly having energy collision and explosion, this sound is approaching to nothing.

However, the sound, falling in the ears of the five robbers, was like a heavy hammer hitting on a drum.

In the eyes of the second leader, there was a flash of murder and a sudden color.

"That's ridiculous. You've been bluffing all the time.

We thought, how strong are you?

Unexpectedly, it's just an embroidered pillow. How scared are you?

Brothers, let's fight together and kill them for me! "

Whoosh, whoosh.

Five robbers in the realm of the holy monarch attack at the same time. From five directions, they strike hard at the black!

The black face changed greatly. Unexpectedly, a drop of liquid that suddenly fell on the forehead would be regarded as cold sweat, which attracted the enemy to attack.

A threat of death enveloped him in an instant.

Once again, black is desperate.

Sure enough, the attack of the five saints was not something that he, a little Xuansheng, could resist.

"But even if I want to die, I can't die so cowardly!

Fight, I will fight

Wu Hei clenched his teeth and waved the bone in his hand, exerting his most powerful martial arts.

"Tian Gang Fu Long Jue!"


With a sudden wave of the stick bone, the wind was generated by dancing, which gave birth to many illusions. It turned into a barrier and sealed the black body tightly without any flaw!

In a trance, the illusion was like a real dragon hovering around the black body, protecting him firmly.

Boom boom!

At this moment, the thunder killing moves of the second leader and the other four early saints finally fell around the black, and hit each other with the stick.

Bang bang.

The sound of five explosions in a row was earth shaking, shaking the whole warship, twisting and breaking the surrounding space.

The figures of the five robbers came and went quickly, and all of them flew back out with a big mouthful of blood in their mouths.

Their eyes were full of disbelief.

"How can it be? How can this person be so strong?

He just deliberately made a drop of sweat, and he was actually luring us to attack?

What a deep plan

The second leader's face was pale and his mouth was bleeding. He said the last few words of his life.

After that, he swallowed his last breath.

As for the other four robbers in the realm of the first emperor, the moment they came into contact with the bony bones, they were shocked by the powerful power from the bony bones, breaking the meridians and bones of their whole body, and they could not die any more.

Dong Dong Dong.

Five lifeless bodies landed on the deck again.

Looking at the five corpses, Wu Hei stopped dancing his stick bone.

"I won," he murmured? I killed five kings?

How strong am I?

No, no, it's all thanks to this stick?

What kind of treasure is this? At the beginning, I clearly felt that it was just taking advantage of it. How could it have such powerful power? "

At this moment, the eyes of most robbers and the guards of tianwu chamber of Commerce have fallen on him.

I can't help it. There was too much noise just now.

"How can it be? Second in command, it's gone. "

"How can a primary Xuansheng kill the second leader?"

"He can't be Xuansheng, he's a middle-level sage, maybe even a high-level sage!"

A robber, looking at his ugly black, actually felt fear from the bottom of his heart.

"Big brother, I'll help you. Kill this Li Yuanxiao quickly!

There are still strong men on the warship. We can't let them join hands! "

The three leaders who just defeated vice president Wu had no plan to join hands with the bandit leader, because he firmly believed that Li Yuanxiao was not the opponent of the bandit leader at all.

But now, suddenly a black horse like Wu Hei was killed, even the second leader who was a little better than him.

As the third leader, he was flustered.

"What? The second one was killed? "

The bandit leader and Li Yuanxiao fought very hard. They almost didn't pay attention to the situation on the warship, because in his opinion, this is a battle that must be won.

What's more, it's still one-sided.

But now, the third one suddenly tells him that the second one is dead. How can he not be surprised?

When the bandit leader looked down, his face changed.

Not only the second son died, but also four of the first emperor died, which is equivalent to half of his high-end fighting power.

Is that ok?

"Old three, don't help me, just sweep the array and guard against the guard who killed old two.

I'm enough to catch Li Yuanxiao

With a cold smile, the bandit leader suddenly became fierce, and offered a talisman from the space ring.

The talisman was black, with black air on it. It seemed that there was a roar coming from it.

Looking at the black talisman, there was a flash of excitement in the eyes of the third leader. He fell on the deck and stood in front of the black body.

He didn't do anything. Even the second leader was dead. I'm afraid this man can't solve it until his elder brother comes.

Outside the ship, in the void.

Facing the attack of the bandit leader, Li Yuanxiao felt that the pressure was increasing, and he complained in his heart.

If it goes on like this, he won't be able to hold on.

Needless to say, there is a black talisman in the other party's hand, which is not a good thing at first sight. Once activated, I'm afraid I will be more or less unlucky, only to be caught alive.

Li Yuanxiao can only defend and look in the dark direction.

"I remember, you are the captain of the guard, black fog, right?

I didn't expect you to hide your strength?

Come and help me. Let's join hands to kill the enemy. When we get back to Li's house, I'll give you a lot of rewards. You'll make a good progress from now on! "

The corners of his mouth twitched.

"My name is black, not black fog!

Don't worry, I'm the guard of tianwu chamber of Commerce. If you don't tell me, I'll kill these robbers too! "

Black clenched the bone in his hand.

"It's up to you!


Black step in the void, then to the direction of Li Yuan smile.

The third leader had been prepared for a long time. He did not dare to go near the black black, so he launched an attack from a distance, stopped the black, and bought time for the bandit leader.

At this time, in the black talisman in the bandit leader's hand, there was a ten Zhang Long Python!

Gu Xuan's pupil shrank slightly.

"Projection! That Python is a projection!

I have a premonition that with it, I can lock the track of Da Yuanman who has been hiding in the void and peeping at all this! "

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