Boom boom!

The sound of continuous fighting, in Dongbi City, constantly sounded.

Among them, the sound of an explosion was particularly violent, shaking the earth and making countless Li family members and blood winged wolf look sideways.

They all felt the breath of an angry and powerful man.

But that breath appears and disappears quickly.

A moment less than Kung Fu, it has been no longer aware of.

This made many Li family members frown, doubting that they were fighting with the blood winged wolf, which was too fierce and led to hallucinations.

Only in fengmanlou mansion, all the warriors of Tiandao camp knew that the sound of explosion just now was not an illusion.

It was the sound of a pavilion collapsing under the fury of the wind.

"Silver wings, my guard, have fallen!

Are you such a big group of people all rubbish?

This is my mansion. The guard is so strict that the strange man can't come in quietly.

There must be a spy in the mansion who let him in on purpose.

You've been checking for so long, but you haven't found any suspicious places or suspicious people. They're all rubbish! "

Fengmanlou stood in front of the collapsed Pavilion, scolding the messengers of heaven.

All the messengers of the way of heaven bowed their heads and did not dare to speak.

Even stopped breathing, for fear of causing the attention of the building full of wind.

Only the wind filled the side of the building, a handsome man with golden wings on his back, always stood with a self-confident attitude.

"My Lord, if that man can appear in your residence quietly, there may not be spies.

It's also possible that he's already sneaking in.

After all, before the demons attacked the Li family, the guard array of the mansion did not open.

If he had come here before that, and been lurking to this day, it would have been possible. "

The handsome man respectfully arched his hand to fengmanlou and put forward his own opinion.

Feng manlou pondered for a moment and nodded.

"Golden wing guard, you have a point.

In your opinion, who is the strange man who killed the silver winged guard? "

The golden winged guard stretched out his right hand and pointed in one direction.

"If that man has been lurking in this mansion, I can only think of that one!

Only he can hide for so long without being found.

Only he can kill the silver wing guard.

The silver winged guard just went out a little bit earlier than me. When I chased him out, he had already fallen.

I didn't even find a trace of the battle.

The one who killed the silver winged guard must be a great warrior who is much stronger than him.

Such a big Dongbi City, with such strength, and you do not deal with, only Wuwei Shaozhu one person


Awe inspiring murder broke out from the building full of wind.

"It must be him! There are not many warriors in the ordinary great perfection.

Besides him, who else can smash the guard array I set up myself so easily? "

The golden wing guard frowned, and the color of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"But why did he do that?"

The wind filled the building with a cold smile.

"There's no need to think about why he did it, because it doesn't make any sense.

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether you want to give me a challenge or not.

Anyway, I now have only one idea, that is - Revenge!

Let's go to the place where there's no way to go now. I'll settle this account with him! "

The golden winged guard nodded respectfully.

"Yes, sir

Only a few breaths later, a road escape light, then from the mansion full of wind, fly out!

Direction, of course, is the direction of the residence of Wuwei Shaozhu.

It can be imagined that in the near future, a big war will break out in the residence of Wu Wei Shao Zhu.

To kill Gu Xuan, he didn't expect that he could make a mistake, which caused such a misunderstanding, and let the two forces of Tiandao camp and wufangkudi fight.

Li family, in the core area, northwest corner.

Outside a rather remote courtyard, there is a circle of elite warriors of the Li family.

At first glance, there are no less than 100.

In the whole Li family area, especially Dongbi city and this core area, are attacked by countless blood winged devil wolves. It is undoubtedly an extremely luxurious move for hundreds of elite children of the Li family to gather together.

But even so, the faces of the hundreds of elites of the Li family are still very dignified.

Now, the whole Li family is full of blood, like the air is dyed red.

And inside and outside this remote courtyard, the blood gas is even stronger, more than ten times stronger than other places.

A strong smell of blood filled the air.

These bloody smell, all from the courtyard, all from the Li family elite people!

Since several ethnic elders gathered here, the Li family has paid a great price in order to enter the courtyard.

No less than 80 people of the Li family fell here.

Among them, even including the fourth group and the seventh group!

Among the three elders gathered here, only one is left alive.

The old man of the sixth ethnic group and Li Yuanxiao stand together. Their breath seems to be a little dispirited. Obviously, the consumption before is not small.

Their eyes were fixed on the gate of the courtyard.

It was a rather decadent wooden door, wide open and not closed.

Along the wooden door to see, but nothing can be seen, the courtyard interior space, as if it is distorted in general, hazy, not really see.

"What should we do? It was not easy for us to open the light shield outside the courtyard with the help of the black gang friends.

But now, we have no courage to enter this gate! "

Li Yuan's face was full of decadence.

He really doesn't know what to do?

Although the gate of the courtyard is wide open, once someone enters it, they will be attacked.

The elders of the fourth and seventh ethnic groups, as well as dozens of elite children of the Li family, all fell because they entered the gate.

None of them survived. Not only did they die, but they were either riddled with wounds or turned into meat sauce, and none of them left a whole body.

Originally, Li Yuanxiao and the elder of the sixth nationality should have died inside the gate of the courtyard.

However, at the critical moment when they were fatally attacked, they were pushed out of the door by a stream of energy.

The two of them are the only two who have ever entered the gate of the courtyard and come out alive.

As for the energy that pushed them out of the gate, where it came from, they are still not clear.

However, the two guessed that the person who saved them was probably black!

Because, after the black magic soldiers came down and smashed the guard array outside the small courtyard, they, together with "master Gu" and "housekeeper Xue", took the lead to enter the gate of the small courtyard.

And they have no sign of falling.

They're probably, up to now, all alive!

"We have lost more than 80 relatives in order to find out the situation in the small courtyard.

Unfortunately, they all failed.

If we go in again, I'm afraid the result will be the same. Unless there are reinforcements of Da Yuanman level coming here, otherwise we can only rely on the friends of the underworld!

He said that he would try his best to help us destroy the altar.

I hope he can do it! "

The old man of the sixth clan clenched his fist and raised it to the top of his head, looking like he was cheering for the black.

Li Yuan gave a bitter smile.

The safety of the Li family should be protected by an outsider, which is sad.

"You must destroy the altar and avenge for the elites who sacrificed for the Li family."

Li Yuanxiao also clenched his fist.

At this moment, a figure in white passed by them, like lightning. With a flash, he rushed in from the gate of the courtyard! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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