All of a sudden, there is a breakthrough in guxuan's way of time and space.

Countless runes of time and space emerged from him.

These runes, turned into torrents, circled around his body.

The law of time and space and the rhyme of time and space appear and disappear in Gu Xuan.

A moment later.

Gu Xuan stretched out his right hand, and with a stroke, a stone the size of a thumb flew from behind him and fell into his palm.

He threw it gently to the ground.


The stone fell to the ground and turned into powder.

It's a matter that anyone who is a warrior, even a very low level warrior, can bring stones in and throw them on the ground, and use energy to shock them into powder.

However, the two leaders clenched their fists and wanted to rush up immediately to destroy Gu Xuan.

It's a pity that master Dan stares at the two leaders. He is full of threat in his eyes. He makes the two leaders flustered and doesn't dare to act rashly.

At this time.

Gu Xuan opened his eyes, showed a smile, and made a mysterious seal in his hands.

The power of time and space condenses in front of him, turns into silk thread, interweaves into a net, and covers the area of one Zhang.

This area suddenly seems to have become an independent space, which is incompatible with the surrounding space-time.

In this area, a picture appeared.

It is the picture of the stone thrown by Gu Xuan turning into powder.

But the next moment, the picture starts to go backwards.

The stone turned into vermicelli powder is turned into stone again.

Gu Xuan's fingers flicked, and a force of time and space condensed into a silk thread. He fell into the picture and pulled out the stone and put it in his hand.

The picture also disappeared.

Gu Xuan played with the stones in his hand.

This stone is the one he threw on the ground and turned into vermicelli.

But now, he used the way of time and space to turn around time and space and save it.

This means, it can be said, is the martial arts practitioners of time and space, the dream of the ability!

This kind of ability is more coveted than any magic power.

"How is that possible? How on earth did you do it?

Can you show it after just watching it once?

How can anyone in the world do such a thing? "

The two leaders murmured to themselves. It seems that until now, they still can't believe what just happened.

Gu Xuan laughed and arched his hand to the two leaders.

"Use the way of time and space to rescue the stone that turns into powder.

I couldn't have done such a thing.

My way of time and space, is worried about meeting the bottleneck, difficult to progress.

Lord Tiandao's separation of order helped me to understand a lot of things and figure out a lot of things I didn't think about before.

Now, my way of time and space has reached a new stage!

I believe that in a short time, I will be able to reverse the time and space of a dead person, just like the separation of order!

Ha ha ha

Gu Xuan was very happy.

The two leaders were angry.

This guy is a good seller when he gets a good price. It's a show off of chiguoguo!

It's tolerable, but it's intolerable.

"Well! Don't worry, you won't have a chance!

Can reverse time and space, keep the stone, is your end.

Because today you will die.

After all, the heart of Dansheng belongs to the Tiandao camp.

Master Dan, give it to me. I'll have a good time for you and Gu Xuan! "

The two leaders stared coldly at master Dan and stretched out their hands.

It can be said that the terrible momentum erupted from him and went straight to the sky!

He killed the master Dan and Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan smoked at the corner of his mouth.

The means of order separation is fierce!

These two leaders have been transformed too successfully.

In terms of momentum alone, it's much better than yourself.

His strength, I am afraid, has been far better than the normal state of their own.

If you don't use "great sacrifice" to fight with the opponent, Gu Xuan is not sure to defeat him.

Moreover, even if the use of "great sacrifice" does not pay more than 90% of Shouyuan, I am afraid it is not enough to kill the other side.

"Come on, elder martial brother, I believe you!

You will be able to kill the very second leader with your hand

Gu Xuan retreated, looking as if he wanted to stay away from the battlefield.

Dan Zun looked at Gu Xuan contemptuously.

"Why are you so timid?

With your high attainments in the way of time and space, it's impossible for him to kill you!

Besides, is this guy my opponent? "

The two leaders just want to refute with a cold smile.

Just then.

"What about me, then?"

Outside the Li ancestral hall, inside the towering giant tree, which had no movement, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

This is the sound of the red maroon ape!


The earth began to shake again, like a huge earthquake.

Outside Li's ancestral hall, the towering giant tree erupted into violent energy again.

Not only that, even the tree has become blood red.

Countless mysterious veins appear on the tree.


All of a sudden, the tree burst and the blood burst into the sky.

An altar suddenly appeared and expanded all around.

In the blink of an eye, the altar had already spread thousands of feet away, and even continued to spread. It was almost out of sight.

The whole Li ancestral hall is already within the scope of the altar, and it is the core area.

"The red monkey is not dead.

And this altar, it seems, is far more complicated than we thought

Gu Xuan looked at his feet.

He, Lord Dan, and the two leaders and three of them are all standing on the altar.

Inside the altar, there are countless blood lines.

These blood lines, like vines, kept climbing on the ancient Xuan and Dan Zun, as if trying to bind them up.

Huge suction came from the soles of their feet and acted on them.

Gu Xuan had a feeling of difficulty.

He mobilized the power of time and space, operated the way of time and space, covered his whole body, and made himself independent of this space. The feeling of struggling disappeared.

"Don't be too presumptuous. This is my Li family's territory."

Master Dan took a look at the blood lines that kept climbing on his body. With a disdainful smile, he gently raised his right foot and dropped it.


A circle of energy, rippling away.

All the blood lines within a hundred Zhang radius have disappeared!

"I'm worthy of being a sage!"

In the altar, dense blood lines came out, flashing, overlapping, condensing in the void, and finally turned into human form.

Oh, no, ape, to be exact.

The red demon ape, covered with blood colored veins, finally appeared in front of the crowd.

Standing in the altar, he seems to have a steady stream of energy, which goes into his body and makes his breath, little by little, stronger and stronger.

"This altar, though not completely completed, can be used in the end.

Now I am immortal, relying on the altar! "

The red demon ape is very proud and points to the master Dan.

"I'll kill you and let you die in endless pain!

And you, Gu Xuan, too! "

Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

This red demon ape seems to be more fierce than the second leader!

He gave venerable Dan a worried look.

However, venerable Dan just shook his head and gave a disdainful smile.

"You two, let's go together!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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