Three lava giants, waving huge hammers, bombard the rocks.

The distance between them and the sea of blood is less than one Zhang!

I'm afraid you can split the sea of blood into three people and blow it out!

See two lava giant hands of the hammer, will hit the three hiding in that piece of rock!

The sea of blood directly stood up.

"What are you doing, boss?"

Xuezu was surprised.

The sea of blood split up and gave a smile.

"To do the right thing, of course!

This body is no longer important.

You've been trapped for so long, don't you feel subdued?

I want to get out of this space and return to the Li family, but I can't get back to the entrance.

If you want to find an exit, you can't destroy the altar in the real courtyard.

How can I kill these powerful beasts? "

Xuezu's eyes brightened.

He knew it was Gu Xuan!

Therefore, there is no need to continue to exist.


In the eyes of the blood sea, a fine light flashed, and the whole body was directly cracked!


The sound of an explosion was heard.

The stone forest where the blood ancestors hid was directly blasted to pieces.

Countless lava giants and lava sword tigers were blown into nothingness.

At the same time, the slurry splashed, and the flame and gravel flew together.

Only the rock hidden by Xuezu and Wuhei stood in place.

The power of the explosion just now, under the control of Gu Xuan, avoided it.

Wu Hei stood up, staring at the place where she stood before the sea of blood, her eyes filled with tears.

"Mr. Gu, in order to save us, you did not hesitate to blow yourself up!

You are so great. I remember this feeling.

No matter whether it's life or death, I'll be an ox and a horse for you in the next life

Black is deeply moved.

Xuezu looked at the black, and laughed.

At this time, Gu Xuan's figure appeared quietly behind Wu Hei.

"If you want to repay me, why the next life?

Can't you be an ox or a horse in your life? "

Gu Xuan laughed like a joke and patted Wu Hei on the shoulder.

Wu Hei almost had a hallucination. He suddenly turned back and stared at Gu Xuan. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Gu... Mr. Gu?

You... Aren't you dead?

I saw you explode with my own eyes

Wu Hei was shocked and incoherent.

Gu Xuan patted black shoulder again.

"Self explosion is self explosion, death is death, these are two things, you must not confuse."

There was confusion in black eyes.

"Self explosion and death are two different things?"

He's a little out of his mind.

Gu Xuan turned his head slightly and looked into the distance.

There, there are a group of fierce energy beasts, rushing forward.

These energy ferocious beasts are obviously very similar to the blood winged wolf.

They rely on the altar, as long as the altar is not destroyed, there will be a steady stream of energy fierce animals, and there is no end to killing them.

And then the altar absorbs more and more energy, and the strength of the energy fierce beast will become stronger and stronger.

Although there's no big round level energy beast yet, it's just a matter of time.

If we don't solve the problem before that, it will be more and more troublesome.

"This matter, with your wisdom, will be very complicated to explain.

In the future, you will understand.

Stop gossiping. Now we have to hurry out. "

The confusion in black eyes turned into a surprise.

He didn't expect that just now, Mr. Gu was hiding under the rocks with himself. How could he find a way out so quickly?

"Mr. Gu, where is the exit?"

Asked black eagerly.

Xuezu is also very curious, looking forward to Gu Xuan.

When the sea of blood was still there, the three of them explored many places.

However, the eyesight of the sea of blood did not find the exit.

Separation is only separation after all, which has great limitations.

Gu Xuan raised his head and looked at the sky.

The sky is very high, black, like a black hole, can devour everything.

"This independent space looks very big, but in fact, it's not very big.

When I came to you, I had explored all around with the power of my soul.

I found that although all energy ferocious beasts come out of the ground, every time there is a new energy ferocious beast, before it is condensed out, there will be a unique magic pattern that falls from the sky and goes underground.

After that, as like as two peas, the magic of the new energy monster is always the same as the magic line that fell from the sky.

Of course, this process is extremely difficult to discover.

It's a pity that you can't hide it from me! "

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed a fine light, and his hands formed a mysterious and complicated seal.

"Great cause and effect, silk thread of cause and effect, trace the origin!"

Gu Xuan suddenly drank, and countless forces of cause and effect turned into silk threads, with Gu Xuan as the center, extending directly to the sky.

A moment later, at the height of about 2000 feet, the causal silk thread met the barrier and could not continue to extend upward.

This means that the boundary of this space is there!

"Let's go!"

Gu Xuan waved his hand, and a soft energy swept Xuezu and Wuhei.

"Instant shadow!"

Gu Xuan directly displayed the way of time and space, with two people, appeared on the boundary of the sky.

The space here seems to be ordinary, with nothing, and it is far away from the ground. Looking down, all the energy ferocious beasts are just a black spot.

Roar, roar!

It seems that Gu Xuan's whereabouts have been found. On the ground, the lava giant and the lava sword tiger all turned into light and flew up.

Dense, at first glance, there are hundreds of them!

His dark face changed.

"Mr. Gu, do something!

There is no place to hide here. If those fierce energy beasts rush up, we will be living targets. If we want to escape, I'm afraid we can't escape. "

Hundreds of fierce energy beasts rush up in such a dense way. Who can hold them?

Gu Xuan smiles confidently.

"These fierce beasts are just looking at many.

As a matter of fact, in the stone forest that I blew up just now, there were only a lot more powerful beasts.

However, they are scattered, you hide, so the visual impact is not so strong.

So why worry about just a few hundred powerful beasts? "

As Gu Xuan spoke, his hands were not idle, and he once again produced the most mysterious seal.

"Besides, those hundreds of powerful beasts can't fly to us."

His body, rich to the extreme force of time and space, emerged.

The rune and the rhyme of Tao hover in the void like a whirlwind, enveloping the three ancient Xuans.

Below, the hundreds of powerful beasts are flying towards the three men, but there is a sign that the distance between them is getting farther and farther.

As far as all the energy fierce beasts become black spots again, they only hear the roar.

They're all blown up.

Once again, Wu Hei was shocked, isn't that too bad?

He had never imagined such a means.

Xuezu said with a smile: "don't be surprised, I'm my childe's basic operation!

Keke, of course, this basic exercise is obtained by kowtowing "holy elixir" and performing "taboo technique"!

It has a lot of side effects on the body. Look at my son, his face is a little pale.

What, don't you see? Then you have to look carefully until you see it! "

The blood ancestor fooled black.

At this time, people only felt that there was a weak spatial fluctuation on the top of their heads.

All of a sudden, a magic pattern came in from the nothingness of the top of the head and fell down.

The number as like as two peas of the ancient magic, the number of the animals that just killed the beast.

It also means that these magical patterns are used to supplement the energy of fierce beasts.

Gu Xuan's eyes shine.

"Now, the power of cause and effect, help me!

The way of time and space, help me!

This space should not exist.

Cause and effect cycle, time and space dragon, break it for me , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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