On Princess rosefinch's body, the wings of rosefinch are transformed, which block out the sky and the sun, and exude awe inspiring prestige


Rosefinch wings suddenly down a fan, hit the suspended reverse array veins.

The reverse array pattern falls to the ground instantaneously and merges with the array pattern on the ground.

"I'll go. Is that ok?

Do you want to be so violent? "

Gu xuanjing breathes out.

Looking back on the scene that happened the moment before, the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

Princess rosefinch is too violent.

How complicated and troublesome the outline of those two arrays is. I was afraid that they would fight each other just now. When I suppressed them, I was careful, OK?

I'm afraid there's something wrong that will lead to failure.

Princess rosefinch is so good that her wings come down.

This is too direct, too violent!

If it's a different person, Gu Xuan has to fight his life to stop it.

Fortunately, the two array lines are not damaged.

Because they have been perfectly combined to form a new array pattern, which has a special aesthetic feeling.

Each rune, each rhyme, in this new array pattern, looming, ups and downs, looks very harmonious and mysterious.

So far, the sky stealing array has been successfully arranged!


A gust of fragrant wind suddenly came.

Princess rosefinch has fallen in front of Gu Xuan.

She looks at Gu Xuan like an idiot.

"You think the princess is too violent?

On such a wing, if you can't bear the reverse array lines, it's a failure.

Such a failed thing will be destroyed early, and it won't hurt the princess after the array is activated. "

Gu Xuan eyebrows pick pick.

Although Princess rosefinch's words were not pleasant to hear, they were really reasonable, which made him unable to refute.

"Well, get ready and let the tower master and others out of your palm.

Next, it will be a tough battle!

To help the tower owner and others to keep Shouyuan, we must fight against the way of heaven and reverse the inherent operation order of the rules.

This will surely lead to natural punishment! "

Rosefinch Princess expression rare dignified.

Gu Xuan holds his chin.

"I know that there are more than 30 saints in total, including the tower master.

They stayed in the cave of sword tomb for 100000 years.

But outside, in fact, millions of years have passed.

Therefore, if they want to live in the outside world, they have to make up for the fact that they have not consumed 900000 years of life, and they are 900000 years old in an instant.

Many people will fall directly.

Those who don't fall will lose both qi and blood because of Shouyuan's instant passing. They are extremely weak and have no strength.

To help one person save 900000 years of life is already an adversity. Now it is enough to help more than 30 people and save 900000 years of life at the same time.

How difficult, I have full psychological preparation!

We are sure to succeed

On the dignified face of Princess rosefinch, a smile finally appeared.

She stretched out her right hand and patted Gu Xuan heavily on the shoulder.

"I'm glad to see how confident you are.

This array is up to you!

You can activate that set of "stealthy armor".

If you activate it, it records my experience in manipulating this heaven stealing array. If you master it well, you can fight against the burning heaven

Gu Xuan was stunned for a moment.

"I'm in charge of the array? Only when you are in charge, can we guarantee the success rate to the maximum extent? "

When you are in charge of this array, you have to face the punishment of burning heaven.

In addition to the natural punishment of robbing thunder, it is very likely that the separation of heaven will come here.

Moreover, it must be a powerful sub body, such as the order sub body, with a complete combat power close to the way of heaven.

It's too dangerous to fight with such a separation, even if there is a "Heaven stealing array".

Moreover, with the blessing of heaven's punishment, the strength of heaven's separation will increase.

However, he would be rejected by the whole heaven burning world because he was punished by heaven.

With the increase and decrease, his chances of winning will be greatly reduced.

Gu Xuan never thought that Princess suque would let him preside over the array.

In his imagination, he was the main force to fight against the punishment of heaven, and it was Princess suque.

Princess rosefinch looked at Gu Xuan seriously, and a fine light flashed in her eyes.

"This array can only be presided over by you.

Because, after all, I'm just a separate person. I won't be able to be distracted when the punishment comes! "

The color of surprise flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes.

"Can't be distracted? You and I join hands. Even if we burn the heaven, we will not let you be distracted.

Can we say that in a moment, in addition to the punishment from burning heaven, there will also be punishment from other worlds, or enemies? "

Princess rosefinch's eyes were full of admiration.

"I'm worthy of the princess's favor. I like you. Everything is easy. I don't need to tell you everything.

On this point, you are much better than my big stone apprentice. "

Gu Xuan raised his eyebrows.

He felt greatly humiliated when he was compared with him by Princess rosefinch.

Dashi's brain is just a lump, OK?

Is Princess rosefinch really praising herself, not mocking herself?

Gu Xuan was not sure at all.

"Dare to ask your highness, your enemy, it will be..."

Princess rosefinch's right index finger suddenly stood in front of Gu Xuan's lips.

"Don't ask, asking is' I don't know it's good for you '.

I can only tell you that the sword tomb cave was once a world in ancient times!

A world called sword world!

It still has its own operating order, so, you know.

Look forward to my success, because after my success, maybe I can help you get a gift.

That gift may make your zhutianjian qualified to be promoted to immortal weapon! "

Gu Xuan's pupils were enlarged for a moment.

Hum, hum.

There was the sound of sword in guxuan.

This is Zhu Tianjian. He heard the voice of trembling from the dialogue between Gu Xuan and princess suque.

It's exciting!

To be an immortal is the ultimate goal of any tool.

How can it not be excited?

"Well, your highness is assured that this method will be given to me.

You concentrate on dealing with your enemy, I will do my best to deal with everything else! "

The ancient metaphysics produced the seal of Dharma, offering sacrifices to the world in the palm.

In the palm of the world, the tower master and others are already ready and waiting.

Gu Xuan immediately informed the tower owner and others, and opened the authority of the palm world, let the tower owner and others, from inside, can see the scene outside.

"Great, this moment is coming at last!"

The tower owner raised his head and looked out at Princess rosefinch and Gu Xuan, excited.

Princess rosefinch took a look at the tower owner and others. Seeing that they were all ready, she nodded with satisfaction.

"Good! Gu Xuan, now control the heaven stealing armor and activate the heaven stealing array. "

Behind Princess rosefinch, a pair of huge wings suddenly appeared.


A wing, she soared, as if to soar above the nine sky!

But in the blink of an eye, her figure disappeared.

Gu Xuan calmed his mind, released the power of spirit, and locked the crystal clear elixir in the core position of the heaven stealing array.

At the same time, a stream of energy is injected into it.


Within a thousand feet, the whole heaven stealing array made a loud noise.

Great energy surges out of the array pattern.

Fazhen, officially activated, start to operate!

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