"What? Who are you?

Even with two fingers, I caught my seven inch sword? "

Zhilao was really surprised.

He never thought that Gu Xuan's speed and strength were so high!

He disappeared behind Li Yuanhao and appeared at the side of master Dan to catch his dagger for him.

"Unfortunately, that's it!

Do you think my seven inch sword is so easy to pick up?

This is the emperor's weapon given by the bitter Lord. It is the most suitable weapon for me!

In addition to the great full level strength bestowed by the bitter Lord, those who block me will die! "

In his eyes, zhilao burst out a murderous opportunity, and recited the Dharma formula in his mouth.

The seven inch sword trembled and hummed.

A circle of energy is rippling out of it. It's a sharp and extremely small sword. It's dense and tens of thousands. It can invade the human body along the pores and destroy the meridians and viscera of the warrior. It's extremely vicious.

But it's more than that!

A breath of annihilation is looming in these small swords!

This means that these tiny swords are all condensed by the power of annihilation, and their power is unparalleled!

Once these small swords are allowed to invade the body, any ordinary warrior in the realm of great perfection will be destroyed.

Unfortunately, Gu Xuan looked at these small swords, but his face was still light.

"Who's in your way? It's the funniest joke I've heard this year. "

Gu Xuan gave a sneer.

"In my opinion, playing sword in front of me is no different from playing monkey.

Your seven inch sword needs to be renamed from today on.

I've got a name for you. It's called seven section sword. "

Gu Xuan flashed a fine awn in his eyes. He clamped the two fingers on the tip of the seven inch sword and made a slight effort.

A circle of energy burst out from Gu Xuan's fingers. Where it passed, thousands of tiny swords disappeared at the speed visible to the naked eye, as if they had never appeared before.


A clear voice rang out.

The seven inch sword is directly broken into seven pieces.


Seven broken swords fell to the ground.

This scene shocked all the people in the alchemy room.

For a time, the needles could be heard in the alchemy room.

No one thought that would happen.


Zhilao spat out a big mouthful of blood.

He was connected with the spirit of the seven inch sword, and poured a lot of energy into it, trying to kill Gu Xuan.

Now the seven inch sword has been broken into seven pieces. He has been bitten by the enemy, and has been injured a lot.

"How can it be? It's a tool for the emperor. It's not top-notch, but it's by no means ordinary.

How can you shatter it with just two fingers? "

Zhilao stared at Gu Xuan in disbelief.

The warrior, who was shrouded in the fog, could not see his face clearly, nor could he see his opponent's realm.

The only thing he knows is that this person is stronger than him!

Besides, it's much better.

"What? Do you think it's hard to shatter a rubbish dagger? "

Gu Xuan laughed scornfully.

Zhilao clenched his fist and his eyes were full of anger and hatred.

"You broke my sword, how dare you insult it?

If you insult it, you insult me!

I'll kill you even if I die! "

There was a fierce color in zhilao's eyes.

He knew that he could not walk out of Li's ancestral hall today.

The mysterious man in front of him, together with the venerable Dan who has completely recovered, let alone him, even if there are one or two more great consummation, there will be no benefit in this Li ancestral hall.

But even if he died, he would drag more people into the water!

This unknown mysterious man must be buried with him!

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth curved.

What a man is he?

As soon as you see his attitude, you can already guess that he plans to blow himself up and drag everyone in the alchemy room into the water.

Unfortunately, it's naive.

The middle finger of Gu Xuan's right index finger is parallel like a sword, and the meaning of the sword comes out of his body.

"Wait a minute!"

Dan Zun suddenly stopped and said, "I have a few words to ask him."

Gu Xuan nodded, and the sword on his body disappeared in an instant.

"Zhilao, let me ask you, what is the purpose of the sufferer?

I knew earlier that you didn't mean well to come to Li's.

In the early years, the Li family, who went to wufangku, betrayed the Li family and were loyal to wufangku.

But for the sake of the Li family, I still accept you as Keqing.

You are an outsider, in terms of status, in the Li family, enough to rank in the top ten!

For the sake of the Li family, I also accepted the two great consummation of the Li family and became the deputy head of the Li family!

To put it in a bad way, it's not too much for the Li family to say that they are vassals of endless hardships.

You can easily get all the resources of the Li family.

Even Shengdan, as long as the sufferer needs, I can give it free.

But why, the bitter Lord still won't let me go, or won't let the Li family go?

He wants to kill me. He wants to be in the Li family. There is no Li family. He wants to be a sage. He wants to sneak into the tomb of his ancestors.

What is the purpose of all this? "

Lord Dan yelled.

His voice, shaking.

His body, too, was shaking.

He can't figure it out!

Li Yuanhao, an old man of the third and fifth ethnic groups, and Li Yuanjie's face changed greatly.

They never thought that their relationship with the Li family was not as harmonious as it seemed.

Painstakingly, I have been aiming at the owner and the whole Li family!

Even, all the Li family members who went to wufangku and came back from wufangku are no longer loyal to the Li family, but loyal to the bitter Lord!

Among them, there are even two vice owners!

Li's deputy master, besides Dansheng, is the most authoritative and powerful. Their heart is not toward Li's family?

At the thought of this, people's bodies kept sweating out, and in a moment they were soaked.

Gu Xuan looks at all these, in the heart ordered a praise for Dan Zun.

How could he know the answers to these questions?

He deliberately asked, is to tell Li Yuanhao several people, Li family and wufangkudi, the real relationship!

Nothing is more credible than seeing is believing.

Zhilao snorted coldly on his face, as if he was very angry.

"From the beginning, you were just a chess piece.

For the sufferer, the whole Li family is a chess piece.

Since I entered the Li family, the whole Li family has been at the mercy of the bitter master in the chess game.

It's a pity that you are not willing to be a pawn. You have been disobeying the orders of the bitter Lord. "

When zhilao said this, he almost roared.

"When I open the tomb of Dongbi, I've been ready to enter the list, but you don't accept it. Instead, you go in alone.

Create a saint, create a saint, not you!

From the moment you open Dongbi's tomb, you are useless. You should retreat and find a corner to survive.

But if you don't, you just want to be a sage, which disrupts all the plans of the sufferer!

Forced the bitter Lord to fight against you, against your Li family.

Today, let me become the pioneer of suffering, and die for the sufferer! "

On zhilao's body, there emerged violent energy, which was the power of destruction, mixed with the power of annihilation.

His body, at the speed visible to the naked eye, began to expand, like a balloon, which would explode at any time.

"After so much nonsense, there is no useful information at all.

I just want to ask you one question. Who is the sufferer? Where is it? "

Gu Xuan suddenly had a feeling.

The sufferer, perhaps, had already met him.

It's just that I don't know.

This idea, the generation of inexplicable.

But once it came into being, it took root and sprouted in the ancient xuannao, which could not be eliminated.

The swelling old man roared: "aren't you asking two questions?

Sure enough, death is coming. Have you started talking nonsense?

Die, and be buried with me


Zhilao's body is cracked.

The rolling force of destruction, mixed with the force of annihilation, rippled around and destroyed the sky and the earth.

Li Yuanhao and the older members of the three nationalities in the area turned pale as paper.

Under this terrible power, I'm afraid the whole Li ancestral hall is finished!

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