The Li family, in a rather luxurious attic.

Xuezu's face was full of disbelief, and he stared at Gu Xuan in amazement.

Sometimes, he had to admire his hunch.

There is a big threat.

Moreover, it seems that this great omen has been foreshadowed a long time ago.

"Boss, I'm an immortal beast of yingtianzong and huzong. You asked me to stay and guard the little Li family?

Your apprentice Li Yuanhao, isn't he already a great man?

Is it enough to have him in the Li family?

Why should I stay? "

Xuezu expressed strong opposition to this.

What's the point of guarding the Li family?

Looking at the Li family, there will be no more fierce fighting in a short time.

Only by following the boss, can we have endless opportunities to participate in countless battles, and bat life can be more passionate!

Li Yuanhao could not help twitching a few times.

How can this blood ancestor despise the Li family?

How ridiculous!

If it wasn't for Shifu's face, he would have slapped the fan in his hand and fanned Xuezu away.

He's very happy now. Isn't it easy to deal with a blood bat in the realm of the supreme king?

Gu Xuan laughed and waved his hand casually, which indicated that the objection of Xuezu was invalid.


Xuezu didn't know where he took out a dagger and put it on his neck.

"I will never stay in the Li family. If you let me stay in the Li family, I immediately wiped my neck!

My blood ancestor died here today, jumping from the attic and never staying in

But I thought for a moment, if you must let me stay, there must be your reason.

In that case, I'll listen to you and stay. "

Xuezu looked at the palm of Gu Xuan's hand, and the dagger in his hand suddenly disappeared.

His saliva almost came down.

On the palm of Gu Xuan's hand lie two round pills.

They are two holy pills, which are fragrant, refreshing and attractive.

Li Yuanhao's eyes were straight.

"Master, why don't you give me the Li family's holy pills?

Since the Taoist friends of Xuezu don't want to stay, I don't want to... "

Before Li Yuanhao finished his words, he saw Xuezu snatch two holy pills. He licked them with his tongue and looked at him provocatively. Then he put the holy pills away.

"It's nonsense. I'm willing to stay, OK?"

Li Yuanhao was disgusted by the sight. Just those two holy pills. I don't want them!

Gu Xuan smiles.

Can let the blood ancestor "willingly" stay, this is in his anticipation.

No one saint can refuse the temptation of two holy elixirs.

What's more, those two holy pills are very helpful for the cultivation of the emperor, and can help them break through.

Blood ancestor's heart wants to follow him, but doesn't it mean that he wants to get the chance as soon as possible and step into the state of great happiness?

Now, those two holy pills, for Xuezu, can be regarded as a chance, and it's an easy chance. He has no reason to refuse.

"Master, can you give me some of Li's holy pills?

One, that's fine. "

Li Yuanhao looked pitifully at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan raised his chin.

In order to make Gu Xuan impersonate himself and make him more realistic, the venerable Dan gave him a transparent holy pill containing his own strength, and also gave him 60 holy pills to keep.

There is no way. If Gu Xuan wants to fight as "Dan Zun" and frighten the enemy, he must have enough holy Dan for him to drive.

So that he can use Saint Dan as a means of attack.

When the holy pill was given to Gu Xuan, he was authorized to keep it for him.

Today, Li Yuanhao has been promoted to great consummation, which is not far from the realm of emperor Dandi.

According to the truth, he has the strength to protect himself. Gu Xuan should have returned all the holy pills to him.

But all the holy pills are given to Li Yuanhao. Gu Xuan is really worried that he will expand and become over dependent on the holy pills.

After all, it's too convenient to practice, heal, consolidate and so on with holy elixir.

Once the dependence occurs, it is not good for it.

Of course, it's not easy for Gu Xuan to say this. When he says it, he will feel like he wants to cover it up, which will make Li Yuanhao misunderstand that he wants to take the holy pill alone, so he makes many excuses and deliberately does not return it.

This is the first concern.

Secondly, Gu Xuan knew the truth of his guilt.

After all, Li Yuanhao is just a warrior who has just stepped into the ordinary state of full circle.

Anyone who knows that he has a lot of holy elixirs will have a bad idea.

This is also one of the reasons why Gu Xuan let the blood ancestor stay.

Now the Li family is a hot spot for many forces.

It is inevitable that there will be endless temptations.

After all, only the Tiandao camp and wufangkudi are scared.

There are many other forces that will send people to investigate the current situation of the Li family in order to get benefits.

With Xuezu in, you can help Li Yuanhao block more than 90% of his troubles.

Moreover, Gu Xuan was very clear that there must be Shengdan and other good things in Li Yuanhao.

When master Dan had only five minutes left, he quietly gave Li Yuanhao a space ring in front of Gu Xuan.

Although it's secret, how can you hide it from Gu Xuan?

In that space ring, how can there not be a few saints?

But these things are under the table, and it's not easy to expose Gu Xuan.

What's on the table is that he does have a lot of Shengdan belonging to the Li family.

As the owner of the Li family, Li Yuanhao only asked him for a few. If he didn't give them, it would be too much.

"Saint Dan, I can give you five at most.

I will keep the rest.

Of course, at the front, Saint Dan is with me, and I may use some.

However, you can rest assured that I will supplement all the used holy pills.

Including the three holy elixirs you consumed before your promotion.

I'll add all of them back!

In a word, the sixty holy pills that elder martial brother asked me to keep on his behalf, when the time comes, I will give them back to you and the Li family! "

Gu Xuan's words are very serious.

This gave Li Yuanhao a surprise.

He had already recognized Gu Xuan, the master, and all he had done.

Even if Gu Xuan didn't return the holy pills to him, he would find a hundred reasons for Gu Xuan not to return the holy pills in his heart, just as he recognized the venerable Dan.

In his space ring, in fact, there are a lot of Saint Dan quietly left by the venerable Dan.

Those holy pills, even the ancient Xuan, didn't know their existence. They were made for him by the venerable Dan.

Just now, he just saw Xuezu get some holy pills, so he also wanted to sell a good one and ask for some.

After all, it's Saint Dan. Who doesn't want it?

Did you expect that Gu Xuan would suddenly become so solemn?

If he had known that, he would not have said a word.

"Master, you misunderstood me.

Those saints, Lord Dansheng gave them to you, so how to deal with them is up to you.

You don't owe anything to your disciples or to the Li family.

When it comes to debt, it is also the Li family that owes you.

If not for you, the Li family would be gone now. Aren't those holy elixirs from Tiandao camp and wufangkudi?

I just had a mouth addiction. In fact, I'm not short of... "

Gu Xuan waved his hand to stop Li Yuanhao from going on.

"Well, I'll save all five.

Here's one for you, love or not.

No, just throw it to Xuezu. "

Gu Xuan looks like an old God. He glances at Li Yuanhao and throws him a holy pill.

Li Yuanhao's heart relaxed and his face returned to a smile. He caught Shengdan and pointed to "Mr. Gu"

"Yes, this holy pill is given to the dog but not to Xuezu!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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