Dashi and 9527 released Princess rosefinch's hand at the same time.

Of course, it's not because it's safe.

But because I was scared.

Even the eldest brother was hit by Princess rosefinch with a fist. What's more, they can poke and fly with one finger, okay?

No, if you really poke it down, you'll die. What else do you fly?

"Master, boss, will he be all right?

He has just had a big war. He hasn't had time to adjust his breath. He always wants to rest for ten days and a half months or three or five hours, right?

You always feel a little too ruthless when you just hit him.

The sky robbery cloud has been chased. Why don't you go and have a look?

In case something happens to the boss, can you at least help him protect his whole body? "

Dashi still has a conscience and is worried about guxuan's safety.

Before he said the last word, Princess rosefinch was still very moved.

At the end of the sentence, Princess rosefinch felt that Dashi had not been beaten to death by Gu Xuan, which proved that Gu Xuan was still very affectionate and righteous.

"Don't worry, don't look.

If you are a man, you have to face difficulties and enjoy suffering alone!

Brave Xuanxuan, not afraid of sleepiness!

We are here to guard the little lotus root, which is the greatest support for Gu Xuan.

Otherwise, as soon as I leave Xiaoou, I'm afraid he will be distracted. "

Princess rosefinch righteously rejected Dashi's proposal.

The big stone pulled at the corner of his mouth.

Although master's reason can't be refuted, I always feel that it's too ruthless!

Princess rosefinch knew that she didn't believe what she said when she saw Dashi's expression, but she didn't explain it again.

The big stone's head is only a stone pimple after all. Even after many times of his own training, less tendons are less tendons.

Princess rosefinch dares to swear that what Gu Xuan is most worried about now will never be herself, but a small lotus root.

Because Gu Xuan's crow mouth actually said one thing.

That's the thing - she's a crow mouth!

On Xiaoou, the worst situation seems to have been said by her.

Although it seems that Xiao Ou is still having an epiphany and has not been greatly affected, in fact, he has been greatly affected.

Dozens of Taoist rhymes and some of the energy closest to the source will be absorbed, which will greatly reduce his success rate in promoting the medicine saint.


Suddenly, there was a sound of water.

Around the lotus where the little lotus root sat, the water of the black spring began to surge, and chaotic ripples continued to form, spreading and colliding around.

The petals of the lotus flower withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they had been dehydrated for too long and were about to dry up and die.

Little lotus root's face also turned waxy yellow.

Dashi exclaimed, "no, master!

The little lotus root seems to have withered!

Do something to help him! "

Princess rosefinch's face changed.

"Get rid of 'seemingly', he really began to wither.

Although I know that the Tao rhyme and energy absorbed by Gu Xuan will have a great impact on him, I didn't expect that he would become so successful.

I'm not good at woodworking, but now I can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Let's have a try. "

Princess rosefinch made a Dharma seal on her hands, and the force of rolling wood gushed out of her body.

The rhyme of wooden path appears in the power of wooden path. Centered on the small lotus root, it hovers over the black spring and interweaves into a net.

In the blink of an eye, a huge net completely condensed by the force of wood covered the whole black spring.

"What a powerful wooden way. It's worthy of being a master. It's powerful!"

Feeling the majestic power of wood, Dashi knew that Princess rosefinch was so proficient in the way of wood besides the way of fire.

Of course, this is from his point of view.

If Gu Xuan were here, he would find that Princess rosefinch's way of walking in wood is really not very good. It is more than eighteen thousand miles worse than the way of walking in fire.

But the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Princess rosefinch is no longer proficient in the way of wooden walking, but thousands of ways and thousands of ways lead to the same goal. When she makes a move, she is at least an ordinary means of great fullness.


The void trembled, and the light mask above the black spring flew out a green light.

The green light fell on the head and dyed the head of the little lotus root green.

If you look closely, you will find that there are numerous and mysterious small letters in the green.

Chanting sounds sounded like chanting mantras, which had the effect of following the word and contained it.

A wooden line of Taoist rhymes disappeared into the little lotus root's body, flew out of his body and circled around him.

"Reluctantly added to his lost Tao rhyme.

But he also lost some power close to the source. It's a little more difficult to help supplement it.

If Gu Xuan is here, or the elf emperor is here, maybe he can do it.

But the princess is really not good at this wooden way.

But now, it's impossible to wait for Gu Xuan. If you go to invite the elf emperor, the cauliflower will be cold. "

Princess rosefinch frowned and suddenly looked at 9527. With a little hesitation in her heart, she had a strategy to deal with it.

When Princess rosefinch looked at it, she was excited all over.

"Master, what do you want to do?

I seem to have a bad feeling? "

Dashi protected 9527 and asked.

Princess rosefinch smiled.

"Be confident and remove 'seemingly' again.

Your hunch, I have to say, is very accurate!

However, this is a good thing. When it is done, it will have the benefits of 1995-27.

Little lotus root is not in good condition now. It needs a little power that is very close to the origin of the wooden line.

How could I have that? "

Dashi was puzzled and threw out his hand in doubt.

"But there is no 9527. She is the daughter of the water saint. She has the power close to the origin of water travel. How can she have it?"

Princess rosefinch patted Dashi's head and smiled.

"If you have the power to approach the origin of the earth, that's all.

The five elements grow and conquer each other. Earth produces gold, gold produces water, and water produces wood!

However, Princess rosefinch never likes to force others.

Let me ask you, 9527, are you willing to help?

I will draw your water power closest to the source and help Xiaoou realize it.

You may become extremely weak, but you won't die, but you may never be a great man! "

9527 almost without hesitation, she was timid and said, "Princess Royal, I am willing to help!"

Xiao Ou is not only my good friend. If he gets stronger, he can help the boss better than me.

With everyone's protection, it doesn't matter whether I can achieve great perfection or not. "

Princess rosefinch gave her a look of approval.

"Very good. 95-27. Don't worry. Gu Xuan is there. He will help you recover in the future."

Princess rosefinch waved her right hand, and a small and exquisite seal Rune appeared between her five fingers.

In the rune, there are one word written respectively: gold, wood, water, fire and earth!

This is one of the five element seals, which can extract the energy from the body of 9527 and seal it, and finally convert it into the water power that can be swallowed directly by the small lotus root.


The big stone suddenly blocked Princess rosefinch's hand.

"Why, are you reluctant? Not dead? "

Princess rosefinch stared at the big stone with strange eyes.

Dashi's stone bumps are enlightening, and spring is moving. Do you know how to love girls?

"I'm not reluctant, but I think I can't lose so much?

Before we talk about dedication, we also have to talk about harvest.

She helped. How about you take her as an apprentice and be my junior sister?

Little bamboo likes to mix with little green all day. I have a little younger martial sister, which is like nothing, so... "

The big stone was wriggling. Before he finished speaking, he was bounced off by Princess rosefinch.

Princess rosefinch's right hand went to the spirit of heaven in 9527.

"Wait, master!"

The big stone swished and flew over again.

"I have a plan. Maybe I can make the loss of 1995-27 less.

Since the five elements grow and conquer each other, earth generates gold, gold generates water and water generates wood, can I use my energy to transform it into the power of gold first, and use the power of gold that is close to the source to help improve 9527 first.

After that, it's wonderful to extract the water power close to the source from her body to help the little lotus root? "

Princess rosefinch shook her head.

"That's not good, unless there is one here, under the great circle, similar to you and 9527, which is comparable to the existence of the spirit of the five elements.

Or, there is a martial artist above Da Yuan man, preferably a great robbery and great consummation, who is proficient in the way of Jin Xing. As a medium, let me transform the power of earth into the power of Jin Xing.

Otherwise, you can't do it. "

Dashi shook his head in disappointment and sighed.

Just then.

A figure suddenly appeared outside the black spring.

"Princess, I offer a humble apology, but I did not deliberately listen to your words.

But you said you want to find the great perfection who is proficient in the golden way, I am!

It's my pleasure to serve your royal highness. "

The figure suddenly appeared. It was the middle-aged man who fled in a hurry when he was fighting with the leader of the tomb walker. He was the owner of the black spring and the "one leaf fairy Lotus".

Princess rosefinch's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, there are such good things. When sleepiness comes, someone gives pillows!

With a wave of her hand, the huge net covering the whole black spring rippled.

The middle-aged man hurried in and trotted all the way to Princess rosefinch.

At the same time, Gu Xuan was still struggling to fly forward with the strength of Princess rosefinch's fist.

The rolling robbery cloud was left far behind by him!

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