
Countless meteorites that came down from the sky fell into the giant tripod of Kunpeng one after another.

Bang bang.

One after another, the sound of explosion in the giant tripod of Kunpeng, earth shaking and soul frightening.

Circle after circle of energy, rippling from the giant tripod of Kunpeng, distorts the space and makes the world tremble.

This is the scene on the surface.

In Gu Xuan's eyes, there is another scene.

The empty shadow of the Dansheng in Dongbi always exists. He is still carrying a basket on his back. He is compassionate.

And that giant tripod, and his basket, overlap together.

It seems that the whole Kunpeng tripod is always in the state of Dongbi Dansheng Xuying.

Bang bang.

Endless meteorites continue to fall into the bottomless abyss of Kunpeng giant tripod, and the sound of explosion fills the world.

Gu Xuan stares at the empty shadow of Dongbi Dansheng. In a trance, he has a strange feeling.

Clearly that a virtual shadow is looking at the front, did not stare at him.

But it happened that he felt that the shadow of Dongbi Dansheng was always on him.

He seemed to want to talk to himself and tell himself something.

At this moment, Gu Xuan's Dan Dao was touched and drawn invisibly.


There was a loud noise in ancient Xuaner.

His way to heaven appeared in the void, connecting the sky above and the earth below. It was boundless and magnificent.


As soon as Tongtian Avenue appeared, Gu Xuan suddenly found that the scene in his eyes had changed again.

A wider, longer and vaster thoroughfare than his thoroughfare lies in the sky, like a sky bar, which divides the sky into two parts!

And that way of heaven, on the top of the empty shadow of Dongbi Dansheng, has a very close relationship with him.

"That's the way to heaven of Dongbi Dansheng!"

Gu Xuan's heart is full of shock.

The path to heaven is dozens of times larger than his.

In contrast, Gu Xuan felt small without any reason.


There is a warning sound.

"Dan Dao, you can also pour heaven!"

"Dan Dao, you can also pour heaven!"

"Dan Dao..."

Dongbi Dansheng's virtual shadow, mouth slightly open, mouth spit the sound of the road, such as the evening drum and morning bell, make the world suddenly change color.

However, the virtual shadow, the sound, and even the changing world only exist in the perception of Gu Xuan. No one else can detect it.

It's as if all this is specially prepared for him.

"Dan Dao, you can also pour heaven!"

Gu Xuan could not help repeating this sentence.

His voice, and the voice of Dongbi Dansheng's shadow, overlapped.

A kind of unspeakable resonance is produced between Gu Xuan and Dongbi Dansheng.

At this moment, from the basket behind Dongbi Dansheng, there was a light that only guxuan could see.

That light, toward the ancient Xuan is flying.

A flash, then disappeared into his eyebrow.


In the ocean of Gu Xuan's consciousness, there was a loud noise.

A simple book appeared in the sea of his consciousness.

On the books, there are four big characters, shining and shining.

When Gu Xuan saw the four characters clearly, he was shocked from body to soul.

In his heart, there was a huge wave.

It was no less than the way of heaven. Suddenly, he came out of the sea of consciousness.

Those four big characters represent the highest achievement of burning heaven Dan Dao in all ages!

"Ben! Grass! Dan! Scripture

Gu Xuan read these four words in silence.

At the same time, he felt a sudden sense.

"The classic of Materia Medica has always been in the land of Li Jiazu!

Strictly speaking, it has always been in the heart of Dansheng! "

Gu Xuan mumbled to himself.

Understand this at the same time, his heart, gave birth to more doubts.

This book of Materia Medica Dan Jing has always been in the heart of Dan Sheng. Why don't the venerable Dan know?

There are so many restrictions to find the classic of Materia Medica, but why can he, an outsider, get it for no reason?

Clearly, he has been standing here, watching venerable Dan fight, and doing nothing. Why did the book of Materia Medica enter his sea of consciousness?

What's more, does the venerable Dan know that Ben Cao Dan Jing has entered his sea of consciousness?

Gu Xuan had so many doubts that after a long time, he didn't even turn over the book of Materia Medica Dan Jing.

Fortunately, Gu Xuan's thoughts always jump.

Now that there are so many doubts, it's hard to get a clear idea for a moment, so I just don't want to.

Go directly to study "the classic of Materia Medica". Isn't it fragrant?

Gu Xuan controlled a stream of soul energy, and fell on the classic of Materia Medica. He couldn't wait to open it.

But, can't turn!

It's obviously a light book, but now, even the cover is as heavy as a thousand or ten thousand pounds, and it can't be turned.

"Do you want to recognize the Lord first?"

Gu Xuan's heart moved, condensing a soul mark, and sent it to the classic of Materia Medica.

But I can't get in!

Gu Xuan smoked at the corner of his mouth.

Baoshan is right in front of you. No, Baoshan has been included in the space ring. Can it not belong to you?

The heart a horizontal, Gu Xuan directly mobilize the power of the spirit, congealed to imprint, into the "herbal Dan Jing" and disappeared.

Unfortunately, "the classic of Materia Medica" is very reserved, still can not enter!

Gu Xuan had an impulse to vomit blood.

"In such a high-level book, what it records must be the supreme way!

Is it true that such a book can't recognize the LORD by the seal of soul, but by the essence and blood? "

As soon as Gu Xuan thought about this, he quickly condensed a drop of blood essence, entered the sea of consciousness, and fell on the "classic of Materia Medica".

Hum, hum.

The buzzing sound rang out, and the classic of Materia Medica was trembling. It seemed that he was very interested in that drop of blood essence.

Gu Xuan couldn't help getting excited.

"There's a play!"

He quickly controlled the drop of blood essence and fell on the books.

The essence and blood were successfully immersed in it.

"That's great. I've made it

Gu Xuan was so excited that he almost screamed. He couldn't wait to control Ben Cao Dan Jing and turn it over to see the contents.

But I can't control it!

There is no connection between him and the book of Materia Medica.

Gu Xuan's whole face twitched.

You're being whored for nothing?

"No, no, no, no, no, No. what's wrong with a book?

This book is extraordinary. The ordinary method of recognizing the LORD by dripping blood is not enough, even if it is blood essence.

Two drops, that's probably enough. "

Gu Xuan paranoid that he was not white whoring, so, once again released a drop of blood essence.

The blood essence is close, and the classic of Materia Medica still vibrates, as if excited.

Then, there is no then.

Gu Xuan insisted that perhaps only three drops of blood essence could recognize him as the master.

How can I eat a book and swallow three drops of his blood essence?

Is a wolf, so many benefits down, also have to be obedient to their own tail?

Fifteen seconds later.

When Gu Xuan lost ten drops of blood essence, and his face turned pale, he finally realized that, oh no, it should be said, he admitted the fact that he was really whoring in vain!

After ten drops of blood essence, the classic of Materia Medica didn't even fart. It was still floating in his sea of consciousness, motionless, and had no connection with him.


Gu Xuan couldn't help cursing, and his heart began to bleed.

He never thought that he had a good fortune and was appreciated by Dongbi Dansheng. He taught the book of Materia Medica to it!

As a result, a loneliness!

I can't recognize it as the master, and I can't see the content. I was swallowed ten drops of blood essence for no reason, and I didn't get any response.

This book, want it to have a fart to use!

Gu Xuan was a little crazy, and he could not resist the impulse to release the chaos Saint flame and burn the "herbal Dan Jing".

Of course, even if it is released, it will not burn.

Gu Xuan finally moved his attention away from the classic of Materia Medica, and withdrew most of his mind from the sea of consciousness.

Dongbi Dansheng that a virtual shadow of Tongtian Dandao, do not know when, has disappeared.

Gu Xuan's thoroughfare, no longer feeling drawn, he also put it away.

The battle of Lord Dan continues.

After all, all the meteorites in the sky are gone.

Kunpeng giant tripod, swallowed all the meteorites.

Later, the giant tripod seems to have exhausted its energy and disappeared.

Dan Zun still stood in place, his face as usual, and seemed to be waiting for the second leader to launch the next attack.

The figure of the two leaders did not appear for a long time.

Gu Xuan frowned. The two leaders had disappeared for such a long time. Were they brewing some big moves?

Suddenly, Gu Xuan's pupil suddenly shrank!

The Qi of those two leaders has locked him!

The two leaders disappeared for so long, and it was Gu Xuan who finally wanted to attack! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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