The star world leader stared at Tianmo enemy and suddenly laughed.

"I know where your faith comes from?

You have cultivated Zhongyuan domain for a long time and achieved the effect of integrating with the world. As long as you are in this region, you will not only become stronger, but also be invincible.

However, you can only control one domain after all. Even if you are the God of this domain, what?

There's another boundary on your head.

One boundary up, there is a plane.

We are the vanguard of the burning world and the destruction of the world. We come with destiny!

And this "destiny" is the will of the whole plane. Burning the heaven can't compete, let alone your small domain! "

The voice of the astral Lord became more arrogant and excited.

"I have wasted enough time on you.

Even the map of the most precious stars has been used, which should not have happened.

Next, let's end all this! "

He put away the "array of twenty-eight stars" and tied his hands, and a virtual shadow of a token appeared from his head.

It was a mysterious token, emitting an ancient flavor, which contained unimaginable power.

On the token, dragon flying and Phoenix dancing wrote four words: destruction and catastrophe!

As soon as the token appeared, the world trembled.

The sound of grief is inexplicable, like from the top of the sky and from the bottom of the earth.

The whole burning heaven was restless at this moment.

Sadness filled the whole burning heaven.

Everyone knows what kind of will is carried on that token, which belongs to the three thousand world planes and wants to burn the heaven and perish.

"I am the pioneer of burning the heaven and destroying the world, and the Lord of the astral world 'Ding Chunqiu'!

Carry on the will of the upper world and change the world! "

The voice of the Lord of the astral world resounded through the whole sky, and even suppressed the sound of sadness all over the world.

The three words "Ding Chunqiu" were firmly imprinted in the minds of all the fighters in the burning heaven.


The void began to vibrate.

An inexplicable force shrouded the whole sky.

The earth under the feet of heaven is naturally included by this force.

Tianmo's face became very dignified.

Because he has felt that the increase in strength he has received is passing away because of the middle domain.

The world has changed.

Rules, rules, space, air, even every rock and every grain of dust, although their appearance has not changed, they all no longer belong to the meso domain.

But belong to another unknown world.


In the void, the earth with a full circumference began to collapse.

Large tracts of soil, stones and trees fell from the sky.

For a time, the dust was everywhere.

The momentum of Tianmo enemy, with the speed visible to the naked eye, has become depressed for a few minutes, and is no longer as strong as before.

His breath also weakened.

It goes without saying what this means.

"Heaven is invincible. I'm going to lose."

Gu Xuan sighed.

Even though he looked at Tianmo enemy very much before, even if he didn't want Tianmo enemy to lose, now he has to admit this fact.

Ding Chunqiu used the catastrophe order to change the sky and the ground. Tianmo's home advantage in Zhongyuan domain disappeared.

The second great perfection is the second great perfection after all!

"Yes, God is going to lose.

Your holy Dan, twelve, is going to lose to Princess Ben.

I'm sorry to see you. "

Princess rosefinch narrowed her eyes.

Gu Xuan took a smoke from the corner of his mouth.

Just now, he was not sad because he wanted to lose Shengdan.

But now, I remember.

So, double sadness.

In the dark light mirror, Ding Chunqiu smiled ferociously and locked Tianmo enemy again.

Now, he obviously felt that Tianmo enemy had weakened and was no longer the enemy of his unity.

"The stars fall!"

Ding Chunqiu held his hands high above his head, and the violent power of stars gushed out of his body, making a terrible vortex appear in the rolling dark clouds above his head.

The whirlpool is very deep, like an abyss with no end.


A star like a hill fell from the vortex and fell on Ding Chunqiu's raised hands.


He drank too much and threw the stars into the sky!

Tianmo's eyes were very indifferent, and even a faint smile came from the corners of his mouth.

"The ambition to dominate the industry is nothing after all.

My heaven is invincible. Even if I fall today, I have not lost the Zhongyuan domain and burned the heaven!

However, anyone who wants to kill me will have to pay a price!

Ding Chunqiu, you are no exception! "

All martial artists who heard the words of heaven's invincible have a sense of tragedy in their hearts at this time.

Many people dislike Zhongyuan domain's behavior.

In the past, they were very overbearing and arrogant. They regarded themselves as the first force in the burning world, offended many people and provoked many enemies.

But now, everyone seems to have forgiven Zhongyuan domain in their heart.

After all, in order to protect the burning heaven, Zhongyuan domain will fall into the current situation.

In the meta domain.

"No! Domain master, no!"

The cry from the sky suddenly sounded.

She guessed what Tianmo wants to do?

Tianmo enemy lowered his head and looked away from heaven with tender eyes.

At this time, Li Tian has successfully killed her enemies, six of the nine Da Yuanman.

In the face of the three great consummation in front of her, she has been able to do it well.

Tianmo Di smiled. After all, he raised his head and stared at Ding Chunqiu coldly.

"I have heaven's net, and heaven's way can also be imprisoned!

You are not the way of heaven. I have no prisoners of the way of heaven. Why not destroy it together? "

An invisible net appeared on the body of Tianmo enemy.

At the next moment, the invisible net began to relax.

Tianmo enemy's body was also lax, and turned into powder at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This powder has the will, moves against the wind, blows over the impact of the star, and continues to impact Ding Chunqiu!

Ding Chunqiu didn't care at first, but when he saw that the powder was like a stream of water blowing over the star he released, his face changed.

When the powder appeared in front of his body, about a foot away, and there was no way to hide, his face became even more ugly.

Because he felt a great threat from that powder.

The powder seems to contain enough power to let him fall!


Ding Chunqiu whispered and stepped into the void. With the help of the force of anti earthquake, he retreated like a shell.

His speed is naturally extremely fast. Few people who burn the sky can see clearly.

Unfortunately, he is fast, and that powder is faster.

When Ding Chunqiu only withdrew from a hundred feet, the powder had already touched his body and drilled in through his nostrils.

Ding Chunqiu's figure suddenly stopped, as if he had been fixed.

His face turned pale in an instant.

The seven orifices were bleeding.

This scene made the whole burning people feel a little excited.

The state of Ding Chunqiu seems very bad. Maybe he will die!

Perhaps, Tianmo enemy will give everyone a surprise, really pull Ding Chunqiu, destroy together, fall together, and go down to the nether world together!

However, before a result, the star that smashed into the sky continued to fall after smashing an empty sky.

Finally, it fell on the most magnificent and spectacular palace in the core area of the burning heaven.


The sound of explosion like destruction of heaven and earth suddenly sounded.

The power of terror will engulf the whole middle domain in an instant!

The whole mesosphere was razed to the ground in an instant.

The space is heavily broken, and the scene inside can't be seen clearly at all.

However, just from the power of explosion, we can know how tragic it is.

Whether it is the fighters in the Zhongyuan domain or those in the Xingxiu world who are fighting in it, they will be affected. It is difficult to guess how many people will die.

In short, I will never be optimistic.

Even the warships in the Zhongyuan Region were overturned by the power of explosion and turned into fragments.

The East, which is resting and has recovered some strength, does not regret, but also falls into the heavily broken space with a look of shock.

A more amazing scene happened.

As if in a fixed frame, Ding Chunqiu, who was bleeding from his seven orifices, fell rigidly into the sky like a puppet, and also fell into a heavily broken space.

This attracted the attention of all people in the burning world.

Everyone is waiting for a result as soon as possible.

At this time, degrees and seconds are years.

Finally, I don't know how long it took, the heavily broken space began to heal!

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