In the small burning sky city, the heavy guard array has been opened.

But the fierce cloud suddenly changed its direction and rushed away in the distance.

This makes all the martial artists in the city confused.

In the peripheral area of the God killing cemetery, there is a city called "son of heaven city".

This "son of heaven city" was naturally established under the auspices of Feng manlou, the son of heaven.

At the beginning, Fengman building used a heaven separation to blow up a channel connecting the burning heaven and the God killing cemetery for the heaven camp and allies to enter and exit the God killing cemetery.

In order to facilitate management, of course, it is mainly aimed at the small burning city, so fengmanlou specially sent people to build a city on both sides of the channel.

The city in burning the heaven is called "Tiandao city".

In the city at the end of the God killing cemetery, fengmanlou originally planned to be named "xiaotiandao city", completely benchmarking "Tianfen city" and "xiaotianfen city", and pressing it over one end.

But on second thought, picking up people's teeth and wisdom will be ridiculed by Ying Tianzong.

Therefore, the "son of heaven city" came into being.

At first, Gu Xuan shook his head and sighed several times when he first heard of the "Tiandao city" and "Tianzi city".

The great world of burning heaven can be regarded as a large number of talents, especially a talent like yourself.

The only drawback is that the people in the burning world are really poor in naming all kinds of things, especially the city.

For the warriors of Xiaofen Tiancheng, today should have been a peaceful day as before.

But not long ago, the calm life suddenly appeared a little ripple.

It's reported that there is a sky robbery cloud of great fullness level in the peripheral area of the God killing cemetery. It seems that someone is going to cross the great perfect sky robbery.

This made all the heavenly messengers very excited.

The two brothers, Xue Yan, the city leader who guarded the "son of heaven city", and Xue Hai, the deputy city leader, showed great interest in this.

Of course, before showing their interest, they asked the heavenly messenger who informed the information the same question:

"Is the robber near Xiaofen Tiancheng?"

At the beginning, they both thought that Ying Tianzong had a new great power of perfection and was about to be born.

When they got the negative answer, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the gathering place of heaven's robbery clouds is in a very remote place, there is no reason to be a person of Ying Tianzong.

If Ying Tianzong's people cross the robbery in the God killing cemetery, they must be well prepared and will not go to desolate and remote places.

Since it's not Ying Tianzong's people who cross the robbery, who will cross the robbery in the peripheral area of this God killing cemetery?

In order to get more information, they contacted many heavenly messengers in the peripheral area of the God killing cemetery to let them pay attention to the information about the robbery at any time.

One by one, the news came back quickly.

Xue Yan and Xue Hai, two brothers standing on the city wall, kept analyzing while receiving the news.

"What? The robbery cloud is very strong. The power of heaven robbery seems to be very big?

Eh? Rob the cloud and run away before the condensation is finished?

This shows that the robber escaped.

Is it the great perfect disaster caused by haste and unprepared?

I'm afraid this man is dead. If he doesn't make all the preparations, he dares to lead a great disaster. Who will die if he doesn't die? "

"What? The sky robbery cloud is going in the direction of small burning?

Is that man really yingtianzong?

But isn't it right? He has led to heaven's robbery outside. What's the use of running to Xiaofen Tiancheng now?

If you really lead the great circle to the small burning city, I'm afraid the whole small burning city will suffer heavy losses and may be destroyed directly! "

"Hahaha, it seems that the man who survived the robbery has a grudge against Ying Tianzong.

Therefore, after accidentally leading down the sky robbery, he ran to Xiaofen Tiancheng at the first time and asked for people to be buried with him! "

"Ha ha, brother, your analysis is very reasonable.

If it's near Xiaofen Tiancheng, we should be able to use a dark light mirror to watch the scene of the robbery and see who it is. "

They are preparing to activate the means to stay near Xiaofen Tiancheng, condense a dark mirror and look at the scene there, but there is new news.

"What? "Heaven robbed the clouds, changed the direction, and left near the burning city from childhood?"

Xue Hai wondered again.

"What's the situation? Did the man just inadvertently go in the direction of Xiaofen Tiancheng?"

Xue Yan frowned and looked disappointed.

Originally, I wanted to see the destruction of Xiaofen Tiancheng. Unexpectedly, the mysterious man who crossed the robbery led the robbery cloud elsewhere.

"You say, where will the robber choose in the end?

If he goes on like this, I'm afraid he will lose his strength and die before the disaster really comes.

It's unwise to engage in a chase war with Tianjie. Isn't that man a fool? "

Xue Yan smiled sarcastically.

"Brother, I don't know if that man is a fool, but we seem to be in trouble?"

Xue Hai stared at the horizon and suddenly his face changed.

Xue Yan was walking with his back to Xue Hai. Hearing the speech, he said suspiciously:

"What trouble? Any news from the scouts?

Why, I didn't... what!

I just received the news from the scouts. Rob cloud is flying in the direction of Tianzi city!

Fool, I don't know to make it clear. Where did the robbery cloud go and how far is it from here? "

Xue Hai pulled up the rock and pointed to the horizon.

"Brother, don't ask. You can look back and see!

The sky robbery cloud is less than fifty miles away from us! "

Xue Yan suddenly looked back and saw the extremely rich, rolling and mighty sky disaster cloud.

Although he was far away, a sense of suffocation came into his heart.

The thickness of the robbery cloud, the looming sky robbery Thunder Dragon in the robbery cloud, everything shows the power of heaven robbery, which is so terrible that he can't imagine.

"Damn it! How can it be so terrible?

I'm afraid this power is more than a hundred times stronger than my original great perfect disaster!

God, who is the man who saved the robbery? "

Xue Yan was shocked and immediately reacted and said:

"No, I'm in trouble now.

Immediately close the city gate, open the guard array and open all defense means!

After hearing the order, the heavenly messengers, except those in charge of the array, immediately go up to the wall and guard the city of the son of heaven with me! "

Soon the gate was closed.

A large guard array was opened to protect the whole Tianzi city.

A heavenly messenger stood on the wall and said he wanted to live or die with the son of heaven.

However, the faces of all heavenly messengers at this time are very ugly.

Xue Yan, in particular, is the city's leader and the only great power here. He feels the most obvious about the plundering clouds in the distance.

Rob the cloud. It's only twenty miles away from the son of heaven.

"Brother, don't worry, that man may not be close to the son of heaven.

Didn't he just leave when he was close to Xiaofen Tiancheng?

Maybe he will change his direction and leave soon! "

Xue Hai comforted Xue Yan.

He is just a top sage, and his understanding of the intensity of sky robbery is far inferior to Xue Yan.

He even felt in his mind that even if the natural disaster really fell around, as long as it was not directly aimed at the Tianzi City, it should not be hindered by the defense of the Tianzi city.

"Damn it, who is the man who survived the robbery?

Why didn't you see him from beginning to end?

I knew he was there, but I couldn't see it. What's the matter? "

Xue Yan clenched his fist and roared:

"Taoist friends, don't come any closer.

Your natural calamity is very strong, which means you have a bright future. If you survive the natural calamity, you must be a top power.

Please change your direction and take away the clouds, otherwise, I'm afraid you'll regret it! "

Tianzi city must not be damaged. If the passage is destroyed, even if he doesn't die here, he will be in the hands of adults fengmanlou.

Unfortunately, how could his words threaten Gu Xuan?

Gu Xuan showed his "instant shadow" again.

"Oh? Is it? Make me regret it?

I'd like to know how you made me regret it? "

Gu Xuan's figure finally appeared outside the emperor's city. He was vague and couldn't see his face clearly.

Behind him, about 700 feet away, was the billowing sky robbery cloud!

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