"Who am I?"

Gu Xuan took a look at Li Yuanjie who was stunned, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Is this still important?

Now, it's my young master who is qualified to ask questions!

I advise you to answer my question just now, then, I will give you a happy.

Otherwise, ha ha... "

The following words are self-evident.

Floating in the empty face, still did not answer the meaning of the question.

His face was full of warning.

"It's impossible to get information out of my mouth.

Are you a member of the alliance of heaven or a member of the earth?

It's said that the sufferer in the land of endless suffering, who is proficient in deduction, can calculate the past and the future. Is it true?

So he sent you to wait for me here? "

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes.

In his mind, he recalled some information about wufangku.

For him, it was a very mysterious place.

Although he has dealt with people who have no way to suffer more than once, he even knew that some people in the place can predict the future.

But no matter how Ying Tianzong investigated, everything about wufangkudi was still mysterious.

Even more mysterious than the Tiandao camp and the Zhongyuan domain.

"It seems that we have to find a chance to meet the wretched one before burning heaven.

No matter how powerful he is, he will not be more powerful than the way of heaven, will he

When Gu Xuan had made a decision, he stopped thinking about the matter of endless suffering.

Attention is still focused on the face in the void.

"It seems that you won't say anything.

In this case, let me help you. Let your golden mouth open a little.

Soul searching has been useless for a long time.

Maybe, I can't take all your memories.

But with your wounded soul, you can't completely resist me.

At least, I want to know what you demons came to Li's house for! "

In Gu Xuan's eyes, a fine light flashed.

The two forces of the spirit, turned into two chains, shot out from the eyes, towards the face in the void, is bound away.

That face, a cold smile, a mouth, is to spit out a array of flags.

"In the battle between you and me, I was defeated.

But I don't lose. You will die after all. It's just a matter of time.

I'm going to withdraw this array now. I won't accompany you!

Next time we meet, I will give up a real body and kill you again!

Remember, the name of this seat is "Aguda". It will be a nightmare of your life. Ha ha ha! "


The array flag flew out and went underground, inserted into the core of the whole array and activated the array disk.


The earth shakes and the array begins to work. It is necessary to take this "magic prison thunder array" back to the array disk.

In this way, the array space will disappear, and everyone will immediately return to Li Yuanjie's courtyard.

But how can Gu Xuan make a Gu Da succeed?


Zhutian sword came out and burst out a dazzling sword. With a whoosh, it went down to the bottom of the earth and stabbed straight to the core of the array plate!


There was only a sound of gold and iron fighting.

The array flag inserted into the core of the array has turned into powder under the attack of zhutianjian.

And zhutianjian, instead of the array flag, is inserted in the core of the array, preventing the operation of the array disk.

The vibration of the earth suddenly stops.

"Damn, you destroyed my main flag!

But you think I can't... I'll go!

If you don't talk about martial arts, you can't attack me when I'm finished? "

At this time, Gu Xuan's eyes extended from the spirit chain, has been close to a Gu Da, and one after another, launched an attack on him.

Aguda wants to escape, but now his soul has been injured, and his speed is slower than that of the chain of the spirit. In a moment, the chain catches up with him and binds his face heavily.

"Soul searching!"

Gu Xuan made the seal of Dharma with his hands, and the power of his soul gushed out of the sea of consciousness, like the water of the river and sea, along the chain of the spirit, towards Aguda.

In a moment, the great power of soul disappeared into Aguda's soul. He wanted to destroy his will, control his thoughts and search for his memory.

A Gu Da's face, which had been transformed, obviously felt great pain and distorted.

However, the corner of his mouth, but showed a trace of treacherous smile.

"Ha ha ha, joke, what a joke!

Do you really think that I can't escape your chain?

Wrong, wrong!

I don't have a body. When I fight, I really suffer.

But with my strength, how difficult is it to give up a body?

I dare to come to the Li family in a state of soul. You should have guessed that what I am good at most is the means of soul!

Even if it's a disaster, I don't have the ability to search my soul, let alone you!

Although my soul is hurt, but you have to find your own way to die, and I have the ability to satisfy you!

I'll take your body! "

A Gu Da uttered a few shrill screams, as if he was reciting some kind of incantation. His transformed face turned into a mass of fog, which pushed out all the soul power that Gu Xuan poured into his body.

The next moment, the fog, into the soul chain, along the chain, appeared in the sea of consciousness of ancient Xuan.

"What a vast ocean of consciousness, what a pure power of soul!

Your potential is enormous!

I gave you up, I'm afraid it's more potential and can go further than my original body!

It's not a dream to be a great success!

Now, let me take over, you sea of consciousness

A Gu Da, who has turned into a mist, has changed into a human face. With one mouth open, there are dense incantations in his mouth.

The mantra condensed into a swimming snake, wriggling around, and began to devour everything in the sea of consciousness!

However, in the next moment, countless soul swords appear in the ocean of ancient Xuan's consciousness and fall like raindrops, penetrating all the incantations.

Thick chains, even more quietly, appeared around Aguda's body and bound him.

The most pure power of the spirit and soul was lost in Aguda's soul, so that he could no longer recite the mantra. Even the power of the spirit and soul in his body could not be mobilized.

"Ha ha ha, joke, what a joke!

Do you really think, I don't see, what you are best at is the way of soul?

A little bit normal brain, see you this shape, should be able to guess it?

Do you think that the young master didn't guess?

wrong! absolutely wrong!

Outside, I want to search your soul, there is really no possibility.

Then why should I do that?

Leaving two chains to my ocean of consciousness?

Now, do you understand?

It's not you who broke into my master's sea of consciousness, but my master, please come into the urn and lead you in! "

A mini guxuan, which is completely condensed by the power of the soul, appears in the ocean of consciousness. It is like looking at a clown, looking at a Guda.

Aguda was trembling with anger.

"I've been deceived, you despicable fellow. Learn from me and give me back!"

Gu Xuan laughed.

"What about you?

Who calls you stupid?

The real soul search is now officially starting! "

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