"Why don't you go away?

Didn't you understand Ben Dansheng? "

Gu Xuan's eyes were awe inspiring as he looked at the house full of thoughts and Wuwei Shaozhu.

The power of the spirit belonging to Dan Zun, with rolling momentum, condensed towards the top of their heads again.

The wind is full of buildings and there is no less master, only feel the pressure on the body increased sharply.

They fought hard and fell down their bodies in circles, rippling all around, raising endless dust and flying sand and rocks in the ruins.

Step on, step on.

Under the impact of this momentum ripple, even the right toothless and golden winged guards can only step back and dare not compete with them.

This momentum, too terrible, let them hit the bottom of their hearts, gave birth to an irresistible feeling.

The wind filled the building and the face of Wuwei Shaozhu, full of unwilling.

The fact that danzun can come out of the Li family's ancestral land means that their plan to capture Dansheng's heart has completely failed.

Judging from the current strong performance of Dan Zun, I'm afraid that there are no big perfect strong ones they sent out, even the demons.

The general trend has gone!

"If you don't go away, you don't have to go away. Ben Dansheng himself" sent "you out.

Even though I dare not kill you, if I abolish you, the way of heaven and the sufferer will not come to me!

After all, you bastards, together with the demons, attack my li ancestral land and want to kill Bensheng!

Such a great crime is tantamount to betraying and burning heaven!

I'm just abandoning you. Who can say anything? "

Gu Xuan began to put on his hat. He didn't really intend to do it. He just wanted to scare them away.

The energy that venerable Dan left in Saint Dan, he did not want to waste.

Gu Xuan's words made the whole Dongbi city fall into shock and boiling.

In Dongbi City, Dan Zun is heaven.

His words are the golden rule, and no one will question them.

"No wonder there are so many strong people in wufangku and Tiandao camp, but they don't send them out at all when they are fighting against the demons.

Instead, dogs bite dogs here.

It turns out that they and the demons are actually a group! "

"No wonder, no wonder, I said, how could wufangku and Tiandao camp be so kind-hearted that they would be stationed in our Dongbi city.

I keep saying that I want to protect Lord Dansheng, but the ultimate goal is to kill him! "

For a moment, the crowd was furious.

In Dongbi City, there are also many foreign warriors, more than half of them are worshippers of Dan Zun. They are also very angry at the moment, and one after another say that they want to spread out all the things that they have done against the way of heaven.

Seeing the seriousness of the situation, the wind filled the building and Wuwei Shaozhu felt a thump in his heart.

They had no idea how things were going in the Li family's ancestral home.

To cooperate with the demons, this kind of thing is not their intention or their will. They will not give such an order at all.

But they know very well that Da Yuanman who went to Li Jiazu's place to take the life of Dan Zun could definitely do such a thing.

In order to complete the task, cooperation with the demons is also an expedient.

And once it's successful, it's time to destroy all the people in Li's ancestral land. In the end, nothing will happen?

What's more, the strong and uncooperative performance of Lord Yidan is waiting to be defeated and killed by him?

After pondering for a moment, the wind came to a decision.

He didn't dare to stay in Dongbi city any longer, otherwise the Dan master might have abandoned him.

After all, such a big hat has been buttoned down. If master Dan wants to deal with himself, he can be regarded as a famous teacher.

Besides, not to mention anything else, it's true that he and fengmanlou went to war and destroyed most of Dongbi city.

It's also true that he has such a strong fighting power, but he doesn't help to resist the demons. On the contrary, he fights with the forces of burning heaven.

In a word, it's a chicken feather.

There are plenty of reasons for master Dan to do something for himself. He directly throws such a heavy bomb as colluding with the demons and attacking Li Jiazu's land. It's a complete death. He's determined to drive himself away, and there's no room for maneuver.

"I don't know what happened?

Will it make you so angry?

But what you said about colluding with the demons to attack Li's ancestral land is definitely a misunderstanding.

How can we collude with the demons when our Tiandao camp is determined to defend the burning heaven?

Even if someone colludes with the demons, it is a person who has no way to suffer.

If they had not restrained the people in the Tiandao camp, we would have done our best to help destroy the demon altar.

Anyway, with this misunderstanding, it's not easy for the Tiandao camp to stay in the Li family.

Golden wing, take our people and go

The wind filled the building with a sigh, as if he had been wronged and misunderstood.

At the same time, also do not forget to collude with the demons charges, pushed to the head of nowhere.

Wuwei Shaozhu's face is very gloomy. The wind is all over the building. Before he leaves, he doesn't forget to dig a hole for him.

He gave a cold hum.

"Well! It's just nonsense. I've been making friends with the Li family without any way to make trouble. How can I do that?

There are many misunderstandings in this, but please rest assured, Lord Dansheng. I will investigate this matter thoroughly and give you an explanation!

I have to emphasize another point.

Before, I was preparing to take people to help Dongbi City resist the attack of the demons, but fengmanlou brought people to break into my residence, asking for a crime with unwarranted charges and restraining my people.

Many Li family members in Dongbi city can testify to this.

When fighting, the first one to be destroyed is also my residence!

People who make trouble in my residence and hold me down are actually doing something wrong. Who is not kind? Different people have different opinions!

Lord Dansheng, goodbye!

Right toothless, go and gather our people. Let's go

Wuwei Shaozhu, unwilling to be outdone, attacked the Tiandao camp. Then he waved his hand and turned to leave.

In the distance, on top of an attic.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhao was relieved at last.

The Tiandao camp and the people and horses who have no way to suffer are finally leaving.

What's more, fengmanlou and wuweishaozhu are still good hands and feet. They have not been abandoned or killed. This is great news.

It's worth three drinks to celebrate!

However, at this time, Gu Xuan suddenly spoke.

"Wait! Ben Danson almost forgot.

The battle between your two camps is bigger than the destruction of Dongbi city by the demons!

Don't you want to pay for it? "

Li Yuanhao almost didn't dodge his words?

What compensation do you want?

The key is to send the wind away quickly!

What if they see a flaw?

Fengmanlou and Wuwei Shaozhu are also stunned.

How can Dan ask them for compensation?

They did cause damage to Dongbi City, but it was much less than the damage caused by the blood winged demon wolf of the demon clan.

After all, the main purpose of the blood winged wolf is to kill.

And the battle between the two camps was not aimed at the Li family.

Although some people were injured and killed by mistake, compared with the number of people killed by the blood winged devil wolf, that's a small Witch.

Compared with people, what is destroying a little building?

Of course, none of this is the key.

The key point is that asking for compensation is not the style of Dan Zun at all, let alone his character.

"Is it..."

Wuwei Shaozhu and fengmanlou suddenly have a little doubt about master Dan.

However, the breath and momentum of Dan Zun are real and can not be doubted.

There are some contradictions in their hearts, and they really want to test whether the master Dan is really stronger or just bluffing.

Or, it's someone else posing.

But appearance can be changed, but how can the breath of soul be imitated?

Gu Xuan saw the suspicious color in their eyes, and a smile flashed across his mouth.

When they were about to leave, he purposely made such a show. His real purpose was to plant a seed of doubt for them.

There are too many flaws and irrationalities in today's affairs.

Sooner or later, these two people will have doubts and send someone to the Li family to test.

And I can't stay in the Li family all the time.

Instead of waiting for them to ponder over it, I don't know how long it will take before they will try.

It's better to plant a seed of doubt for them, so that they can't help but send someone to test them as soon as possible.

As for now direct hand to test, Wuwei little Lord and wind full building, have no courage.

Two people looked at each other, actually very tacit understanding took out a space ring, respectfully toward the direction of Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan laughs, and his heart moves. Two space rings fly into his hands.

"Go away! I'll give you a quarter of an hour. "

Gu Xuan turned around, stepped out, and disappeared from the void.

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