"The net of cause and effect?"

There was a flicker of suspicion in the eyes of order separation.

"No matter what you want to do, you can't succeed.

How can the net of cause and effect compete with the net of order?

You want to counteract the power of the web of order, that's a dream

Gu Xuan looked at order as if he were a fool.

His black and white eyes were obviously ironic.

"My great cause and effect is not inferior to great order.

Your advantage, however, is that you can gain the blessing of the whole world.

I really can't do anything about it.

But, you want to erase this young master, that is a dream! "

Gu Xuan began to hover around his body with countless words and rhymes.

He made a seal on his hands.

"If there is a cause, there is a result, and if there is a result, there must be a cause.

Great sacrifice, I would like to sacrifice Shouyuan, establish the cause and effect of life and death with burning heaven, help me


Gu Xuan's momentum suddenly swings, and Shouyuan starts to consume rapidly. In the blink of an eye, there are 300000 Shouyuan, which are burned out.

So far, he has burned a total of one million years.

This is half of his Shouyuan!

One by one, the rhymes of Tao flew out of him and disappeared into the giant net of cause and effect.

The giant net of cause and effect turned into countless symbols at the speed visible to the naked eye.

It is an extremely ancient symbol, profound and obscure, but it has a mysterious and powerful power.


There is the sound of the evening drum and the morning bell, ringing through the sky.

In the end, the countless symbols turned into nothingness.

They did not disappear, but took root in the heaven burning world and merged with it.

There is also Gu Xuan, which is integrated with the burning of heaven.

The same symbol appeared on him, but it soon disappeared, and no one found it except for the separation of order.

Gu Xuan clearly felt that there seemed to be a causal chain between himself and the burning heaven, which had connected them.

However, this chain of cause and effect does not seem to be firm and illusory, as if it might break at any time.

Gu Xuan's hands danced to form a seal.

"From today on, I wish to live by burning heaven, and die by burning heaven!

Great cause and effect, plant cause and effect! "


The void trembled.

Behind Gu Xuan, countless chains of cause and effect suddenly appeared. One end of the chain disappeared into his body, while the other end was deeply rooted in the void, as if extending to the distance, connecting with the most original place of burning heaven.

The next moment, the chain of cause and effect disappears.

As if they never appeared.

"How could it be?"

Once again, order can not help but ask this question.

All of a sudden, he felt that the bondage of the network of order to Gu Xuan had weakened, and even was on the verge of failure.

Gu Xuan's figure changed from emptiness to reality almost in an instant.

"Break it."

He stretched out his right hand, gently to the network of order, a little.

Centered on this point, there are ripples on the net of order.

When the waves arrive, the net of order breaks away and finally turns into nothingness.


A mouthful of blood, spit out from the mouth of order, his breath, suddenly depressed down.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

Until now, he finally reflected that Gu Xuangang had done something!

"You don't care to spend 300000 yuan, just in order to make use of the great sacrifice to establish a causal relationship between you and the burning heaven.

Then, the great cause and effect is used to strengthen the cause and effect.

From now on, your life and death will be bound with burning heaven.

If the heaven burning world is broken, you will die.

But on the contrary, if you die, the world of burning heaven will not suffer any damage.

It's crazy that you are willing to establish such an unequal causal relationship! Crazy

Order scolded Gu Xuan.

Even his noumenon is struggling in many ways to find a way out, so as not to fall after the destruction of the heaven burning world.

However, Gu Xuan actually went the opposite way. At this time, he established cause and effect with the burning of heaven, and linked his life and death with the existence and extinction of the burning of heaven.

It's a gamble on your life.

It's too dangerous.

There's no rule. There's only one catastrophe.

Even if we get through this catastrophe, what about the next one?

Even, a bad luck, in the plane of super big guy, see burning heaven is not pleasing to the eye, a finger, put it out?

That Gu Xuan must die with him.

Of course, in this case, the possibility is very small.

But it's not without.

A mortal, perhaps, will become a world of heaven because of fate.

It's a very rare thing, but it doesn't happen.

Apart from these, the separation of order can kill Gu Xuan because of the causal relationship between them.

He has the ability to do it, too.

That thing, for him, is easier than anyone else.

That is to destroy and burn heaven.

As soon as the heaven burning world is destroyed, the ancient mystery will naturally fall.

Of course, he couldn't have done it at all.

At least, for now!

As for the back road, who knows?

"Yes, it doesn't look like a good deal.

If the world of burning heaven is destroyed, I will also suffer the disaster of no rash.

However, how can it be destroyed if there is a young master in the world of burning heaven?

Even if your laoshizi's way of heaven is dead, even if the laws of heaven and earth collapse, even if the three thousand world planes, all the worlds will be destroyed!

However, as long as my young master is alive and burns the sky, it will not be destroyed!

Burning heaven is my home.

Even if it will perish, it will only perish after my young master!

Therefore, I will never have to worry that I will fall because of the destruction of burning heaven

There was a smile on Gu Xuan's face.

Burning heaven is the hometown where he was born and grew up.

Burning heaven has his relatives and friends.

How can he let the burning heaven be destroyed?

Therefore, it is nothing for him to establish a connection between life and death with burning heaven.

This is a world he is willing to guard with his life!

Gu Xuan's eyes became firm.

He's staring at order.

"In fact, there are other ways for us to defuse the huge net of cause and effect.

But I don't think there is a better way.

I am now bound to the heaven burning world, and cause and effect are deeply planted.

Your net of order, unless it is ten times stronger, or you will destroy half of the burning heaven.

Otherwise, it is impossible to remove the cause and effect.

If cause and effect are not removed, it is impossible to erase me directly.

Your "great order", the most powerful move, is equivalent to my failure.

Of course, you can choose not to erase me, but to kill me by other means.

There are still five seconds left. At your speed, you can release many Maces.

Why don't you try? "

Gu Xuan was on guard.

At the foot of the altar, still in rotation, to provide him with the power of heaven.

Order split up and gave a cold hum, wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth.

In five seconds, you can do a lot of things and release a lot of killer attacks.

But how can you kill Gu Xuan in such a state when you attack at leisure?

Besides, in just five seconds?

If he could do such a thing, he would not need to perform "great sacrifice" to correct the law of order and want to erase the ancient mystery.

That's the best way he can show Gu Xuan!

But now, the most powerful means has failed.

The existence of guxuan has been deeply connected with the burning of heaven.

If you want to kill Gu Xuan, you really have to rely on hard power to kill him.

Want to erase it directly, now he, has been unable to do.

Moreover, even if it can be done, there is no doubt that Gu Xuan will burn Shou yuan again and strengthen the connection between himself and the burning heaven.

At that time, everything will be useless.

Five seconds, in a flash.

This means that the original agreement of a quarter of an hour, completely passed.

On the sky, the mighty thunder forest disappeared in the last second.

Gu Xuan chuckled and removed the rain from the sky.

Heaven's punishment. It's over.

"Sooner or later, we'll see you!

At that time, I hope you can still block this seat! "

The order cent body issued cruel words, turn round and then prepare to leave.

But Gu Xuan gave a cold smile.

"The punishment is over, but do you agree to leave?

My young master said just now that I want to break you up and make you pay a heavy price for me!

Are you kidding me when you are my maste

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