"Swallow the elixir and start practicing immediately!

Strive to be a middle level saint in one month

Li Yuanjie is ambitious. With his mouth open, he is ready to put the pill into his mouth.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt that a powerful energy suddenly came to him, making him feel like he was in the mire and unable to move.

"What's the matter?"

Li Yuanjie was so scared that he was in a cold sweat. He didn't know what happened?

His small courtyard, however, is in the core area of the core area of the Li family. It's not a member of the Li family and can't enter here at all.

So, for the first time, Li Yuanjie didn't even think about having enemies.

In fact, Gu Xuan stands behind Li Yuanjie.

However, he concealed his body, not to mention Li Yuanjie's back to him. Even face to face, Li Yuanjie could not find him.

"There's something wrong with your pills. You'd better not take them."

After a little thought, Gu Xuan decided to appear.

He plans to save Li Yuanjie, and then borrow Li Yuanjie's words to understand the general situation of the Li family.

According to Gu Xuan's conjecture, the entrance of Li Jiazu's place where the heaven stealing pill is located must be somewhere in the core area.

Li Yuanjie, as the sage king of the Li family, seems to be marginalized, but he should have some speculation about the entrance of the "Li family ancestral land".

As he spoke, Gu Xuan hid his face, leaving only a layer of mist on his face, which made people unreal.

He walked up to Li Yuanjie.

When Li Yuanjie saw Gu Xuan, he was almost scared to death.

"Who are you? How could it be in my yard?

When did you come in? All the prohibitions in my courtyard are open. How can they not give an alarm? "

A series of questions came out of Li Yuanjie's mouth.

Gu Xuan gave a cold smile.

"You're a rubbish ban, and you deserve to stop me?

You don't have to ask more about my identity. It's not what you are now and you are entitled to know! "

Li Yuanjie was stunned for a moment. The next moment, his face was excited.

"Are you the ancestor of the Li family who was sealed in the tomb?

Is it one of the three guardians of the elixir in the legend who used the elixir to dust themselves?

Junior Li Yuanjie, I've met master Shengwei! "

Li Yuanjie bowed himself to bow down. Unfortunately, he could not move at all.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes. He was really sleepy. Someone gave him a pillow. He was worried that he had no identity. Li Yuanjie brought it to him.

"You've got some insight. You even know such secret things.

However, no matter how you know it, we must keep it a secret.

Now the Li family is in a mess! "

Gu Xuan waved his hand at will, and Li Yuanjie felt the pressure of his whole body relaxed, and finally he could move freely.

He directly knelt down and kowtowed to Gu Xuan with a flattering look on his face.

"It turns out that the saint guard is coming. No wonder he can enter my courtyard quietly!

Everything in the core area of this clan is undefended to the saints.

Please rest assured that no third person will know about your presence here.

Are you here for this pill in my hand?

You just said, "is there something wrong with this pill?"

Li Yuanjie respectfully handed the pill to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan nodded, squeezed out a few finger Jue with one hand, and got into the pill.

It's a very good recipe for alchemy. It can activate the purest power of the pills.

At the sight of those tips, Li Yuanjie's attitude was respectful.

He is also a pharmacist himself. Although his realm is not high, he lives in the Li family. He has never eaten pig meat, and he has never seen pigs run?

Gu Xuan's random tips can be called Flowing Clouds and flowing water. They are extremely mysterious. Only emperor Dan, who is highly accomplished in Dan Dao, can show them.

Although there are many Li Jiadan emperors, there are not many who can do so.


All of a sudden, the pill was shocked.

A stream of black air gushed out of it.

"Hahaha, the power of the pill has been urged. No matter who is taking the pill, it will become my puppet for my use... Eh?

Why isn't this pill in Li Yuanjie's stomach

In the black air, there was a sound.

Although the voice was hoarse, there was a chill.

Li Yuanjie's face changed greatly. As soon as he shook his hand, he threw out the pills.

"Evil... Evil spirit!

Among the pills, there is the soul power of the demons!

He wants to control me

In a flash, Li Yuanjie was terrified.

And the elixir, which was thrown away, was suspended in the void.

"How can it be? I clearly felt that someone had swallowed the pill and started refining it, so I came out.

How can you show up in this courtyard?

It seems that I was found

Among the pills, there was a black figure flying out. He could not see his facial features clearly, and his body was like a piece of paper, fluctuating in the void like waves.


It's moving towards the sky.

However, just three feet away, it hit a layer of light shield.

This is not the original prohibition in the courtyard, but Gu Xuan's arrangement after entering the courtyard to deal with emergencies.

Now it's just coming in handy.

"Eh, is there a prohibition system to isolate the inside and outside?

So, the fact that this seat is here has not been discovered by outsiders?

Hehe, I'll add another layer of prohibition! "

The black figure like a piece of paper, with a sneer, flew out of his body.


The array is on the ground.

The landscape changed suddenly.

The original courtyard has become a barren hill.

The barren mountains are boundless, the ground is covered with white bones, and the wind is howling, just like a woman's shrill scream, which is creepy.

"Lord guard, are we trapped?

It's terrible here. What shall we do? "

Li Yuanjie, trembling, hid behind Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan was calm, and his hands were even behind him.

"Don't be afraid. It's just a paper man. It's no big deal.

If I dare to let him out, there will be a way to deal with him.

Don't forget, this is the Li family, not the demon kingdom.

Is it possible to be a demon here? "

Gu Xuan didn't pay attention to the paper man.

The paper man floats in the air, looks down at Gu Xuan and Li Yuanjie, and locks his eyes on Gu Xuan.

"You're so sneaky. You must have cheated me out of the pills, right?

I just wanted to control Li Yuanjie. Since you are here, it's a better choice.

Your position in the Li family must be higher than that of him. If you control you, you will know the entrance to the ancestral land of the Li family!

At that time, Li Jiadan saint, who is hiding in the alchemy, will eventually become the ghost of our demon family

The paper man laughed, as if he had seen the scene of Li Jiadan falling under his knife.

The evil spirit gushed from him and turned into dozens of evil tigers, each with ferocious eyes, crawling around him and roaring.

"Your goal is to kill Li Jiadan Sheng?

Do you fear a sage

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes. There must be something in it.

The paper man gave a cold hum.

"It's just a sage. The demons don't care.

It's strange that you Li's idiots would agree to take root in the Li family's land with the Tiandao camp!

If the three people, the bitter Lord, the way of heaven and the sage of Dan, succeed in uniting together, they will have great changes in the world of burning heaven.

Killing Dansheng can not only prevent this change, but also obtain great benefits. Why not?

Well, what are you talking about with a man who is about to lose his self-consciousness?

Obediently controlled by me, is your final destination!

Evil tiger beast tide, attack

Roar, roar!

Dozens of tigers roared and rushed to Gu Xuan and Li Yuanjie!

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