Without warning, master Dan woke up.

A pair of eyes, as clear as a spring water, staring at the front.

On him, I don't know why, the original terrible momentum has disappeared without a trace.

He was just like an ordinary person, standing there without any energy fluctuation.

However, at the first sight of him, everyone knows that he is by no means an ordinary person.

Because, the breath of Dan Zun, no one present can feel it.

No one can find the existence of Dan Zun unless his eyes see him standing there, only by soul exploration.

Even with the strength of Gu Xuan's soul, we can't sense the existence of Dan Zun.

He is familiar with this situation.

This means that the spirit strength of Dan Zun is far above him.

"Finally, I'm tired.

One person fights seven big full, stimulation is stimulation, consumption is too big.

In particular, there must always be spare time to take care of you and prevent you from being attacked.

This battle, however, was not at all thorough.

My young master's peak fighting power has not been brought into play at all. It's very unpleasant. "

Gu Xuan looked at master Dan and complained, as if he was talking to an old friend for many years.

After that, even Gu Xuan himself was a little strange. Why did he complain about these things with master Dan.

Lord Dan turned his head.

"It's hard. I'll take care of the rest.

I burned all the power in exchange, which was a little bit stronger than I thought.

It's going to be quick to solve a few of them. "

With a little smile, the master of Dan waved to Gu Xuan, and a holy Dan flew out of his palm to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's mouth opened slightly, and the holy pill flew into his mouth automatically.

A soft and surging energy gushed from the holy pill.

Gu Xuan only felt that his heavy body suddenly became light, and all his consumption was replenished in an instant.

There is even plenty of energy, constantly feeding Dantian, at the same time into the four limbs, into the skeletal muscles, into the meridians.

Gu Xuan felt that his meridians were widening, and his physical strength was slowly improving.

The most exaggerated thing is that even the consumption of mind and spirit has been made up. It's just like waking up after sleeping for ten days and nights. I feel comfortable and have endless strength.

Until then, Gu Xuan's pupil suddenly shrank, and it seemed that he could react.

"It wasn't Saint Dan that flew into my mouth just now.

It's just your energy, isn't it?

Even at the beginning, I didn't realize it. I thought it was the real saint Dan.

The energy of Dan as like as two peas, is this the ability of Dan Sheng to possess? "

Gu Xuan was extremely surprised. This ability can be called against heaven.

Lord Dan nodded.

"This is the magic power that I got as a sage.

In fact, it's chicken ribs. It's not very useful.

When you become a sage in the future, you will understand

There was a sense of loneliness in the voice of Dan Zun.

"Well, I've gone the wrong way.

I burned everything, forced my original Dan Dao to the limit, and then it only reached such a level.

Dan Sheng, Dan Sheng, it turns out that the road I used to take, even if I go on for thousands of years, I can't become Dan Sheng.

Well, I don't have a chance to come back, so why bother? "

Gu Xuan rolled his eyes.

"You look like this now, with this kind of God's words, it's very immortal.

But you don't have much time.

Quickly solved these guys in front of us!

If I expect it to be good, there will be big trouble in the future! "

Dan's eyes just swept to Li daoxuan's five people.

Li daoxuan, the red demon ape, the two leaders, and the two messengers of the way of heaven were frightened by the eyes of Dan Zun, and his body could not help shaking.

Even, in their hearts, there was a great terror.

As if looking at them, not Dan Zun, but a God, a God who can match the way of heaven.

They don't even have the slightest idea of resistance.

"Are you guilty of disturbing the peace and tranquility of the Li family?"

Dan Zun stares at five people, light asks a way.


Dong Dong.

Involuntarily, Li daoxuan fell to his knees.

"How can it be? Just a look in my eyes makes me so scared? "

The ape gnawed its teeth and tried to stand up.

Kneeling down to the Terran is a disgrace to him.

Unfortunately, I can't stand up at all.

In the dark, it seems that there is a force to suppress him.

"It shouldn't be, there's no reason!

He is a sage of Dan. He should only have so much pressure on the pharmacist.

I don't know anything about Dandao. Shouldn't I feel so much pressure? "

The two leaders looked frightened.

"Master Dan, what did you do?

It must be magic, right?

Or gravity, that's why I can't stand.

I tell you, I'm not afraid of you, Li daoxuan! "

Li daoxuan clenched his teeth.

Once the master of Dan, even if he became a sage of Dan, he didn't really pay attention to him.

But now, he is kneeling in front of each other, even can't stand up.

Lord Dan shook his head.

"It seems that you are not guilty.

Unfortunately, I wanted to give you a chance to kill yourself.

Since you don't want it, that's all.

It's just a matter of waving your hand.

You, go. "

Master Dan waved his hand like a fly.

Bang bang.

The five strong men in the realm of great consummation did not even have a chance to react. With this wave, they burst into powder.

"I'll go. Do you want to exaggerate?"

Gu Xuan's eyes widened.

He worked hard, consumed so much energy, used so many means, and fought bravely and wisely, only then he killed two big perfect.

Although as long as he let go of his hands and feet, it is not impossible to kill all Li daoxuan.

But in any case, it is impossible to make such an understatement.

"Exaggerated? No, not at all.

Have you forgot? When they fought with you, they should have used the technique of taboo. In fact, they are very weak now.

If they were in their heyday, even if I am now, I can't kill them with a wave of my hand... "

Venerable Dan comforts Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan breathed.

"It's forgotten that they are in a weak state after performing taboo skills and exhausting their energy.

Damn, if I knew that, I would... "

Gu Xuan's words can't go on without finishing.

Lord Dan interrupted him.

"If they're in their prime, I need to wave two hands."

Gu Xuan's whole face twitched.

you're awesome!

You are the best!

But can't you just breathe a little?

It's easy to embarrass young master, OK?

"Ha ha, be humorous. Don't take it seriously.

Even if I... "

Dan Zun looks like a joke and wants to explain, but the last half sentence is interrupted by a roar.


The sky vibrated as if the sky were about to fall.

The earth also vibrated.

The remaining half of Li's ancestral hall is also on the verge of collapse. It seems that it will collapse completely at any time.

"Younger martial brother, as you expected, the real big trouble is coming.

In fact, from the time I burned my last Shouyuan, my last life, everything, I knew that the trouble was more than what we had seen before.

Because, the power of Dansheng heart feedback to me is too exaggerated.

The demons and the Tiandao camp all want the heart of Dansheng, which proves that they know the heart of Dansheng very well, even better than I do! "

Master Dan squinted and looked into the distance.

The vibration of the earth comes from the towering tree outside the ancestral hall.

The majestic energy is bursting out from the towering trees!

Gu Xuan understood Dan Zun's words.

"Since I know more about Dansheng's heart than you.

So, you have a chance to get such a powerful force, and they know that and have to guard against it.

This kind of power, is not before that group of stinky fish rotten shrimp, can contend with.

Therefore, they must have a back hand.

The immortal talisman, which is painless, has been wasted.

The tree belongs to the demons.

The rest is only the backhand of the Tiandao camp... "

Gu Xuan looked at the sky.

The shock above the sky has nothing to do with the towering tree.

It comes from another force!

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