Gu Xuan looks at the seven big full with a look of expectation.

They've all suffered a lot. It's time to take care of them.

At this time, we should be calm and have a good rest.

Even if you hang yourself, you have to take a breath.

Unfortunately, to Gu Xuan's disappointment, his beautiful proposal did not seem to be accepted.

"Nag your sister! I will destroy you! "

The angel two leaders with broken wings, with endless anger, vetoed Gu Xuan's proposal with practical action.

How can he stop at such a critical moment when Shouyuan is half burnt?

In the hands of the two leaders is a scepter with holy light.

This is a tool given by the way of heaven. It's called Fu Long Sheng Zhang. It contains a few strands of immortal breath. It's very extraordinary. It's powerful and unpredictable.

"Fulong holy staff, Tiangang seventy-two staff technique!"

When the two leaders suddenly drank and waved the scepter in their hands, they were surrounded by thousands of scepters and shadows.

Gu Xuan only felt that the scenery in his eyes had changed, and he could not see anything except a shadow of his staff.

Even the sense of soul has been weakened.

"Do you want to deceive my perception and make it difficult for me to resist the attack of others?

It's a pity. It's so naive! "

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and his eyes had reached the extreme. In his eyes, he could see all the tracks clearly.


With a wave of Zhutian sword, the awe inspiring meaning of the sword surged around.

Only a sword light appeared, and it was like a round barrier, protecting Gu Xuan's whole body.


A sound of gold and iron blows.

The shadow of the staff all over the sky disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What? What a strong sword, what a strong force

The two leaders' faces changed greatly. They felt that a great force had fallen on the scepter, which shocked his hands and made him almost unable to hold the scepter.

He really wanted to close Gu Xuan's perception and create opportunities for others.

But that's just one of his purposes.

His more important purpose is to try to kill Gu Xuan, at least to make him in a hurry, or even suffer heavy damage.

But without thinking about it, Gu Xuan played down his attack.

This is the case that he burned half of Shouyuan for 200000 years, and also used the "Fulong holy staff" given by the Lord of heaven!

Didn't even hurt Gu Xuan's hair?


Just when the two leaders were surprised, they heard the sound of breaking the air. Gu Xuan actually waved a move, bypassed the scepter in his hand, and stabbed him in the middle of the eyebrow from a strange angle!

Zhutian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian.

In the hearts of the two leaders, there was a sense of despair.

Are you going to die here today?


Zhutian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian.

Gu Xuan was a little disappointed. He hoped that the sword just now could really pierce down and kill the two leaders.

Unfortunately, he has sensed that there are six murders that have locked him down!

The three envoys of the way of heaven, who had burned Shouyuan, naturally went to guxuan to attack them when they saw that the two leaders were in danger.

Li daoxuan, the red demon ape and the demon elephant master also performed their own taboo skills. With their seriously injured bodies, they actually performed more powerful skills than in their heyday!

Gu Xuan just felt that suddenly, he became a prey, and was watched by six Fierce Giant wolves.

The six enemies are in a state of no life at the moment. Of course, he can continue to attack the two leaders and kill them.

But in that way, he will be hit by others.

Although Gu Xuan was not worried about his death, it was inevitable that he would disintegrate or even turn into powder.

He's not ready to disintegrate.

Now, at least, is not the time to take risks!

Gu Xuan is very clear, whether it's the Tiandao camp or the demons, I'm afraid there are still real big cards that haven't been used.

Even if there is no way to suffer, you can take out a treasure of this level.

The Tiandao camp and the demons have a deeper foundation and a harder backstage. I'm afraid there are still more opponents.

Let's just say that the big tree standing outside the Li ancestral hall must have something fishy.

The big tree was carried by the red monkey from afar, and it still hasn't played a role.

Gu Xuan didn't believe that it was the red demon ape who carried it to decorate the scenery outside Li's ancestral hall.

In desperation, Gu Xuan could only give up killing the two leaders and turn to Zhutian sword. He waved his sword all around him and protected him.

"Tiangang thunder sword formula!"

Gu Xuan gave a low drink.

In the light of the sword all over the body, there are countless thunder lights flying out, like mini dragons, suddenly burst.


The sound of the explosion broke the space.

Li daoxuan's six men, just rushed to Gu Xuan, fell into the broken space, and could not see the trace of Gu Xuan any more.

Gu Xuan saw the opportunity and stepped out. He was a phantom of his body, passing by Li daoxuan's six people. He seemed to want to get rid of the six people's encirclement.

"How ridiculous! The six of us used the technique of taboo at the same time, in exchange for a powerful force, and fought our lives to kill you. Do you want to escape? "

With a disdainful smile, Li daoxuan made a huge net out of his eyebrows.

"The way of space, I will!

The net of confinement is sealed

The giant net becomes bigger in the blink of an eye, covering a hundred Zhang area, and even directly integrates into the space.

All of a sudden, all of a sudden, everything in this area, which was originally heavily broken and constantly repaired, was still.

Gu Xuan's action, in this static area, is dazzling.

In the blink of an eye, the six of them locked Gu Xuan in and continued to greet Gu Xuan with the killing move that had been brewing for a long time.

Gu Xuan gave a cold Snort and used his body method to avoid.

"Damn it! Gu Xuan, you have the ability to face us head-on.

Dodging all the time, or aiming at one person, or running all the time, it's a coward

The red maroon ape is very angry.

"Psycho! When you fight head-on with some of you, are you stupid?

If you have the ability, tell them to step down. You and I will fight one on one! "

Gu Xuan's body turned into pitching, and he retorted with a sneer as he retreated.

The red maroon ape is also a sneer.

"Psycho? One on one, are you stupid?

If you have the ability, you will fight us head-on! "

After a silence.

"It's a shame."

"It's a shame."

The pursuit remains the same.

Boom boom!

Li daoxuan's attacks were defeated several times, all of which were full of hatred.

"Keep on running. I'll see when you can get there!"

Li daoxuan swung the hammer and said angrily.

Gu Xuan stopped at this time and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I never thought that I could escape by using this broken space.

No, it should be said that the young master never wanted to escape.

Just now, it's just a "strategic move". How can it be called escape? "

"Good chance, while he stops, let's go!"

Red mongrel ape roars.


Six figures, waving six pieces of emperor's tools, roared to guxuan, with a tremendous momentum!

Gu Xuan disdained to smile, his body surging up the power of time and space.

The law of time and space, the Rune of time and space, hovers around his body like a dragon!

This seemingly static area has once again become chaotic, with space debris flying and space turbulence surging.

Li daoxuan's "net of imprisonment" has no effect at all.

How can his way of space be compared with that of ancient metaphysics?

What's more, the six li daoxuan who are waving the emperor's weapon are only half a Zhang away from Gu Xuan.

However, the distance less than half a foot is like the distance between heaven and earth. No matter how hard they try, they can't shorten it.

They seem to have come to a standstill.

"What's the matter? We keep flying forward. How can we not get close to Gu Xuan at such a distance?"

Exclaimed the mammoth.

Li daoxuan's pupils suddenly shrank.

"It's the way of time and space. He uses the way of time and space to build a sky bar, extending the distance between us and him.

However, he won't last long. If we want to prevent six of us from approaching him at the same time, he will consume six times as much energy as us!

If he can't support him, he will die! "

The rest of them sneered at the words.

"Sure to die? Is that right? "

Gu Xuan showed the same sneer. I don't know when, a simple book appeared in his left hand.

That's the book of life and death!

Whoa, whoa.

When the book of life and death is opened, a stream of life and death overflows. They are both concise and mysterious.

"Order of life, order of death, order of life and death.

Book of life and death, chain of life and death , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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