Princess suque's words, let Gu Xuan eyes, also flashed a fine awn.

The so-called "Yin Yang dual array" is also called "Yin Yang dual array", or "positive and negative dual array".

As the name suggests, it is to overlap the two arrays with opposite operation direction, opposite array pattern drawing method, and even completely opposite energy flow direction on the array flag, so as to make them a whole.

Such an array is extremely difficult.

Because everything is opposite, it is easy to cause the energy and utility of the two arrays to cancel each other, making the array ineffective and causing a series of problems.

However, although the difficulty is exaggerated, the power of the soul can be arranged when it reaches the level of Saint King and is proficient in array.

Moreover, the success rate is not low.

Once the arrangement is successful, the effect of the array will be doubled directly to more than double.

Unfortunately, this is only limited to some small and not too complicated arrays.

It's too big.

However, if this method is used to successfully arrange the "Heaven stealing array", then the success rate of helping tower owners and others to keep Shouyuan will be greatly enhanced.

Gu Xuan is very excited.

"Worthy of your royal highness!"

This "Heaven stealing array" only has one flag and one pattern, and then it is arranged in 7788, which is enough to go against the sky.

How can you superimpose another heaven stealing array on this one.

It's amazing!

I can't wait to see it. "

Gu Xuan's eyes are shining.

Princess rosefinch tilts her head and stares at Gu Xuan with a mysterious smile.

The spirit emperor also looks at Gu Xuan and smiles.

It has to be said that whether it is Princess rosefinch or the fairy emperor, their smiles are worthy of the four words of "Qing Guo Qing Cheng".

If at ordinary times, the two people's smile, Gu Xuan will be in the heart of the evaluation of a "pleasing to the eye.".

But now, their two people's smile, but let Gu Xuan in the heart have a kind of bad premonition.

Gu Xuan's shining eyes gradually faded.

The excited color on the face also gradually stagnated.

"Your Highness, won't you tell me that the reverse alignment is not for you to arrange?"

Gu Xuan was crying.

Princess rosefinch gave Gu Xuan her right thumb.

"You are the master of yingtianzong, smart!

I have other things to prepare for. It's up to you to set up another reverse "Heaven stealing array."!

Remember, it must be finished in three hours.

Otherwise, if it's morning, it's a problem. "

Gu Xuan took a puff at the corner of his mouth. He only felt that one head was bigger than the other two.

"How can it be completed in three hours?

I don't know how to arrange this "Heaven stealing array". Even if you teach me now, it's too late, isn't it?

How complicated is it from making the array flag to sketching the reverse array pattern without any mistakes?

How can we do it in three hours? "

Princess rosefinch took the hand of the emperor.

"So you need to do your best.

With the power of your soul, it's still possible to complete it as long as you maintain 200% concentration within these three hours.

Moreover, the reason why the array is placed in the territory of the spirit emperor is that the spirit emperor can help in this matter.

With her help, I believe you can finish it in less than three hours!

After all, the array I arranged is here. You can draw the gourd in the same way and do the opposite. "

Princess rosefinch looks at Gu Xuan with a smile, like I believe you.

The spirit emperor nodded.

"Yes, Gu Xuan, I believe you, too.

This independent space is also my territory. I can control everything in it.

As long as you and I are connected, this power of control can be shared with you.

At that time, how to combine the formation of the princess's Royal Highness, draw a gourd, and set up an opposite and complementary method, you will be able to perceive it.

Gu Xuan's mouth twitched a few times.

It's easy to say, but I'm afraid that's not the case in practice.

However, looking at Princess rosefinch's appearance, she is determined to let herself set up the reverse "Heaven stealing array".

Gu Xuan sighed, indicating that he accepted his fate.

I can't help it if I don't know my life. After all, it's good for him to help the tower master and others keep Shouyuan.

Princess rosefinch is a volunteer to help. Why do you think she's too tired of the East and the west?

"Before you start to arrange the array, let's go to your palm world.

First, prepare the tower owner.

Secondly, Wutong must be brought out by the old Wutong.

Princess rosefinch released her hand and went to Gu Xuan.


Gu Xuan nodded, recited the formula, and then used his magic power to summon the world in his hand.

Suddenly, a round crystal ball was suspended in front of Gu Xuan.

He thought, and went in.

Princess rosefinch followed.

The Emperor didn't go in. He just watched Gu Xuan's palm world from the outside. He seemed very interested in the condensation of the palm world.

In the palm of the world.

Gu Xuan and Princess rosefinch appeared at the same time, which surprised the tower owner and others.

The next moment, the tower owner ran to Princess suque and bowed.

"The younger generation has seen the princess of the rosefinch and has not seen it for a long time. The younger generation is thinking of Her Highness day after day.

Farewell to your highness today. The elders are very honored, and their family graves are almost full of smoke.

The royal highness of princess is more and more beautiful.

The leader of the tower flattered himself very skillfully, fluently and naturally, and his expression came from the bottom of his heart. Obviously, he has been practicing in his heart these days.

As for Gu Xuan, he was ignored by the gorgeous.

Black lines gushed out of Gu Xuan's forehead.

I'm such a living man standing here!

What do you mean you don't even give me a straight eye?

Also, do you think your royal highness is three years old?

Flattery is so exaggerated that you can see through your royal highness at a glance.

"Cluck, cluck."

Princess rosefinch's face flushed with laughter.

Obviously, the flattery of the tower master touched her heart.

A few rosefinch feathers, as a gift from the elder, float to the tower master.

The tower master was so grateful that he almost fell on his knees and kowtowed.

Gu Xuan looked at the rosefinch feather in the tower master's hand and felt that his eyes were sour as if he had drunk vinegar.

"It's disgraceful!

Why don't you just stay here for the rest of your life

Gu Xuan's heart was full of pain.

At this time, a silver flash passed, and the height was only 1.5 meter. The old Wutong, with a crane's face, did not know where to drill.

Gu Xuan saluted him quickly.

"I have seen old Wutong predecessors, you..."

I haven't finished yet.


The old Wutong has fallen to the feet of Princess rosefinch, with a low face.

Gu Xuan took a puff at the corner of his mouth, but he couldn't go on.

I was ignored again!

How ridiculous!

This is the world in your own hands. How can you not feel uneasy if you ignore my young master?

The princess looked at the old Wutong, which was laughed by the tower owner, which only slightly converged.

"Things, are you ready?"

Princess rosefinch said condescending.

Old Wutong quickly pulled out a jade box from his arms and opened it.

Inside the jade box, a drop of transparent tears, lying quietly, exudes a gorgeous colorful luster, which is eye-catching.

Around the tears, there is a rhyme hovering.

That rhyme is very mysterious, very ancient, just a look, as if people can be inspired, sink into it, difficult to extricate themselves.

Tears, trance, you can see a towering giant tree.

It is a Wutong tree rooted in the earth, as if supporting the whole sky, as if existed in ancient times, great and vicissitudes.

At the sight of the giant trees, everyone felt humble.

In the palm of the world, for a moment, silence.

After a long time.

"Thanks Wutong predecessor, this Wutong tears, is absolutely superb!

In terms of value, I'm afraid it will not be less than ten holy elixirs! "

The ancient eyes were shining, and when they reached out, they were ready to pick up the tears of Wutong and carefully observe them.

But a delicate hand moves faster than him.

Wutong tears were caught in the hands of Princess rosefinch.

She frowned with Wutong tears.

This wrinkle almost wrinkled the old Wutong and died on the spot.

"Princess... Your highness?"

Are you satisfied with this Wutong tear?

I can continue to cultivate until you are satisfied! "

Old Wutong shivers.

"Isn't that satisfactory?"

Gu Xuan was stunned and said quickly:

Wutong, don't embarrass the old Wutong elder, this phoenix tree tears, but the best grade!

It's perfect to use it in the "Heaven stealing array", OK

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