
The violent momentum erupted from the unexpected guest and rolled away towards guxuan.

Gu Xuan didn't fight back at the first time. Instead, he allowed the momentum to hit his body and didn't seem to take it seriously.

Gu Xuan and Xiao lotus root are speechless.

The guy in front of him was a human shaped ghost. He was as thin as a wood. His eyes were not normal eyes, but two ghost fires.

Selling looks really frightening, but its realm is just the realm of the highest sage.

Such a dead soul, I don't know where the courage comes from, dare to show up, and still so confident?

Gu Xuan shook his head, which belonged to the great round momentum, and released it. It was very powerful. It was easy to blow the momentum of the human undead away.

The humanoid undead didn't react at all, so he felt his momentum and collapsed without warning.

Then, a terrible threat landed.


The human undead knelt down and trembled with fear.

"Big... Big round!"

He knew that he had been kicked to the iron plate, and his heart was full of remorse.

"Forgive me, my Lord. I just lost my mind for a moment and spoke nonsense. Don't kill me, my lord..."

Before the human undead finished, he saw a black flame flying straight towards his face.

Its speed and power are not what human undead can imagine.

The human undead didn't react at all, so he was hit by the black flame, and his body was burned into nothingness in an instant.

"Is this a god horse thing?"

Little lotus root twitched at the corner of her mouth. The human undead was too weak.

Gu Xuan frowned.

"We have to speed up. Although this guy is only the undead in the realm of the highest saint, he should not belong to the peripheral area of the God killing cemetery, but come from a deeper area.

Even he has arrived. I'm afraid other stronger existence will soon come.

Even, it is likely that the strong have already arrived, but they have been hidden in the dark and didn't make a move.

After all, there are not many fools like this. "

Small lotus root smell speech, in the mind uneasy, more serious.

"The vice spiritual root has been integrated into Article 87 by the main spiritual root."

Little lotus root seemed to talk to himself, reminding Gu Xuan.

In fact, without his reminding, Gu Xuan can fully sense the thoughts in his heart with the state that he is connected with Gu Xuan's mind at present.

"Time, too hasty, no way..."

Gu Xuan took the initiative to stop the operation of the herbal Yuling formula and cut off the induction with the little lotus root.

In the colorful whirlpool, the original clearly visible main spirit root and auxiliary spirit root became blurred again in Gu Xuan's eyes.

Little lotus root's heart clicked.

"Boss, I think I can still be saved. Why don't you save it?

It's not your style to just give up? "

The voice of little lotus root has been crying.

His main spiritual root is now in a damaged state. If he leads to the medicine Saint heavenly robbery later, nine times out of ten, he will be found a flaw by the heavenly robbery, resulting in the failure of crossing the robbery.

It is self-evident what the failure of the medicine saint's Day robbery and crossing robbery means to a medicine emperor.

Even if he doesn't die, I'm afraid he won't have a chance to have another drug Saint robbery in his life.

What's more, if you fail once, there will be a shadow in your heart, which will become a lifelong nightmare. Even if you take great good luck and lead to the next medicine Saint robbery, the probability of failure is more than 99%.

"Rounding off, this medicine Saint robbery may be my only chance in my life!

Boss, you can't give up! "

Little lotus root stared at Gu Xuan. If there were not colorful swirls around him, he would be lying in front of Gu Xuan and crying with his thigh.

Gu Xuan has not spoken since he stopped running the herbal formula to resist the soul. Instead, he is calculating the plan in his heart and the possibility of success.

I never thought it would scare the little lotus root like this.

Gu Xuan looked at the little lotus root silently. He still didn't explain, but directly took out a handful of holy pills, full of five!

For a time, the fragrance of Dan overflowed everywhere, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Little lotus root's eyes lit up and finally reacted. The boss didn't give up himself.

Boss, I'm afraid I've come up with a way to let myself swallow the five holy pills to repair the main spiritual root.

This moved Xiao Ou so much that tears almost came out of her mouth.

Xiao Ou didn't know that Gu Xuan had given him three holy pills before he was awake.


Little lotus root swallowed her mouth hard.

"Boss, come on, I will refine the five holy pills as quickly as possible to cooperate with you!

Just do it! "

Little lotus root opened her hands and looked like I wouldn't resist no matter what you did.

A trace of doubt flashed on Gu Xuan's face.

"What are you doing? Who said I would give you these five holy pills? I ate them myself."

As soon as Gu Xuan opened his mouth, he threw five holy pills into his mouth and swallowed them in his stomach. In an instant, it was refining.

The majestic and surging energy erupted in guxuan!

All energy was forcibly integrated into the meridians by Gu Xuan and let them rush towards the Dantian along the meridians.

Little lotus root is stupid.

Those five holy pills are not for yourself?

Boss, eat five holy pills yourself?

"Boss, there are only more than ten vice spirit roots left, which have not been integrated!

Are you still in the mood to knock the holy pill? "

Little lotus root can't understand. What does Gu Xuan want to do?

Is there any amazing means that you need to knock down a full five holy pills in order to display it?

It doesn't make sense. As a medicine emperor, I help myself heal the main spiritual root. I don't use any taboo skills to fight. How can I need to knock pills?

Let yourself knock, almost.

Gu Xuan didn't explain, which can't be explained in a few words.

He's making a big bet now!

The reason why he stopped observing the changes of Xiaoou Linggen was that it was no longer necessary.

Today, it is a situation of domestic and foreign aggression.

Time, too hasty.

Continuing to observe, Gu Xuan couldn't think of a way to repair the main spiritual root in such a short time.

You might as well give it a go.

Gu Xuan bet that the power of the fairyland can repair the main spiritual root of the little lotus root!

He plans to exchange the power of the fairyland from the "cave fairyland" of Xianwei brand!

To accomplish this, we need his Dantian, which is ten times the size of his Dantian when he reaches the peak of the emperor.

Gu Xuan has completed half of this prerequisite.

In the burning heaven, Gu Xuan was really promoted to the "ordinary great fullness" and received a very rich gift from heaven.

Both the body, soul and Shouyuan have been greatly improved.

The soul has been raised to the level of the great fullness of the second robbery.

Shouyuan has been raised from 450000 yuan to 2.65 million years.

On Shouyuan alone, it is even better than the great perfection of the second robbery.

Under normal circumstances, the recognized limit of longevity is about 2.4 million years.

Of course, these are not the most important.

Most importantly, the Dantian of guxuan is still in the process of expanding.

The original gift of heaven is too rich. Until now, Gu Xuan has not digested it.

According to Gu Xuan's conjecture, as long as he digests it, his Dantian will be enough to be ten times the original size.

But this process is a little long.

Therefore, in order to help Xiaoou, Gu Xuan is a lonely note to Yizheng. He directly uses five holy pills and wants to forcibly expand the Dantian by relying on the power of them.

His Dantian has been expanded by five times compared with the original.

In other words, in terms of the size of today's Dantian, it only needs to be doubled to reach the condition of exchanging a trace of immortal power!

"Let's go!"

Gu Xuan mobilized the violent energy from the holy elixir in his body and began to impact the edge of his elixir field.

The effect is immediate.

Dantian began to expand at a very fast speed, and soon expanded by a fifth.

With the forced expansion of Dantian, the following is naturally pain, pain from the soul!

Even with Gu Xuan's strong will, he couldn't help but utter a dull hum.

To forcibly expand Dantian, we must not only endure pain, but also stay awake at all times and never make any mistakes.

Otherwise, Dantian may be torn.

Even if only a crack is torn, the energy in the elixir field will flow thousands of miles, and the energy can no longer be stored.

Therefore, everything must be cautious, careful and careful.

But it happened that at this moment when no disturbance was allowed, a full number of ten great fullness level undead appeared from a secret place hundreds of miles away, turned into a light and came close!

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