A brand new world appears in front of order.

Here, the five elements are complete and form their own samsara.

Here, there are mountains, water and flowers.

Everything looks beautiful.

Order stood on the earth and looked at the world. His face became more and more ugly and his eyes became more and more dignified.

This is a very simple world, or a world just born.

Compared with burning heaven, it's just a day, a place.

The world is not perfect.

However, no matter how imperfect it is, it is also a brand new world, which is totally different from the world of burning heaven.

Most of all, it's a world out of his control!

He is here, not the way of heaven, not a God, but an ordinary warrior.

"Here, where on earth is it?"

In fact, there is already speculation in order.

However, he does not want to admit it, is unwilling to admit it, and dare not admit it.

He is clearly in the world he controls. Even if the space he lives in has become the realm of ancient metaphysics, he can still mobilize the power of the world burning heaven to bless himself.

But how can you suddenly appear in this strange world?

Gu Xuan's body rose slowly and flew into the air.

He stood aloof and watched the separation of order. A strong sense of oppression broke out from him, like the collapse of the sky, like the flying mountains, and rolled towards the separation of order.

Order's separate body trembles.

Of course, it's not because he can't resist the pressure.

No matter how powerful Gu Xuan was, he couldn't be hurt. After all, he was a strong man at the level of Da Yuanman.

He just, too unaccustomed to this kind of pressure, fell on himself.

Usually, it was he who mobilized more powerful authority to crush others. Now that he has become the oppressed party, how can he get used to it?

"What's the place here? Can't you guess it with your eyes?

Here is the world in my hands, the world under my absolute control.

This world, created by me.

Here, I am heaven, I am God.

And you are just an outsider, an ordinary warrior! "

Gu Xuan's voice, like the thunder, sounded in the void, frightening.

In the palm of the world, hiding in the corner, a cluster of grass in the matchless magic dog, scared shiver.

"No wonder the boss hasn't called me for so long.

His strength has become stronger again. He can't use me at all. "

Wuxiang magic dog even dare not look at Gu Xuan and order.

Those two guys can crush it with one finger.

He didn't know that the reason why Gu Xuan didn't call him out to do business was that his sense of existence was so low that Gu Xuan didn't think of it at all.

In addition, this is the world of burning heaven. It is not familiar with the world of burning heaven. In the bottom of Gu Xuan's heart, he still has doubts about his loyalty.

Therefore, even if Gu Xuan had something to do, he ignored it from the bottom of his heart.

Order is staring at Gu Xuan coldly.

"From the beginning, you planned to bring this seat into the world.

Your unwillingness, your anger and your decadence are all pretended to paralyze us!

The so-called power "annihilation" and the so-called "annihilation field" are also designed to distract us and blind us.

So that you can not know, the ghost will be the field and the palm of the world overlap!

Am I right? "

make love.

Gu Xuan clapped his hand, not smiling.

"That's right. It's the division of order.

In a word, I also want to thank you for cooperating with me.

If you are not strong enough to break my field in the first time, how can I have the time to open a hole in the world in my hand and slowly overlap the annihilation field with it?

You know, I'm not good at annihilation.

To me, the annihilation field is like a castle in the air. Its foundation is not stable. It is extremely difficult to control it.

A little careless, even I will be backfired.

But you forced me to take the risk.

Fortunately, it worked.

Here, without the blessing of burning heaven, I'd like to see you. How can you survive? "

Gu Xuan's face was full of arrogance and self-confidence, as if he had been separated from the order.

But this is not the case.

The palm world is only a very basic world, and the blessing to him is actually limited.

And the strength of the world in the palm is limited.

It's two words whether we can resist the aftereffect of the battle at the level of full circle.

But no matter what, if you lose, you have to show your momentum first.


Order split up and hummed coldly, with a strong murderous opportunity in his eyes.

"Even without the blessing of burning heaven, I am still the top one.

And you, just a little king!

This is still a mountain you can never cross!

Mole ant, can an fight with heaven


Violent momentum, from the order of the body, suddenly burst out, circles of energy, with him as the center, like waves, rippling away.

All of a sudden, the whole palm of the world becomes flying sand.

The rules here are constantly distorted and destroyed.

"The secret of moving mountains!"

When the momentum reached its peak, the order had already appeared in the void, less than 20 feet in front of Gu Xuan.

A mountain suddenly appeared. He moved it and aimed it at Gu Xuan. He smashed it.


The mountain broke the sky, and the sound of breaking the sky was deafening.

Gu Xuan's pupil shrank slightly.

"Boxing! This boxing idea has reached the degree of materialization, and turned into a mountain!

A disaster is a great consummation, after all, a disaster is a great consummation. "

Gu Xuan exclaimed that the boxing of order separation was too powerful and incredible.

But he was not afraid.

In his territory, this kind of boxing is not enough to frighten him.


With a wave of his right hand, Zhutian sword crossed the mysterious arc.

"Taishang jiujue Gong! Wuxing Zhenjie sword

With a violent drink, Gu Xuanshi displayed his unique sword skills and waved out one sword after another.


The mountain, which was transformed by boxing, was broken in an instant.

But the meaning of the rolling fist did not disappear.

One move of separation of order has failed to achieve success. The next move has been taken.

The frightening fist will suddenly cover the ancient mystery.

Thousands of fists bombard Gu Xuan from various tricky angles.

Gu Xuan only felt that he was locked in a series of extremely dangerous attacks. He couldn't step back or go further, as if he could only stand in the same place and wait to die?

But how could he wait to die?

Broken false eyes open, the attack track of thousands of fists, then completely in his control.


When Zhutian sword trembles, a sword light falls.


With a wave of Zhutian sword, a long river of sword is formed all over his body, which not only protects his whole body, but also constantly seeks for the weak points in his boxing intention and counterattacks.


All of a sudden, there was a sound of gold and iron fighting.

Order's separate fists, like metal, are impregnable and sharp. They blow out one punch at a time, and even fight with the white blade empty handed.

Boom boom!

There were explosions all the time.

The aftereffects of the explosion, scattered, let the whole palm of the world's ground, have become pitted.

More powerful sword, fell to the distance, Wuxiang magic dog's side, let it shiver, straight to the ground.

Unfortunately, it's useless to go underground.

A fist force suddenly exploded on its head, leaving a big hole, exposing its body shape again.

The dog is about to cry.

What level of combat is this?

It's not too much to say that it's a world war.

A little bit of the aftermath of the battle almost killed me.

But, I'm just a little dog. Why should I suffer?

"You little dog, what are you doing?

If you don't get out of the way, you'll have to be eaten later. It's such a function. "

The voice of old Wutong suddenly rang out.

Just as the strength of a fist was about to fall on the top of Wu Xiang magic dog's head, a big hand appeared quietly and grabbed Wu Xiang magic dog away.


The hideout of Wuxiang magic dog just exploded.

This makes it already safe, can't help shivering.

If it's hit, it's out of slag now, isn't it?

The enemy is too strong. Can the boss really win?

In the heart of Wuxiang magic dog, he doubts Gu Xuan?

Boom boom!

Another series of explosions came from the void.

Gu Xuan and order were separated, and they had already turned into two exercises, one fast, one slow, and one continuous attack.

In the void, there are mountains from time to time. They are powerful and powerful. When they are smashed, they are like destroying this heaven and earth.

But Gu Xuan's swordsmanship was not vegetarian.

In the palm of the world, his strength has completely risen to the level of one disaster, and he is almost equal to the order without burning heaven's blessing.

Two people have come and come back, have been fighting for more than a thousand moves!

And from a quarter of an hour, there are only five minutes left!

Suddenly, a sword light cut a mountain into two.


The sound of flesh and blood being stabbed.

The training of the separation of order suddenly goes backward, far away from the ancient metaphysics.

A broken palm falls from the sky.

A piece of blood, spilled.

The palm of order's left hand is already broken!

Gu Xuan has the upper hand!

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