The wind filled the building, looking at the direction Gu Xuan left, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

A haze appeared in my eyes.

"The evil star was finally persuaded to go, and the Tiandao city was preserved. It was a blessing to invite heaven."

The golden wing guard looked relieved.

The wind filled the building with a cold smile.

"But I lost face, never before.

This humiliation will sooner or later be repaid by him a million times! "

A bitter smile flashed across the golden wing guard's face, but it soon converged and no one noticed it.

"The evil star always eats soft rather than hard. When dealing with him, he must be able to bend and stretch.

Adults might as well think from another angle. Although you have taken soft, you have achieved your goal in the confrontation with Gu Xuan for the first time?

This is a good thing and a great start!

At least, the adult understood a way to deal with Gu Xuan.

With this experience, why can't you understand the second and third ways to deal with ancient mystery in the future? "

The golden wing guard comforted the wind all over the building.

The wind all over the building narrowed his eyes, suddenly turned back and looked at the golden wing guard.

"Golden wing, you're right.

If we take "let Gu Xuan leave Tiandao city" as the condition for victory in battle.

This time, but I won! "

Feng manlou laughed, fell to the ground as a winner, swaggered and walked towards the city master's house.

The golden wing guard shook his head and sighed.

Although he said that, in fact, he didn't really think that the wind filled the building would win.

In fact, Fengman building has long failed, completely failed.

Because that man is coming back!

"Golden wings, why don't you keep up?

By the way, didn't my father tell me to welcome my sister out of the customs?

You help me prepare something, and then give her a surprise!

By the way, I also want to know how far her strength has been promoted. If it is not promoted enough, it can't help me. "

Feng manlou said casually.

The golden wing guard frowned more tightly.

Where can I help you when tiannv leaves the customs?

That's taking your place!

"I just hope you two brothers and sisters don't kill each other at that time."

The golden wing guard trotted all the way and caught up with the wind full building.

They entered the city master's residence and came to a secret room.

In the secret room, a dark mirror is suspended.

In the Xuanguang mirror, the figure of Gu Xuan constantly flying away appeared in their eyes.

"The imperial edict into the sky robbery cloud can not only stop the sky robbery, but also let me watch the scene of the ancient xuandu robbery at any time.

Let's wait a quarter of an hour.

Gu Xuan's great perfect disaster is so strong that I don't believe he can get through it safely.

Even if you don't die, I'm afraid it will be hard.

At that time, we can take the opportunity to do many things again! "

Evil thoughts have been lingering in the wind all over the building.

He looked expectantly at the surging robbery cloud.

The speed of Gu Xuan's flight is not too fast.

Of course, it's not slow.

In a few minutes, he had completely left the jurisdiction of the base camp of the Tiandao camp.

Until he really left, Gu Xuan didn't know where he was.

In the territory under the jurisdiction of the Tiandao camp, he can only confirm the direction and probably the large area. He can't determine the location.

"Unexpectedly, the base camp of the Tiandao camp is located in the most inaccessible [Jiling mountain] at the junction of the northern wasteland and the western territory!

Unfortunately, we are not sure how far away Tiandao city is from the location of Tiandao?

Princess rosefinch should know that she has a chance to ask.

There was a big secret in the Taoist city that day. Sooner or later, we should find a time to explore it. "

Gu Xuan thought in his heart.

He has been flying north. Along the way, he was surprised by countless martial artists.

Of course, because of his speed and his cover up, no one sees his existence.

However, the robbery cloud on his head really existed, which scared all the martial artists he met along the way.

After the shock, it was amazing.

Everyone wants to know what happened?

Why does the sky rob the clouds and fly in the sky all the time? It is clear that the condensation is completed, but there is no thunder?

Unfortunately, no one is destined to get the answer.

However, this does not hinder the enthusiasm of good people.

More and more peeping eyes fell to the far north, paying attention to the robbery clouds in the sky.

In a quarter of an hour, when it was about to pass, Gu Xuan came to a deserted place.

This is a place called the far north, which is inaccessible.

Gu Xuan planned to spend his great perfect disaster here.

"It's time to see how he died!"

Tiandao City, in the city master's house, Feng manlou looked at the Xuanguang mirror in front of him and suddenly became excited.

Ow, Ow!

The deafening sound of dragon chanting has already sounded in the clouds.

A thousand foot long sky robbery Thunder Dragon roared down from the robbery cloud, penetrated the void, and rushed down to the ancient Xuan standing on the ground at an unimaginable speed.


The space where the Tianjie Thunder Dragon passes is heavily broken.

Its power is too strong to imagine.

Following the direction of the Tianjie Thunder Dragon falling, the people watching the Tianjie in the burning sky boundary finally noticed Gu Xuan.

However, when they want to see who the robber is, they can't really see it anyway.

"Too strong! It's horrible!

Who on earth is going through the great disaster? "

"Yes, just looking at it from a distance, I feel the shiver from my soul.

You mean, the man who crossed the robbery is crossing a great and complete robbery. I believe it! "

"Of course, this will not be a complete disaster, otherwise, the person who crossed the disaster will be dead.

No, no, no, it should be said that he is dead! "

"Yes, there's only one reason why it didn't fall before the disaster.

That is, we haven't caught up with the robbers, so we can't fall.

In the face of the great disaster, the man who survived the disaster escaped for so long instead of being hard.

That shows that he has no hard strength, let alone hard courage!

Now, it's mostly because the consumption is too large, so it's caught up by the sky robbery cloud.

How can a man who has no strength and courage and is caught up by the robbed cloud because of great consumption get through this level? "

For a time, people talked about it one after another, and they were all not optimistic about the people who crossed the robbery.

But they didn't know that Gu Xuan not only didn't think the natural disaster was strong, but felt that it was too weak.

"The first round of sky robbery Thunder Dragon, that's it?"

Gu Xuan looked at the sky robbery Thunder Dragon and felt some gap in his heart.

It's really weak to rob the Thunder Dragon this day.

The sky killing sword in his hand felt embarrassed at once.

He put away his sword.

Such a heaven robbing Thunder Dragon doesn't need to kill Heaven Sword at all.

At this time, seeing the sky robbery Thunder Dragon which is thousands of feet long, it will fall on Gu Xuan and devour him. Gu Xuan moved!

Move, it is a stone shattering fist, suddenly burst upward!


With a loud noise, the Tianjie Thunder Dragon was smashed directly.

The first wave of natural disasters, even if it is successfully passed.

This scene shocked everyone to the extreme.

They didn't even see how the robber did it, but they saw that the sky robbery Thunder Dragon was broken.

The most surprising thing is that the wind is all over the building!

"How is that possible? With one punch, the sky robbery Thunder Dragon broke?

The first wave of sky robbery is so weak? "

Feng manlou was really depressed for a while, but he quickly adjusted his mood.

"It doesn't matter. The first wave is weak, and the second wave is strong.

Gu Xuan, determined not to survive the second wave, will reveal his flaws.

He can't... "

Feng manlou didn't care about Gu Xuan at all, but he couldn't say anything more before he finished.

Because he saw an incredible scene in the dark mirror.

Seeing that scene, he couldn't help wiping his eyes. He wondered if he was wrong?

But soon, he confirmed that he was right.

Gu Xuan flew into the sky like an electric light. With a flash, he rushed into the robbery cloud!

The speed is outrageous.

It's ridiculous. The second wave of sky robbing Thunder Dragon has not been condensed in the robbing cloud!

"Since it's not interesting, let's make a quick decision.

It's time for the clouds to disperse. "

Gu Xuan stood in the robbery cloud, wandering up and down with the sky robbery thunder.


Zhu Tianjian was finally held in his hand!

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