
In the cloud of heaven's punishment, the sound of explosion suddenly rang out all the time.

For a moment, the sky was shaking and the earth was shaking. It was like the stars outside the sky fell into the jurisdiction of yingtianzong, and the power of destroying the world broke out.

Under the jurisdiction of yingtianzong, many warriors were so frightened that their legs softened and even fainted.

The whole heaven burning world, a group of top strong people, their faces are showing the color of horror.

It's terrible!

Even though they were far away, they seemed to feel the terrible pressure of mountains.

I'm afraid that no one can compete with the punishment of heaven.

Everyone's eyes are focused on the cloud of heaven's punishment.

At this time, the cloud of heaven's punishment, rolling fiercely than ever, seemed to fall into a star in the ocean, and suddenly burst.

Among them, there are still lightning flashes, but the number has decreased by more than 80%.

Among the clouds, there is no sign of the Thunder Dragon.

It's as if all the thunder dragons have been destroyed.

No one is not sure what that means.

This means that the phantom Phoenix summoned by Gu Xuan before launched an attack on the cloud, which was really a huge impact on the cloud.

But even so, no one still thinks that the cloud of heaven's punishment will disperse.

No one thinks that Gu Xuan can overcome this punishment!

"Ha ha ha, Gu Xuan is dead!

God, it's not so good!

The order of world operation is not so easy to destroy! "

In the base camp of Tiandao camp, fengmanlou looks at the Xuanguang mirror in front of him and laughs.

As the son of the way of heaven, no one knows better than him how powerful and terrible the punishment of heaven brought by Gu Xuan is?

Because he had already felt the power of his father from the cloud of heaven's punishment.

The way of heaven is not just to lower the punishment of heaven.

He is always paying attention to this punishment.

"Father's dignity, no provocation, he will never let Gu Xuan live!"

The wind is full of confidence in the building, and the smile on the face is even more serious.

But the next moment, the smile on his face, then solidified.

Heaven's punishment for robbing cloud, in the fierce rolling, actually began to dissipate.

Originally low and gloomy, the sky punishment cloud, which was almost on the top of Ying Tianzong's head, became thinner and thinner.

The sky, which used to be extremely dark, has become brighter.

Moonlight, the light of stars, shines on the earth again.

This scene once again shocked everyone.

The wind filled the building's body, and even began to tremble.

His eyes were full of disbelief and he muttered to himself, "how can it be?

How could that be!

How can this happen in the world? "

The rest of the fighters who are concerned about this natural punishment are also shocked.

Such a terrible punishment, such a powerful punishment for robbing clouds, is the result?

Over Yunding mountain.

The huge Wutong tree phantom disappeared with the gradual spread of the robbery.

"Did it work? Heaven's punishment, it's over? "

In the heaven stealing array, the ancient pagoda is full of martial arts. They are very excited.

They feel that what just happened is so unreal and unreal.

The mysterious old man summoned the sacred Wutong, and summoned the phantom rosefinch, and defeated the cloud of punishment.

Only the tower master is surprisingly calm.

The other warriors of the ancient pagoda may not feel it, but they do feel it clearly.

The crisis is not over.

How can this punishment be so simple?

"Brother Gu Xuan, what's the situation now?"

The tower leader asked solemnly.

"As you think and feel, the crisis is not over.

Although the robbing clouds are gone, the punishment of heaven is not over!

Everyone, be ready to fight! "

Gu Xuan looked at the sky, the gradually thinning cloud of heaven's punishment, with a dignified expression.

In his mind, he recalled everything he saw and felt through the phantom Phoenix.

There's one thing he didn't say.

Just now, the phantom Phoenix he summoned was really powerful. The final attack actually hit the vortex at the core of the cloud.

Hit by such a powerful force, the whirlpool is destroyed, and the cloud of heaven's punishment begins to dissipate.

However, the speed of cloud robbery dissipation is a little too fast.

Moreover, it dissipated a little too thoroughly.

It's like someone can't wait to get rid of it.

Besides the way of heaven, Gu Xuan did not expect that there was another one who could do this.

As if in order to confirm Gu Xuan's conjecture, a bell suddenly rings in the sky.


Dong Dong.

Nine times in a row, like the evening drum and morning bell, ring through the whole heaven burning world, frightening and frightening.

The sound of Sanskrit is also heard throughout the whole heaven burning world, which contains great meaning, great power and a kind of unspeakable power.

All over the sky, flowers and rain, sprinkled from nine days above, like a mirage, but fragrant.

A rainbow, falling from the sky, is like a rainbow bridge connecting the earth and the sky. It can't see how long it is.

At the other end of the rainbow, a solemn and solemn man in white, with great power on his body, came slowly down from the sky step by step.

Time, as if at this moment, is still.

The sky and the earth are silent.

In everyone's eyes, we can't see anything else.

The only thing you can see is the figure in white, like an immortal in the sky, with endless prestige, coming slowly.

With every step he took, heaven and earth would tremble.

Every step he took seemed to be as long as a century, and he didn't even use a blink of an eye.

Every step he took seemed to span thousands of miles.

Time, space, for him, seems to have lost all the meaning.

Because he is there, he is everything.

Time and space are all under his command!

I don't know how long, maybe a day, maybe a moment.

When the figure in white was standing above Yunding mountain and overlooking everything below, countless warriors woke up from the sinking.

"This... This..."

From the dark light mirror and other peeping methods, the faces of the martial arts who saw this scene changed one after another and became excited and inexplicable.

In everyone's mind, two words flashed: the way of heaven!

There is only one person with such momentum who is burning heaven. That is the Lord of heaven!

"How can it be? Lord Tiandao, how can you drive here in person?

Although, it's probably just a separation, it's too incredible.

What a mistake did Gu Xuan make?

How can you let Lord Tiandao appear in person to kill him

"Heaven's punishment is not over. It's just that there's no need for it to exist.

Lord Tiandao came to punish Gu Xuan in person!

Even if Gu Xuan had three heads and six arms, even if he was ten times stronger, he could only fall down one way

At that time, there was a lot of discussion.

The headquarters of Tiandao camp is full of surprises in fengmanlou's eyes.

"That's the separation of order, the most powerful separation of your father!

What kind of indignation did Gu Xuan do?

Order came in person, not to mention Gu Xuan, even Princess suque's, and I'm afraid I can't get any better.

Gu Xuan, you're dead!

As soon as he died, I immediately led people to settle yingtianzong to vent my hatred!

Ha ha ha... "

The wind filled the building with a fierce smile.

Zhongyuanyu, the top of a palace.

There is no enemy in the sky. He is standing here. His eyes are like stars.

He looked at Ying Tianzong's direction without moving. His eyes seemed to have passed through many obstacles and saw what was happening above Yunding mountain.

"The way of heaven, the way of heaven, no matter how strong you are, this is your final glory in front of the world.

As the master of the heaven burning world, your mind has long been rotten.

Everything you control is too old.

It's time to change the master of burning heaven. "

There was a smile on the corner of Tianmo's mouth.

"Gu Xuan, let me see what kind of strength you can play today?

If you die in the hands of order, it means that you have only this degree! "

Over Yunding mountain.

Order looked at Gu Xuan indifferently.

"You should be punished for breaking the order of the world and trying to hide your life against heaven!

Gu Xuan, you know sin

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