
Gu Xuan's pupil shrinks, and his whole body surges with the power of space. As soon as he steps out, he becomes a phantom of his body and disappears from the original place.

The first clan's old face also became very ugly and rushed to the ancestral gate for the first time.

The old people of the third and the old people of the fifth groups were slow in their reaction, and even slower. At this time, their forefeet had just entered the six star array.

In front of the gate of ancestral land.

The red Goblin ape was the first to approach. It was less than half a foot away, and it could enter the ancestral gate. The whole monkey was in a state of excitement, and even had the impulse to turn back and ridicule Gu Xuan and the first group of elders.

However, at this time, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, like a copper wall, giving people a sense of majestic and insurmountable.

It's a hand.

It's a giant hand for the red maroon ape, which is only the size of a finger!

Gu Xuan's voice suddenly rang out.

"Go away!"

The giant hands beat the red maroon ape.

The red monkey gave a cold smile.

"Just a running dog guard of Dansheng, who is worthy of stopping me?

It's you who should go

The red ape's body was red, and his feet stomped in the void, which made the heaven and the earth begin to shake. At the same time, he held his palms to block Gu Xuan's attack.


A big bang.

An irresistible force struck, so that the body of the red maroon ape was completely out of control, so it flew back a distance of ten feet, and then forced to stabilize its body.

But Gu Xuan's body didn't even shake.

"No way! There's no reason!

It's just sentry. It can't stand in my way! "

The red maroon ape was repulsed, and immediately felt his dignity and was provoked.

In addition, they had already arrived at the gate of ancestral land, but they were repulsed, with strong reluctance in their hearts.

Therefore, as soon as he stood firm in the void, he continued to attack with red eyes.

Gu Xuan also tried to find out the strength of the red demon ape after just that palm, which is definitely a big part stronger than Aguda.

If you want to fight against him under the condition of covering up your identity and not exposing all your strength, you must deal with it carefully.

If the body is severely damaged by the naked eye, forcing himself to use the divine body for healing, with the eyes of the first group of elders, he is bound to see the clues, so as to guess his true identity.


Red demon ape's speed, fast to the extreme, suddenly appeared behind Gu Xuan!

"The blood is shining, the ape is falling!

Son of the guard, die for me

He waved his palms together, as if dancing, but there were red pillars of light, penetrating the void, frightening.

Above the red light column, the runes flow, and in a trance, there are illusions. It's like an ancient god ape, picking off countless stars, lighting them with a divine fire and throwing them at the ancient mystery!

Red light, this one space, dyed red.

Even Gu Xuan's body seemed to be covered with blood from a distance.

Gu Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt that his body was as heavy as a mire.

When he saw the attack, he just gave a cold smile, his arms were shocked, and the feeling of deep mire disappeared.

"Do you want Ben Shengwei to die?

What a joke

Gu Xuan gave a cold drink. He held his right hand in the void. A golden sword was formed in an instant. The awe inspiring meaning of the sword broke out from the golden sword.

A sword, cut the void!

Countless swords burst out, turned into tornadoes and storms, and rushed to the red pillars like meteors.

Bang bang.

There was a series of explosions.

The red light in the sky dissipated.


Gu Xuan did not stop at all. He waved the sword in his hand.

In a flash, all over the sky were sharp sword shadows, surrounded the red demon ape and stabbed him to the vital point of his whole body!


As soon as his face changed, he didn't know whether he was surprised by Gu Xuan's sword or by Gu Xuan's understatement.

"Damn it

After biting his teeth and chanting words in his mouth, the red mongoose ape's body suddenly shakes, and the blood light almost condenses into essence, which contains the rhyme and Rune of Taoism and appears on the surface of his body.

The next moment, the red hair of his whole body, standing up, was like a steel needle. It seemed that if he moved at will, he could penetrate the space.

Whew, whew.

The red ape was shocked again. The red hair like a steel needle flew out of the ape and collided with the sword shadow in the sky.


The sound of gold and iron fighting is constantly ringing in the void.

In an instant, the shadow of the sword disappeared.

But with the disappearance of sword shadow, there is Gu Xuan's figure!

When he appeared next moment, he was stabbing him on the head of the red demon ape!

This sword almost contains the strongest sword meaning that can erupt without exposing the identity!

There is no move, but this single stab will have the power of killing gods and demons!

A crisis of death instantly enveloped the red maroon ape.

He had a sharp contraction in his pupils.

"How fast! When on earth did it come to my head? "

The red demon ape didn't dare to resist. The sword came too suddenly. In a hurry, he couldn't stop it at all. He had to retreat!

The whole body energy, concentrate on the right foot, suddenly step on the void, like kicking on the drum, send out a bang.


With the help of the anti shock force, he flew out of the six pointed star array.

Gu Xuan's attack has forced him to stay away from the ancestral gate!

But after all, the speed of the red demon ape was still a little slower, and Gu Xuan cut off his right arm with a sword.

Black blood, spray thin and out, like a blood rain.

With a scream, the red demon ape finally flew out of the six pointed star array.

Gu Xuan stood by the door of the ancestral land, looking at the metal sword in his hand, with a look of regret.

"It's a pity that you can be cut in half from head to foot.

Now, I just cut off your arm?

It seems that I'm still a little bit poor in kendo. "

With these words, the faces of the third and fifth ethnic groups began to twitch.

The battle between Gu Xuan and the red demon ape seemed fierce, but in fact, it took less than half a minute from beginning to end.

In such a short time, he forced a demon out of the six pointed star array, cut off one of his arms, and even nearly killed him.

That's it. Are you not satisfied?

Are you from Versailles instead of burning heaven?

The red demon ape was angry and bowed in his heart. His eyes were red and he stared at Gu Xuan fiercely.

"Damned holy guard, you will only make your Li family pay a more painful price if you prevent me from entering the ancestral land!

We can only let more people complete the task that the red maroon ape can't accomplish alone

A round mark, suddenly, appeared on the brow of the red maroon ape.

In the imprint, it is the pattern that is obscure to the extreme and mysterious to the extreme.

"No, he wants to send a message to other demons. Kill him and stop him!"

At the door of the ancestral land, I suddenly thought of the exclamation of the first clan.

Obviously, he is urging Gu Xuan to kill the red demon ape.

Gu Xuan couldn't help smoking.

"The first old man, are you also very happy?

If you have the skill to instruct others, don't you rush up by yourself?

Besides, if you hadn't been watching the opera all the time, but joined hands with me, I'm afraid the red maroon ape would not even have a chance to play in the six pointed star formation!

How can there be an opportunity to transmit information to the outside world? "

Gu Xuan's heart was full of pain.

But abdominal Fei belongs to abdominal Fei. If he can stop the red demon ape from transmitting information, he still wants to stop it.

Try, there will be no harm!

Gu Xuan stepped out, burst out all the speed, and rushed to the red demon ape!

But, at this time, no one thought of a scene, happened.

At the gate of the ancestral land, the first group of old people behind Gu Xuan burst out with awe inspiring murders in their eyes!

"Dansheng guard, compared with the red demon ape, you should not live.

Die for me

An ice cone, turned into a white light, flew out from the hands of the first group of old people, and shot to the back of the head of the ancient Xuan with lightning speed!

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