Naturally, Li Yuanxiao's question can not be answered.

In response to him, only one after another the sound of the wolf howling.

In the whole core area of the Li family, the blood winged wolf can be seen in the sky, on the ground and wherever the naked eye can reach.

In the distance, there was even a scream.

There are warriors and blood winged wolves.

Obviously, these blood winged devil wolves have started fighting with the warriors.

In the courtyard, dozens of blood winged wolf, who are covetous, can no longer help but pounce on Li Yuanxiao and others.

Full eight blood winged wolf rushed to the sea of blood and blood ancestors.

The sea of blood split up and frowned and didn't make a move.

When Xuezu saw this, he laughed and hit it with both hands. He used his hand knife to pierce the heads of the eight wolves.

Bang bang.

I didn't imagine the bloody scene.

Eight of the blood winged wolf, who had been pierced in their heads, were blown to pieces and turned into a magic fog, which fell to the ground like dust.

Soon, it was absorbed by the altar.

"Damn it, it's not an entity?

It's not a real wolf. What's the point of killing it? "

Xuezu is stupid.

I wanted to taste the blood of the evil beasts in the world of Warcraft, but I didn't expect that they were all fake?

Do you want to talk about martial arts?

The sea of blood frowned.

"These blood winged evil wolves seem to be the altars covering the whole Li family. The energy contained in them is the energy body transformed from illusions.

In this case, things will be in trouble.

If this altar doesn't stop working, the wolves will be endless. "

Black smell speech, smile.

"The strength of these evil wolves is not strong.

That's the primary Xuansheng level. With my bare hands, I can kill several heads at once

Black words, naturally only the sea of blood and blood ancestors understand.

He means that with the real strength of his primary Xuansheng, he can easily kill the magic wolf.

Li Yuan Xiao didn't understand this subtext. In his eyes, Wu Hei is a strong man of the highest level. Of course, he can beat the wolves to death with his bare hands. Why say it so excitedly?

Are you suggesting something?

Li Yuan smiles and frowns lightly. Suddenly, he seems to think of something and his face changes.

"Thank you for reminding me!

In our opinion, these blood winged evil wolves are really easy to kill, but no matter how easy they are, they can barely be regarded as the evil Wolves of the primary Xuansheng level!

Although our Li family's strength has greatly increased in the past 100 years, the number of martial arts above the primary level of Xuansheng is only about 1000.

In Dongbi City, there are more than a million people.

Most of them don't have the strength to resist the devil wolf.

No, you guys, I have to leave first and go to the council chamber to meet the elders! "

Li Yuan smiles and gives a grateful fist to Wu Hei. That is to say, he turns into dunguang, passes through the blood winged demons and wolves, and flies to the meeting hall.

He was dark and confused.

"Thank you for reminding me? What did I remind him of? "

Blood Sea cent body and blood ancestor, also mutually looked one eye, corners of the mouth Qi twitch several times.

Is Li Yuanxiao here to be funny?

What are the obvious things that need to be reminded?

The reason why the blood winged wolf appeared everywhere, I want to know with my knees, must be to contain the strong men of the Li family, let them all run for their lives, to rescue the Li family everywhere.

It is not easy to gather all these people in a safe place and protect them.

Those who are above the emperor must be mobilized in large numbers.

To be on the safe side, we even need to send out at least one big team to stabilize the situation.

If you want to be more secure, you have to find the core of the altar at any cost and destroy the whole altar.

Otherwise, the dense magic wolf will never disappear.

Unfortunately, the Li family is only a few big round?

It's not enough just to deal with the demons, not to mention the Tiandao camp and the people who have never been seen in the dark.

In their performance, they may help the Li family to resist the demons.

But their real goal, just like the demons, is to kill Dan Sheng and get the heart of Dan Sheng!

"The devil is really cruel.

These evil wolves will contain most of the strong members of the Li family.

Even the strong in Li's ancestral land will come out more than half.

The emptiness of the ancestral land is just convenient for them to do things in the ancestral land. "

The sea of blood holds chin separately, analysis way.

A light of excitement flashed in Xuezu's eyes.

"Li's ancestral land must be the main battlefield of this battle. Shall we rush there!

It's really boring to kill these blood winged wolves just outside

Xuehai shook his head and looked to the northwest.

He knew very well that in the northwest, a remote courtyard was the base of the invasion of the Li family.

And this news should have been told to a certain elder of the Li family.

"Let's go out, don't worry, Xuezu, it won't make you feel boring.

If I guess correctly, there will be a bloody battle outside.

Although, compared with the battle in ancestral land, the intensity will be a little lower.

But don't you think that in our current situation, such a fight is more suitable for us? "

The sea of blood split up and gave a smile.

He is just a part of Gu Xuan, and his strength is quite limited.

In addition, now he is showing himself as a "master of Valley", so his play is even more limited.

"Is there a bloody battle out there? Really? "

Xuezu is very excited.

The sea of blood nodded, the right index finger stretched out, a drop of blood from the fingertip, dripping.

On the ground, the pattern of the altar suddenly lit up a small light.

The drop of blood squeezed out by the sea of blood was absorbed by the altar.

"See? This altar can absorb blood.

Do you hear that? There was a constant scream.

Many of the Li family warriors, as well as the foreign warriors who didn't have time to leave the Li family, died all the time.

Although the dead are all the weak, each of them, I'm afraid the corpse will be torn up by the wolf and absorbed by this altar.

These energies, a little makes a lot, can not only maintain the operation of the altar, but also create an endless stream of evil wolves.

I'm afraid there is a more important purpose! "

Xuezu didn't understand for a moment.

"What's the purpose?"

The sea of blood points out at random, stabbing a blood winged wolf.

"This altar can produce so many energy ferocious beasts, and the power it contains is completely imaginable.

So here's the problem.

If you have such a powerful power, why don't you directly summon a few magic Wolves of the highest level?

Even the big round wolf?

Isn't that more useful? "

Xuezu scratched his head and felt that he was about to figure it out.

But it seems that there is a membrane between the truth and the truth.

Xuehai clapped Wuhei's shoulder and motioned him to follow him and go out from the courtyard.

"Well, I don't want to play it off.

Even I can think of things that people of the demons don't know?

So, there's only one possibility!

This altar is still gaining momentum!

When all the people of the Li family who can be killed are killed, and the ordinary devil wolf can no longer work, the real power of the altar will be revealed!

At that time, or a group of top Saint King level magic wolf appeared.

Or, it's the big round wolf.

Just think about it, don't you think it's terrible? "

Xuezu nodded mechanically.

Big round wolf?

Darling, isn't it the same as abusing vegetables?

"What shall we do?"

Asked Xuezu.

The sea of blood points to the northwest again.

"Let's go there. At the critical moment when the people of the Li family want to destroy the altar, we will make the final appearance, turn the tide and destroy the altar!

I think, at that time, the thank you fee should be quite a lot! "

Blood ancestor Jie laughed strangely.

He knew very well that the boss would not help the Li family so much just for a little gratitude fee.

He must have a deeper plan!

Boom, boom.

Gu Xuansan just walked out of the courtyard. There was a huge explosion near the remote courtyard in the northwest.

Obviously, the expected bloody battle has begun! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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