Gu Xuan and princess suque talked for half an hour in the courtyard.

When they were ready to leave yingtianzong to meet the so-called "old acquaintance", elder Chuangong came in a hurry and reported some news to Gu Xuan.

After hearing this, Gu Xuan and princess suque flew out of yingtianzong and disappeared into the sky.

Gu Xuan was very curious about the "old acquaintance" that Princess suque said.

He asked a full three times, Princess rosefinch are selling, and did not directly answer.

However, when they got close to the dizang mountains, Gu Xuan realized who Princess Suzaku was going to take him to.

In the dizang mountains, there is an entrance to the burial place.

Such an entrance is naturally guarded.

The warrior guarding here is the "emissary of Tibet"!

Gu Xuan and the emissary of dizang are quite friendly.

At that time, in order to deal with the Taoist sect leader, Gu Xuan asked the emissary of dizang to help him move the entrance of the burial place to the decisive battle site, Yunding mountain, where the spirit emperor was.

After that, Gu Xuan used his identity as the Lord of heaven and death to extend the space of heaven and death to the realm of burning heaven, so that his strength increased.

After a great war, daomen was defeated.

Of course, the emissary of Tibet did not help Gu Xuan for free.

There was an agreement between him and Gu Xuan that when the time came, he would activate a world with the help of Gu Xuan's book of life and death.

That will consume as much as nine times out of ten of the life and death books. The price is not too big.

In fact, Gu Xuan had been ready to help the emissary of Tibet for a long time.

But over the years, the emissary of Tibet seems to have disappeared. He has never come to Gu Xuan again. Obviously, the time for the emissary of Tibet to activate that world has not yet come.

Otherwise, Gu Xuan didn't believe that the emissary of Tibet could endure so long.

Soon, Gu Xuan and Princess Zhuque had fallen on one of the most magnificent peaks in the dizang mountains.

This mountain peak, surrounded by white clouds, is full of aura. It is obviously a perfect place to practice and live in seclusion.

However, there is no trace of the life and cultivation of the warrior on it.

"The elder brother of Tibet, I come to see you with my Highness Princess rosefinch."

Gu Xuan's voice, like thunder, is floating on the mountain.

Such a loud voice, even at the foot of the mountain, should be heard clearly.

Unfortunately, he didn't get any response.

Gu Xuan frowned, released the power of his soul, and explored around.

Unfortunately, nothing.

"Why? Strange, isn't it true that the emissary of Tibet is not here

Gu Xuan looks at Princess suque suspiciously.

Princess rosefinch shook her head and gave a confident smile.

"Where can he go as a watchman here?

There's something wrong with the way you call him.

That's how it should be called

Princess rosefinch made a demonstration for Gu Xuan in person. With a wave of her right hand, it was a rosefinch wing. It appeared behind her. It was ten feet long and could be regarded as a giant wing.

The next moment, the giant wings beat down and hit the mountain.


There was a loud noise and the sky was shaking.

The whole Tibetan mountain range produced great movement, as if it would collapse at any time.

All over the mountain, there are gravel rolling down, raising endless dust, the momentum is very frightening.

Gu Xuan's body shook violently with the mountain.

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

The princess is conform to no conventional pattern. Even if she is looking for a person who is so unconventional, I believe that the Tibetan emissaries are afraid to hide even if they are determined to avoid them.

If you hide, the whole mountain may collapse.

"Your Royal Highness is here, and you are welcome to the next."

A dark shadow came out from the foot of the mountain. It was like a black drill. In a flash, it flew to the top of the mountain and fell in front of Gu Xuan and Gu Xuan.

"Why don't you hide?"

Princess rosefinch looked at the emissary and joked.

The emissary of Tibet gave a smile.

"If your highness says anything, if you come here, I will not hesitate to hide.

I'm actually... Actually... Hiding from him!

It's good. He's hiding from Gu Xuan.

As soon as the boy called me "brother", I was excited. I just felt headache and brain heat, backache and backache. It must be no good.

Why don't I hide? "

The emissary of Tibetans pointed to guxuan and spoke righteous words.

Gu Xuan eyebrows pick pick.

If you are afraid of Princess rosefinch, you have to plant it for yourself. It's a wonderful flower!

"Ha ha, I see.

Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan, look at you. You are really disgusted by gods and ghosts.

You should learn more from my princess how to behave. How popular is my princess? "

Princess rosefinch has a proud face.

Gu Xuan's whole face twitched a few times.

"Dare to ask your highness, what's the reason for coming here?

As you should know, my present status is not convenient.

I'm afraid I can't get in the way of the heaven burning disaster.

It's not that I don't want to be contaminated with cause and effect. If I do, I may lead to bad cause and effect for burning heaven. It's not worth the loss. "

The emissary turned his eyes and decided to fight first. He sealed off Princess suque and asked himself to help deal with the disaster.

Gu Xuan turned his mouth.

This guy should not know old Wutong predecessors, and let him give him a reason for his help.

No, this guy is more shameless. He's making excuses for himself before even asking him to help.

"I'm here to confirm something, but not to ask for your help.

If your answer satisfies the princess, you will have something to do in the future. Maybe I can help you! "

Princess rosefinch, with her hands on her back, looks like she is unpredictable.

Gu Xuan frowned slightly.

"Why? Am I wrong?

Don't ask dizang messenger for help, just confirm one thing?

This is strange. What does your highness want to confirm? Do you have to come in person?

Gu Xuan's mind flew around, but he couldn't guess Princess suque's mind.

While the emissary of Tibet was relieved, he was also curious.

"I don't know your highness. What do you want to confirm?"

Princess rosefinch stares at the emissary of Tibet. Her eyes are sharp and penetrating.

After a long time, she asked, word by word:

"I want to confirm that you are the one who buried heaven and man?"

The emissary of Tibet felt that his heart was beating suddenly.

But on his face, he did not show any nervous and strange emotion, instead, he showed the color of doubt.

"Bury heaven and man? What's that?

I don't even know what it means. How could it be "burying heaven and man"

Princess rosefinch smile, did not speak, but the eyes are still sharp, did not move away from the emissary.

Gu Xuan has long been lost in meditation, sorting out the memory in his brain.

There are some records about the burial of heaven and man, both from the memory of the dead and the memory of Dongbi Dansheng.

The so-called "burial of heaven and man", as the name suggests, can be seen as, after the fall of heaven, collecting corpses for heaven and burying heaven and man.

Of course, in addition, there are other duties of burying heaven and man.

One of their duties is to monitor every move of the way of heaven.

Once the heavenly way has gone too far and violated the rules made by the "heavenly way alliance", it can report to the alliance.

Even some powerful "burying heaven and man" can be executed first and then performed.

Of course, in the world dominated by the way of heaven, "burying heaven and man" does not have the ability to kill the way of heaven.

However, they have the means to seal the way of heaven!

You can't kill, it doesn't mean you can't seal.

This is deeply touched by Gu Xuan.

The blood ancestor also has the immortal body, which can not be killed, but can be sealed.

Once sealed, the pain of an immortal can be imagined.

Therefore, in many worlds, "burying heaven and man" is a very embarrassing and dangerous existence.

Heaven, will not allow their own world, there is such a dangerous existence.

Of course, he could not kill him himself.

But as long as there is so little hint, there will be countless people willing to do it for him.

Even among the three thousand worlds, there are killers who specially hunt for "burying heaven and man".

As a result, almost all the "celestial burials" lived in anonymity with their tails between them.

They have the power to supervise the way of heaven, and even the means to seal the way of heaven. They are supposed to be extremely powerful and worshipped by thousands of people, but they can't reveal anything to others. It's totally conceivable how much suffering they should have.

"If not."

Princess rosefinch seemed relieved.

"You and I have seen each other several times. I'm afraid I won't see you next time I come here.

Since you're not, I'm relieved.

See you later, guxuan. Let's go! "

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