As soon as the four purple thunder dragons appeared, the terrible pressure was like a mountain, falling towards the small lotus root.

As if to smash the small lotus root into meat patties just by momentum.

"I'll go. Shouldn't it be two purple thunder dragons?

Who can hold up four? "

Little lotus root complains, but she still puts her momentum outside and wants to compete with it.

If you can't beat it, you can't lose.

Bang bang.

The two momentum collide in the void, sending out the sound of sonic boom, distorting the void and breaking the space.

But every time the momentum collides, the power erupts, which makes the little lotus root stand tall in the empty body and fall down a large part.

After the momentum hit seven or eight times, the little lotus root had fallen into the black spring and had nothing to fall.

If the momentum collides again, he is bound to fall into the depths of the earth, and it is difficult to extricate himself. What's more, it is difficult to use his means to resist the four purple sky robbery thunder dragons.

Fortunately, Gu Xuan was already ready to do it. While performing his "sky covering skill" and hiding himself, he released a force of divine soul and disappeared into the little lotus root.

As like as two peas, the spirit of the soul is simulated by the spirit.

Almost in an instant, the little lotus root refined it, and its momentum suddenly burst into a momentum lotus, which collided with the momentum of the four Tianjie thunder dragons.


A loud noise.

The momentum released by the Tianjie Thunder Dragon was directly smashed and scattered.

The momentum of small lotus root finally occupied the absolute upper hand.

He took the opportunity to soar into the sky. The only three imperial weapons left on his body were urged with all his strength to prepare for the four heaven robbing thunder dragons.

"Boss, give me some energy.

I can't rely on me alone.

Two purple dragons can kill me half.

Three can destroy the spiritual roots of our Lord.

If you don't help me, I'm going to lie flat. "

Xiao Ou showed her soul to convey a message to Gu Xuan. Of course, grammatically, she used exaggerated rhetoric.

Gu Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"Fool, don't contact me by any means.

This is helping you cheat. If there's something wrong, let's cool off together. "

Little lotus root was in a cold sweat.

Indeed, now I'm crossing the medicine Saint robbery. It's extremely risky for the boss to help me.

I'm stupid enough to contact him. It's too long!


Little lotus root muttered and shut up quickly.

At this time, the distance between the four purple thunder dragons falling on their heads and him was less than 100 feet.


Purple thunder awns have appeared in the space around the small lotus root.

At this time, Gu Xuan was finally ready to fight!

The pure wooden power has been looming on him. He plans to quietly use the "herbal formula to resist the spirit" to establish contact with Xiao lotus root and transmit the magnificent wooden power to Xiao lotus root.

However, the plan will never catch up with change.

Gu Xuan's first Dharma seal of "materia medica Yuling formula" just came out, he felt that a pair of eyes appeared from the robbery cloud and stared at himself.

This made Gu Xuan's mind swing and produce a sense of suffocation.

"No, God, you found me!"

Gu Xuan was shocked.

Since he learned to "cover the sky", he has gone farther and farther along the road of deceiving the way of heaven.

I thought it would be a dangerous act of concealing the truth. Unexpectedly, it was found!

Not only that, when Gu Xuan realized that he had eyes on himself in the cloud robbery, he also felt that an incomparably powerful taboo existed, approaching in the direction of Heiquan!

"This feeling is at least the strong man of the second robbery and great fullness level!

It is stronger than the skeleton man, the bark faced old man, and the freak half man and half horse! "

Gu Xuan's heart had turned up a terrible wave.

The second robbery is complete. Even if Princess rosefinch's part is here, I'm afraid she may not be able to fight with her.

After all, the separation of her royal highness is the ultimate success.

For a time, a sense of extreme danger shrouded Gu Xuan.

Little lotus root's face became extremely ugly.

He also felt the sudden perfection of the second disaster.

In the face of four purple sky robbery thunder dragons, he felt that he still had the courage to fight to the death.

But in the face of the sudden existence of taboos, he felt that he could not produce any resistance.

That is the existence that he can't overcome even if he succeeds in becoming a medicine saint!

Little lotus root was in a trance, and the four purple sky robbery thunder dragons completely annihilated him at this time.


The power of Thunder Dragon broke out completely.

Purple rob thunder, completely annihilate this space.


Gu Xuan's face changed greatly. Just now he hesitated, he actually missed the opportunity to help Xiao Ou resist the sky robbery Thunder Dragon.

With the strength of small lotus root, how can you stop four purple sky robbery thunder dragons and burst out their power at the same time?


Gu Xuan rushed into the purple thunder.

No one knows what happened in the purple thunder.

However, soon, the power of robbing thunder dissipated.

The figures of Xiaoou and guxuan have disappeared without a trace, just like the power of thunder robbed by heaven and split into nothingness.

"How could this happen? Failed?

And there's not even any residue left? "

Dozens of miles away from the black spring, the skeleton man looked at the original location of the little lotus root under the robbery cloud in surprise.

There, it's empty.

Above the sky, the rolling clouds of robbery have shown signs of dissipating.

Obviously, there will be no further disaster.

The Apocalypse is over early.

Whoever is a man of cultivation knows what it means to end the disaster ahead of time.

However, this makes all the people who are concerned about this medicine Saint robbery angry and unwilling.

"We came all the way to kill a snake?

Just to see a failed apocalypse? "

The bark faced old man's fist squeaked.

The undead orc, half man and half horse, spread his hooves and ran around the skeleton people. While running, he roared.

They didn't expect such an end.

"The lotus medicine emperor doesn't even have any residue left, that's all.

Now I just want to kill the warrior who burned the heaven, but he has long disappeared.

Presumably, he saw that the lotus medicine emperor had failed in the robbery, so he fled early.

Damn it, I can only kill him next time. "

The skeleton sighed.

"You are so famous that you dare to appear in the periphery of the God killing cemetery. Don't you really pay attention to my grave walker?"

A man in a blue robe appeared in front of the three skeletons, stared at them, and said with a smile.

Whoosh, whoosh.

The three skeleton men retreated at the same time. In an instant, they withdrew from a hundred feet.

"Damn it, Qingyi Dharma protector!

Your existence shouldn't be here, nor can you give me a hand at will! "

The skeleton man stared warily at the man in green and said tentatively.

"If I can do it at will, how can you three live?

My goal is the lotus medicine saint.

According to my master's calculation, the lotus medicine emperor will become the lotus medicine saint, and should be brought back by me.

But now, just the eighth wave of sky robbery, he disappeared, which is very abnormal.

There must be something wrong here.

I want you to help me find out about it... "

The man in blue seemed to give orders to the three skeleton people.

It seems that the three people in front of him are not taboos in the God killing cemetery, but his men.

At this time, the surging robbery clouds in the sky have dispersed more than half.

No one noticed that the speed at which the robbery cloud dissipated was actually a little slower than the normal speed at which the robbery cloud dissipated.

The core of cloud robbery has an independent space.

Gu Xuan and Xiao ou are both among them.

Opposite them, a Thunder Dragon floats in the void.

Lei long carries a box on his back.

It was a green box, emitting a mysterious smell.

Little lotus root scratched his head and didn't understand what was going on.

But Gu Xuan and Lei long had eyes on each other.

"You again?"

Gu Xuan and Lei long spit out these three words at the same time.

They know each other!

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