Surrounded by many attacks, Gu Xuan and Zhu Tianjian became one.

I saw a flash of silver, the sound of the sword breaking through the air, and the "Chi Chi" sound of flesh and blood being cut off sounded at the same time.

Two palms, one head, separated from the body of a coffin seller.

The palms all over the sky disappeared.


The next moment, the coffin seller who lost his head and palm burst out countless small swords and burst away.

In a moment, Gu Xuan had killed two coffin sellers, and the sky attack had not fallen on him.


A series of explosions sounded.

The remaining eight undead are fully satisfied, three coffin sellers and five undead beasts. All attacks or failures erupt in the air.

Or, it hit the rock, or even the ground, and the power of the explosion was widespread.

Unfortunately, Gu Xuan did not know when he had moved hundreds of feet away.

Even the power of explosion, he was not contaminated at all. He still stood calmly in white.


In the distance, there was a more terrible sound of explosion.

Little lotus root blocked the first wave of Tianjie and broke a Tianjie Thunder Dragon with infinite power.

"Who else!"

After the first wave of sky robbery was blocked, Xiao Ou was unharmed, which made him very excited. He couldn't help but roar up to the sky.

I don't know. I thought the thunderdragon was the last one.

Ow, Ow!

A series of dragon chants sounded again.

A full number of two Heaven robbing thunder dragons emerged from the clouds, which made some complacent little lotus roots recover their calmness in an instant.

God, there's more!

The other side.

"Lord Leng, it's different from what you think.

That guy, the energy in his body, should really consume a lot.

But he didn't fight with us at all. Relying on his extremely fast speed and strange body method, he blindly dodged and sneaked attacks, which was almost impossible to prevent.

If this goes on, I'm afraid the eight of us can't help him! "

A fierce beast of the dead spits out words, and his eyes are full of fear, as if he was retreating.

"Don't worry, I won't make him feel better!

Watch me block his movements!

Seal the magic chain and block the space! "

Lord Leng clenched his teeth and a look of flesh pain flashed in his eyes. With his hands raised, a full 18 chains flew out of his long sleeves.


The chain danced like 18 wandering snakes, shuttling through the void. In the blink of an eye, it extended hundreds of feet away, blocking all the space up and down, around and around guxuan.

Gu Xuan only felt that suddenly, the air became stagnant and difficult to circulate.

The body also seemed to fall into a mire and became a bit heavy.

Gu Xuan's broken eyes were always open, and he could see the 18 chains and all the action tracks clearly.


Seeing the chain flying, Gu Xuan didn't dodge. He had analyzed the power and strength of the chain and planned to surprise Lord Leng.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Xuan was heavily bound by chains and turned into a zongzi, with only his head exposed.

"Hahaha, you got it!

Now, how do I see you escape? "

Lord Leng laughed.

"Roar! Let me kill him!"

"I'll go too. You pat him on the left head and I'll pat him on the right to make him headless!"

The two undead beasts were very excited. They turned into light and flew away in the direction of Gu Xuan.

The rest of the crowd, looking like watching the excitement, followed up.

In the blink of an eye, people surrounded Gu Xuan like zongzi.

Two undead beasts raised their sharp front claws, aimed at Gu Xuan's head, and then slapped it fiercely.


The two dead beasts roared together.

Lord Leng's face showed a trace of satisfaction. Once the guardian of the lotus medicine emperor died, the lotus medicine emperor, no, it is likely to be the lotus medicine saint, but it belongs to them!


To him, alone!

The cold collar leader's eyes were full of longing, as if he had seen the scene of Gu Xuan's head being broken.


In fact, he did see it.

Gu Xuan's head was really broken, and his blood sprayed out. The weight was surprisingly much, splashing on the faces of two dead beasts.

"It's great to die!"

The two dead beasts laughed and even stretched out their long tongues and licked their faces.

Then, the next moment, their tongues, Zizi and smoke.

"No! The blood is poisonous! Don't stain it!"

The two dead beasts screamed and screamed. They only felt that there was a flame burning them on their tongue.

Black smoke spewed from their mouths, ears and noses.

Two people's mouths were open. They only heard the sound of whirring, which sounded in their mouths.

It was the sound of flame burning. A small flame suddenly grew and got into their stomachs from the mouths of two dead beasts.

"It hurts! Help us, Lord Leng, help us!"

Two undead beasts asked Lord Leng for help. They were so miserable that they rushed towards Lord Leng while asking for help.

Lord Leng's face changed, and he felt a dangerous smell from the flames on the two dead beasts.

The remaining three undead beasts belong to the same ethnic group as the two undead beasts. Seeing that they are in great pain, they want to control them for a while and then seek a cure.

But the three undead beasts had just started to act, but Lord Leng hurriedly warned: "don't touch them, that black flame is very dangerous!"

Hoo Hoo.

The flames on the two dead beasts suddenly became bigger and burned them into nothingness in an instant.

"Damn it! What is the origin of the man who burned heaven?

His blood is so poisonous? "

The three dead beasts are all haunted.

If they had just met two poisoned companions and been contaminated with poisonous fire, now they may have become nothingness.

"We have enough poison, but at most, we will poison a great consummation. We can only save one in ten.

But it is impossible to poison any great consummation.

A warrior of the human race who burned the heaven, why can he poison our two people with a little poisonous blood? "

A poisonous tiger was not convinced when he was afraid.

"Anyway, the warrior who burned the human race in heaven is dead. We can directly blow his body into powder later.

Step back, everyone. I'll loosen the chain first. "

Lord Leng reminded them that they were like watching the plague and withdrew for a distance.


The chain loosened, revealing Gu Xuan's headless body.


Gu Xuan fell to the ground.

They were preparing to attack, but they suddenly found that Gu Xuan's body turned into a pool of blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Lord Leng was stunned.

This situation was unexpected to him.

Next to them, two coffin sellers looked at each other.

The three poisonous tigers looked insightful and discussed with each other.

"I'm afraid he can't be immune to the strong poison in his body. He can only control it.

Therefore, when people die, the poison will eat them back... "

A poisonous tiger was talking and expressing his opinions, but before he finished speaking, he saw the pool of blood on the ground and suddenly disappeared.

It's like penetrating into the ground.

But it always feels that it should not be called penetration. It should be more accurate to describe it with "drilling".

Just when the poisonous tiger was thinking, he suddenly felt that something "drilled" out on the ground behind him.

The next second, a cold touch suddenly appeared on the neck.

The other two poisonous tigers have the same feeling.

Then, just listen to the "Chi Chi Chi" sound, almost at the same time.

Three huge tiger heads were thrown out.

Hoo Hoo.

On their bodies, a black fire burned them into nothingness.

"What? How is that possible?

How could you not be dead? "

Lord Leng and the two coffin sellers beside him widened their eyes and were stunned.

They couldn't figure it out. Gu Xuan's head was clearly smashed, and even the body turned into blood. How could he not die?

It doesn't make any sense.

Suddenly, Lord Leng's pupil shrank suddenly.

"That black flame is not poison!

That's the flame, the flame hidden in your blood!

You have the means to protect your life by cutting off your head. You deliberately let them break your head in order to splash blood on them.

Reactivate the flames hidden in the blood and burn them alive! "

Lord Leng seems to have figured everything out.

Gu Xuan shrugged.

"I never said that my blood was poisonous. Those two fools thought they were poisoned.

In fact, of course they are not poisoned.

Even, as long as the place on fire is cut in time, it will only be seriously damaged and destroyed at most, and will not be burned into nothingness.

But I didn't expect that they would lick the flame on their faces, so that I could activate the flame hidden in their blood directly inside their bodies.

There's a fire inside the body. It doesn't have to be cut. "

Gu Xuan's words, the clouds are light and the wind is light, but let the cold Lord three give birth to a bone chilling feeling.

"Now, what should I do?"

A coffin seller, almost trembling, asked Lord Leng this question.

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