Gu Xuan was in the clouds. Once he pursued, he was thousands of miles away, but he didn't catch up with Ding Chunqiu.

On the contrary, the trace left by Ding Chunqiu was not found.

This gave Gu Xuan doubts. Could it be said that Ding Chunqiu deliberately left that pool of blood, so he set up a suspicious array and led people astray?

"It should be impossible. The pool of blood has already dried up. Although the sky burning world is large, how many people can trace the blood left by a second robbery Da Yuanman back to blood?"

Gu Xuan frowned and denied the idea.

The indication of causal silk thread should be right. The reason why Ding Chunqiu can't be found is that he has been flying forward and faster than himself.


The drop of blood suspended in front of me evaporated after all.

Using it to chase thousands of miles, this drop of blood has reached the limit, and all energy can no longer be added to it.

The thread of cause and effect naturally disappeared.

Gu Xuan sacrificed the second drop of blood, painted gourds as before, and performed the great causality again. He wanted to pursue Ding Chunqiu by relying on the connection between blood and Ding Chunqiu.

The causal silk thread grows again, which is also three inches long and still points to the East.

With one step, Gu Xuan continued to fly away.

While flying, he yelled at Ding Chunqiu.

"Damn Ding Chunqiu, he was seriously injured. He could fly so fast and so far.

Can't you stop and find a place to heal well? "

Gu Xuan's scolding is of course not helpful to find Ding Chunqiu.

This time, Gu Xuan accelerated his speed and flew for 20000 miles before the drop of blood was consumed.

This speed is almost his limit speed.

I'm not tired, but I'm really bent.

The little squirrel was already lying on Gu Xuan's shoulder, asleep and salivating.

Gu Xuan suddenly stopped and woke him up from his dream. He rubbed his eyes, patted his mouth and yawned. Looking at the dark clouds flowing around, he suddenly felt sleepy again. His head was cute and cute bit by bit.

If at ordinary times, Gu Xuan would tease the little squirrel.

But at this time, he was not in the mood.

Blood, but there's only the last drop left.

If Ding Chunqiu cannot be found, he will have to start from scratch and look for other clues.

Gu Xuan made a deduction about the action just now and found out the leak and filled the vacancy.

But when I deduced, I felt that I had done everything perfectly, and there was really nothing to improve.

Helpless, he held the last glimmer of hope and sacrificed the last drop of blood of Ding Chunqiu.

Soon, a thread of cause and effect stretched out, and the direction remained unchanged or eastward.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan smiled bitterly.

This time, it is likely to come back in vain.

Ding Chunqiu's flying speed is too fast.

Of course, I think so. Gu Xuan accelerated his speed and pursued away at the first time.

However, shortly after he started, Gu Xuan only flew ten miles away. He was surprised to find that the one above the blood was like a tentacle, pointing to the causal silk thread in the East, and suddenly turned half a circle around the blood.

After that, it pointed to the West!

This, however, is in the opposite direction.

That means, suddenly, Ding Chunqiu's direction is behind him!

Gu Xuan's pupil suddenly shrunk, as if he had grasped something important.

He turned abruptly and flew across the road.

At first, the direction indicated by the causal silk thread was still the west, but when he suddenly accelerated and flew for tens of miles, what the silk thread indicated was behind him, that is, the East.

Gu Xuan immediately stopped.

Only ten seconds later, the direction indicated by the causal silk thread changed again and pointed to the west again.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xuan couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha, I see!

That Ding Chunqiu has been moving.

He's right now, near me.

He had already noticed that someone was chasing him.

So he flew tens of thousands of miles to the East, but felt that he didn't get rid of the pursuers, so he suddenly turned and flew back, trying to kill the pursuers. "Gu Xuan smiled and analyzed.

"Unfortunately, how does Ding Chunqiu know that he will not be fooled by this young master's means?"

Gu Xuan calculated, then determined Ding Chunqiu's flying speed and followed closely.

Since we know Ding Chunqiu is nearby, it's only a matter of time to find him.

Gu Xuan looked at the blood essence in front of him, urged the power of cause and effect, and sank into it, making the cause and effect silk thread grow longer and longer. He wanted to rely on it to determine Ding Chunqiu's position.

However, after the causal silk thread grew to three feet, it began to float in the clouds, suddenly flying up and down.

In addition to the general direction and pointing to the west, the more specific position can not be indicated at all.

Gu Xuan frowned.

"This situation shows that Ding Chunqiu didn't fly straight and has been changing his position all the time?

That's too cautious. "

Gu Xuan secretly speculated.

But when you think about it, it's also reasonable.

At least he is the Lord of the world. At least he is the great perfection of the second robbery. If he is not careful, he will not live to this day.

If you are injured, there are still people chasing after you and don't fly in a straight line, that's the most basic. It's light not to separate thousands of people and induce the enemy.

Gu Xuan could only release the power of his soul, shrouded in a ten mile radius, and began to explore carefully.

According to Gu Xuan's conjecture, the straight-line distance between Ding Chunqiu and himself should not exceed ten li.

However, Ding Chunqiu is not static, and the ten mile range is not fixed. There are too many things encountered during this period.

The dust flying in the air, the feathers floating in the void, and even the water mist contained in the cloud itself must be explored in place.

The workload is not large.

Even with the soul strength of Gu Xuan today, it is not easy to explore.

Of course, if we can find Ding Chunqiu immediately, everything is still worth it.

Unfortunately, Gu Xuan found it for a long time, but he still got nothing.

At this time, the drop of blood flying in front of him had reached the limit and was about to collapse immediately.

Once the blood collapses, Ding Chunqiu changes direction at random, or even stops directly, he may not be able to find it.

At that time, it will be more difficult to find Ding Chunqiu than looking for a needle in a haystack.

What you worry about often comes.

Gu Xuan was thinking about countermeasures. After a bang, the drop of blood completely evaporated and became nothingness.

"Damn it, I can't help it now.

I can only hope that the direction and speed of Ding Chunqiu's flight remain the same. Then I still hope to find him.

But with Ding Chunqiu's caution, maybe in a while, he will change the general direction of flight. "

Gu Xuan frowned.

I thought I had three drops of blood from Ding Chunqiu. With his tracking ability, it was easy to track Ding Chunqiu.

Unexpectedly, it still can't.

"If I had known this, I should have insisted on inviting Princess rosefinch to pursue again!

With her, I may have found Ding Chunqiu long ago. "

Gu Xuan clenched his fist.

Knowing that Ding Chunqiu was nearby, he couldn't find it. This feeling is really oppressive.


The little squirrel didn't know when he woke up again. He tilted his head and looked at Gu Xuan as if he was very puzzled. Why is Gu Xuan's face so ugly.

"Lao... Da, you... You... Are playing hide and seek?"

The little squirrel tried to open his mouth and spoke to people who were not very skilled.

Gu Xuan was startled at this opening.

Can little squirrels talk to people?

Tut Tut, good!

Although it seems a little late to learn to spit out people's words when we are in the realm of the supreme monarch, it is a good thing to speak.

This is the opening, there is a smell of old Versailles.

"I'm chasing the enemy. Do you know where they are?

If you know, tell me quickly! "

Gu Xuan urged for fear that Ding Chunqiu would suddenly run away.

"Enemy... Enemy?"

The little squirrel's eyes suddenly shot golden light, his hair stood up and showed his teeth.

It always thought that the boss was playing hide and seek with people. Unexpectedly, he was chasing the enemy!

"Look... Mine!"

The little squirrel jumped up from Gu Xuan, opened his mouth and spit out a rune.

It's a space-time rune. It seems ordinary and has little power, but it has unimaginable mysteries. Gu Xuan can't see through it at a glance.


As soon as the space-time runes swing, ripples appear in the void.

Next, with a bang, the rune burst and blew a big hole in the void.

In the big cave, a warship the size of a palm of a hand shuttles rapidly among the turbulent currents in space.

As soon as Gu Xuan's pupil shrinks, he suddenly realizes that at the same time, he wants to slap himself.

"I'll go! Why didn't I think they were hiding in a mobile independent space!

And I are not in the same space, how can we determine the specific location? "

Gu Xuan stared at the palm sized warship and slapped it with his right hand!

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