Ouyang Qitian stared at the turtle shell on the ground, carefully picked it up and held it in his hand.

He knew very well that this dark, ordinary looking, plain and faint turtle shell was the original immortal weapon of Wu Tian's ancestor, Xuanwu immortal shell.

This is the first time he has really touched a fairy tool.

Unfortunately, this fairy tool has become completely unlike a treasure, but more like an ordinary turtle shell in a pond.

Ouyang abandoned the sky, sighed, and stood in the secret room for a long time. After thinking about the external words, he solemnly put the Xuanwu immortal shell into the space ring.

Outside the secret room, Ouyang flower butterfly, Ouyang Feilong, Ouyang fengdiei and others have been impatient for a long time.

No matter what the situation is, they are eager to know the current situation of Wu Tianlao Zu.

Unfortunately, the secret room has been closed. No matter how anxious they are, they can't break in.

Ouyang flower butterfly can only take out the sound transmission talisman. If you want to activate it, contact Ouyang Qitian inside.

Fortunately, just then, the stone door of the secret room suddenly opened.

Ouyang Qitian flashed out and closed the stone gate.

"Don't go in and disturb father Wu Tian.

Today's Wu Tianlao Zu is extremely weak.

Fortunately, the Xuanwu immortal shell will be out of the body soon, otherwise it will be bad. "

When they heard the speech, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's good that Master Wu Tian is all right! Heaven is invincible. Your aunt and grandmother remember this hatred!"

Ouyang flower butterfly snorted coldly.

Ouyang Qitian glared at the flower butterfly.

"Just what you can do! You've just been promoted to ordinary perfection.

Even I can't do anything. Heaven is invincible. If you want to fight him, you'll die.

If you have this Kung Fu, don't practice it well! "

Ouyang butterfly took Ouyang Feilong and went out.

While walking, he didn't forget to look back and proudly made a face at Ouyang Qitian.

"You are a lonely old man, how can you compare with me?

I'm really not Tianmo enemy's opponent, but my brother Xuan, beating Tianmo enemy is not like playing?

Hum! Speaking of it, I really have to practice quickly. He can fight with the order of heaven, but I'm just the beginning of great perfection.

I can't lag behind him too much, otherwise, how can I compete with other fox spirits? "

Ouyang's interest in cultivation climbed to an extreme with a grip of flower butterfly powder fist.

Only pity Ouyang Feilong. His arm was dragged by Ouyang flower butterfly. He was so painful that he bared his teeth, but he didn't dare to resist.

No outsiders know what happened to Ouyang aristocratic family.

This is just a small episode in the chaotic burning heaven.

Now, the whole burning heaven, the eyes of most martial artists are on the air city called "beyond the Great Wall City".

The battle has lasted for a month since the outbreak.

The great wall city was originally floating on the top of the sky, a moving city.

But the speed of movement is not too fast.

The law of movement also has traces to follow.

But with the transmission array sealed above, the seal is continuously released and born, and the battle becomes white hot. Therefore, the speed and law of its movement have changed greatly.

Finally, after the Great Wall City floated over the far north, it finally slowed down.

The fighting in the city began to decrease gradually.

This means that the born transmission array has gradually been owned and controlled by people.

In the far north, this barren land, martial artists continue to go and gather in it to explore the first-hand situation of the city outside the Great Wall.

Unfortunately, the city beyond the great wall can only go out but not in.

Since the outbreak of the scuffle over the transmission array, no one has come out.

At the same time, the great disaster of burning the heaven finally appeared.

The aura of burning heaven became thin at a speed that could be clearly detected.

Around the world, some places with abundant natural power of heaven and earth have turned into dead areas. You can't see a living tree or a living fierce beast, let alone a warrior.

Even, inexplicably, there were some terrible beasts that had never been owned by the burning heaven.

These fierce beasts are bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty. As soon as they appear, they will launch a massive killing of the surrounding creatures.

Fortunately, today's burning heaven is in a tight state everywhere.

Once a terrible beast that wantonly kills creatures appears, the warriors will spontaneously organize and go to destroy the beast.

Although this is an extremely dangerous thing, there are often gains.

Those monsters that appear inexplicably often have treasures matching their strength.

Those treasures belong to the outside world, and have not even been contaminated with the smell of burning the heaven alone.

This makes more martial artists more interested in hunting foreign beasts.

However, how those fierce beasts appeared has always been a mystery.

Soon, the warriors who burned the heaven found that those inexplicably fierce beasts could even be divided into lovely ranks from the terrible ranks.

At least, kill them and get some useful treasures.

Killing another invader who invades the burning heaven is not only more dangerous, but also can't get any benefits.

Such invaders are the dead!

There were a large number of undead in the seven star world, now the seven star world of burning heaven.

These undead, unexpectedly, organized to take a valley less than a thousand miles outside the burning city as their base camp and expand around.

The undead have different strength. Most of them are skeleton people under the holy land.

But a few elites can reach the realm of the emperor.

Even, it is said that there is a great fullness level in the valley.

In just one month, the undead occupied a fifth of the territory of the Seven Star region.

A large number of heaven burning warriors were forced to escape from the Seven Star region.

Even the burning city was surrounded by these undead.

There are almost no disciples of Ying Tianzong and Zhuque Xianzong in the burning city now. Only the Ouyang aristocratic family and several forces close to Ying Tianzong guard them.

The news came that Ouyang abandoned the weather and didn't eat all day. He immediately sent Ouyang fengdiei and Ouyang LuanChang to guard the burning city.

But strangely, the dead surrounded the burning city, but they surrounded it without attacking it, and had no intention of attacking it.

On the other hand, the undead force expanded rapidly to other areas of the Seven Star domain.

At the edge of the Seven Star region, the ten thousand Star Alliance launched a fierce battle with the undead forces and won a great victory.

This is what happens during the day.

One night later, the base camp of Star Alliance has been razed to the ground.

So far, the Star Alliance, which had been brilliant for a while, is now surviving. Seeing signs of prosperity again, it was removed from the burning heaven overnight.

In the Seven Star region, the second fierce battle of the undead forces was still defeated.

It was a battle between the undead forces and the star moon city, and it was also during the day.

Therefore, the eyes of many people who burned heaven focused on that night.

They looked forward to seeing the same scene. The star moon city was eradicated overnight, like the Star Alliance.

Unfortunately, they are destined to be disappointed.

That night, it seemed very calm.

The next day's Xingyue city was the same as the previous day.

The undead forces withdrew from the territory under the jurisdiction of Xingyue city.

After that, it was like a great change of temperament. It only moved around the valley as the base camp and no longer expanded outside.

This let the burning heaven warrior breathe a sigh of relief for the time being.

At the same time, the fighting in the city outside the Great Wall stopped completely.

The warrior flew out of it again.

However, those who flew out were all local fighters in the burning world, and none of the external fighters were seen.

So far, it has been five months since Ying Tianzong and Zhu quexian Zong were closed.

Ouyang aristocratic family seems to have the most sensitive sense of smell and has entered the highest level of alert.

Ouyang Qitian kept up his spirit and warned all possible enemies in his territory.

Because, according to the information from Gu Xuan, the pioneer of the great robbery, the legendary Lord of the astral world, has come to burn the heaven!

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