When the figure came out, the whole camp was covered with a layer of light.

It can be seen that the figure is a young man, tall and handsome.

Unfortunately, his face, however, seemed to be shrouded in layers of fog. In any case, he couldn't really see it.

The golden winged guard and a group of messengers of heaven knelt down one after another and saluted the figure respectfully.

"That's great. My father's volition free separation of heaven has finally arrived!"

The wind filled the building with joy.

Although the way of heaven in one world dominates one world and is superior to others, there are many restrictions.

It's an iron rule that you can't attack ordinary fighters at will.

Otherwise, the way of heaven is in his territory. It's not easy to kill a person who practices against heaven?

However, as the way of heaven, there is no way to deal with it?

It is the most common way of doing things for heaven to develop one's own power and train the messengers of heaven to act for heaven.

Before or even after becoming the way of heaven, it is a better way to leave your own blood and bone by various means.

No one knows whether fengmanlou is the former or the latter.

But it is certain that his existence can help the way of heaven to better carry out his will in the burning heaven.

It is one of the means of Tiandao to carry out its own will in order to avoid risks.

Strictly speaking, the willless separation of heaven is equivalent to the energy separation of heaven.

No will, no instinct.

It's certainly not against any iron law to lower such an energetic separation.

This is the same as a blacksmith who threw a hand-made sword on the ground.

As for who picked up the sword and what it was used for, it's not the blacksmith's business.

In the same way, after the energy of the way of heaven comes, it is not related to the way of heaven who controls it and what it does.

This is, of course, a form of sidekick.

But in the world of burning heaven, a world without even the Lord of the world, all the power of interpretation belongs to the way of heaven.

Fengmanlou carefully looked at the willless separation of heaven, and then injected the power of his spirit into his brow.

On the willless Tiandao, the air of the building filled with wind suddenly appeared, and even his face gradually became the air of the building filled with wind.

Now, this energy separation can be regarded as the separation of fengmanlou.

What's more, it's much stronger than the wind filled building itself. I don't know how many times.

"There's the way of heaven. Even if it's a disaster, I can fight against it!

Although we can't win, it's not too difficult to keep our lives and retreat.

When I was well prepared, I went to Li's house to explore the reality of master Dan!

He got such a powerful force, not only did he not die, but he was able to seal his life and protect the Li family. It doesn't make sense at all. "

The wind filled the building, and a fine light flashed in his eyes.

The golden winged guard respectfully said, "this thing is really weird everywhere.

There is also a strange thing. The people who have no way to suffer have never left the northern wilderness. I don't know what they want to do

The wind filled the building with a cold smile.

"I'm afraid that Wuwei Shaozhu also has doubts about the fact that venerable Dan sealed his life with blood.

Now, most of him is asking for help from the sufferer, and he wants to go to the Li family to find out!

Say, we want to win the heart of the sage, the biggest obstacle is not necessarily the Li family, but should be painstaking.

Golden wing, you protect the Dharma for me. I'll be closed for a few days.

When I go out of the pass, I will be able to freely drive the separation of heaven.

At that time, no one was my opponent! "

The confidence of fengmanlou is at its peak.

"Yes, sir

The golden winged guard took orders respectfully.

Almost at the same time, similar things are happening in the camp with no way to suffer.

Wuwei Shaozhu also succeeded in seeking help from the sufferer.

Li family, in the core area.

After all, Tongtian Dan Road in the sky disappeared, which made the Li family still have a lot to say, but at the same time, they were disappointed.

Gu Xuan made so much noise in the alchemy room of the master of Dan that they all thought that Gu Xuan was going to be promoted to the sage of Dan.

Unfortunately, No.

Gu Xuan didn't even try to do it, so he put away his own way.

In the alchemy room.

Gu Xuan is still studying the "prescription of herbal medicine".

He has studied this skill for seven or seven times.

According to the memory of Dongbi Dansheng left in the memory fragments, as long as you cultivate this skill to the state of perfection, you can use it to try to suppress or break the seal of Tongtian Dandao.

And the process is not complicated, it just takes a little longer.


Gu Xuan suddenly came out of the alchemy room.

A moment later, he turned back and stood in the original position, as if he had never been out from the beginning to the end.

At least, Li Yuanhao, who has been paying close attention to the movement outside the alchemy room, did not find any sign that Gu Xuan had gone out.

There is a reason why the ancient Xuan came out of the alchemy room.

He picked a seed from a grass in the corner outside the alchemy room.

That seed is the size of a needle.

At this time, the seed is suspended in front of Gu Xuan's eyes, like a grain of dust. If you don't look carefully, you can easily ignore it.

"Qiuluo grass, a common weed, has no medicine.

The quality of this seed is average, even inferior.

Under normal circumstances, this seed has no chance of rooting.

But there is a "herbal medicine" in it, which can not only make it take root and sprout, but also grow a hundred times larger than its mother parent. It has certain medicinal properties and can be used as a medicine for alchemy.

According to the information about "herbal yulingjue", if the qiuluo herb produced by this formula can replace the main medicinal material of qipindan, then "herbal yulingjue" is the entry point.

If it can replace the main medicinal material of refining bapingdan, it is Xiaocheng.

If it can replace the main medicinal material for refining jiupindan, it will be regarded as Dacheng! "

Gu Xuan held his chin and muttered to himself. He couldn't wait to have a try.

After all, only by practicing the "herbal spirit control formula" to a great degree, can we have the opportunity to use it to suppress or break the seal of Tongtian Dan Dao.

Gu Xuan's hands formed the most mysterious seal. A force of wood movement surged out of him, full of vitality.

Countless wooden runes and the rhyme of wooden road also appeared around his body, constantly circling, making the whole alchemy room full of life.

Hum, hum.

A wooden table and several wooden chairs in the room began to tremble and sprout green buds one after another.

The withered trees are in full bloom.

Gu Xuan was not surprised by this strange sight, which he expected.

All his attention was on the seed of qiuluo grass in front of him.

"The prescription of herbal medicine, enlightening!"

After the seal of Gu Xuan, put your right index finger gently on the seeds of qiuluo grass.

A strange scene happened.

That seed actually grew a root out of thin air.

Two green leaves come out.

A small and exquisite qiuluo grass has been suspended in the void.

When Gu Xuanxin read and moved, the power of wood, runes and rhymes that hovered around his body all poured into the small and exquisite qiuluo grass.

Qiuluo grass continues to grow. In the blink of an eye, it grows to the size of a thumb.

This is the same size as its mother parent, the qiuluo grass growing outside the alchemy room in a corner.

This is also the normal size of tylosanthes.

However, the qiuluo grass suspended in front of guxuan continued to grow.

When it grows to the size of the head, a fragrance suddenly comes out from the leaves, refreshing!

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