Swearing is a tedious process.

Especially for Gu Xuan, who is very sensitive to word games.

Therefore, the oath of enchanting Gu bookworm has been changed eleven times.

Gu Xuan was convinced that he had blocked all the loopholes of the enchanted insect and left countless back doors for himself, which made the enchanted insect really swear.

After making an oath, Gu Xuan took back the sword that sealed the "wood God formula".

The evil insect bookworm was finally relieved, but he still stared at Gu Xuan and hated his teeth.

"To tell you the truth, although I have been in this book for hundreds of millions of years, I have met and seen many people.

But a dog like you is the first! "

As a bookworm, playing word games is actually what it is very good at.

But Gu Xuansheng put out his idea of playing word games.

Most people swear that they are concise and capable. They say things directly. In ten or twenty words, they will be finished.

But Gu Xuan asked it to make this version of the oath, which was no less than a hundred words, and it was crazy.

All the loopholes that can be blocked, all kinds of anticipated possibilities, have been put into the oath, and there is no possibility of reneging.

"It's the first time I've seen a cunning bookworm like you.

Your first version of the oath is simply trying to play with me as a fool. "

Gu Xuan rubbed his nose.

"That's why I hate vows. Guard against gentlemen rather than villains.

Just helping you correct your oath is more exhausting and tiring than fighting. "

The enchanted bookworm is angry.

"Damn, Gu Xuan, what do you mean by calling me a villain?"

Gu Xuan waved his hand again and again.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not aiming at you.

Look at your fat body, you're not human. How can you have anything to do with villains? "

Enchanted insect bookworm: "

You're right and reasonable. I'm speechless!

However, I still feel scolded by you. How can I break it?

The oath of the enchanted insect bookworm is very simple. It's just a deal with Gu Xuan.

The content of the transaction is that it gives Gu Xuan the cultivation method of Huamu shenjue, and helps Gu Xuan cultivate to the triple heaven. Gu Xuan provides it with a holy pill containing the power of pure wood every two months.

In Gu Xuan's opinion, he is already very generous. The enchanted insect said he was a dog. It was clear that he had nothing to do and deliberately scolded him.

Unfortunately, bypassing Gu Xuan's perspective, anyone who learns about the transaction between the enchanted insect bookworm and Gu Xuan is afraid that those who hear it will be sad and those who see it will cry.

And, draw a conclusion: Charm Gu bookworm, Taoist friends, uphold justice, bring good people, selfless!

Its pay is far greater than the harvest, and more than a thousand times!

The enchanted insect himself knows this.

But I can't help it. The knives are all around my neck. Let alone pay more than harvest. Even if it's free, I have to promise with tears.

Of course, there seems to be no big difference between a holy pill in two months and a free gift.

The next thing is very simple.

The bewitching bookworm flew directly back to the so-called "Fairy Book" and sent it directly to Gu Xuan.


The pages turn.

Gu Xuan saw ten lines at a glance. The faster he saw, the more dignified his expression was.

"Hahaha, how are you? Do you understand?

You know how hard it is to practice this skill... "

The words of the enchanted insect came from the book.

Gu Xuan interrupted, "I don't understand."

Enchanted insect bookworm: "

"I don't understand why you look so dignified?

Are you kidding me? "

The enchanted Gu bookworm wanted to spit out his saliva and call Gu Xuan directly on his face.

Anyway, in the content of the oath, although Gu Xuan said that he should not be attacked for no reason, spitting is an insult at most, not an attack.

Unfortunately, the enchanted bookworm dare not.

Because in the oath, without Gu Xuan, you can't attack it.

Even if there is, it's useless. What does it have to do with Gu Xuan?

Gu Xuan didn't swear again.

"I'm kidding you? Are you kidding me?

This is a wordless book. I turned the whole book and didn't see half a word!

Who can understand? "

Gu Xuan was also angry.

The enchanted Gu bookworm was shocked: "you know this is wordless... Cough!

Sorry, this is the seat. It's just a layer of insurance for this fairy book. Oh, no, it's a simple book.

I'll let the cultivation method appear! "

A burst of light suddenly lit up from the Jue of Huamu God.

A moment later, small letters with green lights appeared on the page.

Gu Xuan couldn't wait, so he began to turn the pages. This time, he didn't look at ten lines at a glance, but one line of wood.

An hour later.

Gu Xuan has read the cultivation method of "Hua Mu Shen Jue" completely three times, and deduced it slightly from beginning to end in his heart.

After reading, Gu Xuan's expression was more dignified than just now.

This book "Hua Mu Shen Jue" is definitely a top-level and useful skill, worthy of the word "Shen Jue".

If you put it in the 3000 world level, it will set off a bloody storm.

"The formula of transforming wood into God" has nine heavens.

The first day, after cultivation, can let people who have no woodworking talent have very high woodworking talent.

Of course, if the wooden path talent itself is very high, it will become higher.

If you have the talent of the other four elements, you will be suppressed. Everything will be dominated by the wooden path.

This is the foundation for the whole set of skill methods. "

Gu Xuan murmured to himself, recalling the content of "Hua Mu Shen Jue".

"On the second day, I will officially start to get started.

Once completed, you can have the "body of wood spirit" and transform the body into a "wood spirit".

To put it bluntly, let yourself basically become a spiritual plant.

The other four elements will also be suppressed again to ensure that the body of the wood spirit is pure enough and that the wood line can be promoted at the fastest speed. "

"The third heaven is the promotion of the body of wood spirit.

If you succeed in cultivation, you can have a wooden incarnation, which is only in the form of plants.

For example, Teng demon God's huge vine up to 99.5 feet is its embodiment.

This is different from the separation. The incarnation can practice alone and undergo qualitative changes due to the improvement of the strength of the noumenon. "

"From the fourth heaven, you can not only understand various attack methods, but also divine powers.

The magical power of Teng demon God to use his highly toxic skill came from this. "

"After the fourth day, it becomes more and more difficult, and the time required is also massive.

Teng demon God has lived for so many years, but he has only practiced to the fifth day, and I'm afraid he hasn't achieved much.

Otherwise, it will definitely not fall so easily. "

"From the first day, every time you practice, your Shouyuan will be greatly improved, which is comparable to the Shouyuan with the same level and wood attribute spirit planting."

In Gu Xuan's mind, he recalled many past events about "Zhenzu birthday banquet" in the real world.

The real ancestor is a tree.

He lived for a million years with half a step to the realm of the holy monarch. He was so fierce.

You know, the longevity limit of a martial artist who is half a step away from the realm of the sage king is generally 600000 years old. It is difficult to exceed this number.

But Zhenzu lived an extra 400000 years!

This situation often occurs among spiritual plants.

It's just that it's not as exaggerated as Zhenzu.

Of course, Zhenzu is not the most exaggerated. Xiaoou is.

The strength of Xiaoou is still very low. It is still lower than Zhenzu. I don't know how many times, his longevity yuan has reached as many as a million years old.

No way, he's the medicine emperor.

As a panacea, Shouyuan will be a little pompous.

Before the birth of Lingzhi, you can easily live for thousands of years. You can find such things as Millennium Ganoderma lucidum and Millennium lingguo in the world of ordinary people.

Ordinary people, without martial arts, have a hundred years of life, which is already great.

"The conclusion is that as long as you practice the 'magic formula of transforming wood', even if it is only the first day, the growth rate of longevity yuan is very exaggerated.

If a martial artist who is half a step away from the realm of the holy monarch cultivates the first important heaven, his longevity can easily exceed one million years, together with the true ancestors of other realms.

If I start practicing now and finish the third day, I'm afraid my longevity can be raised from 2 million years to about 8 million years! "

Gu Xuan swallowed his saliva.

Eight million years of life. In the future, the use of great sacrifice is as simple as eating and drinking water, okay?

The second robbery is complete. Can you hit ten at a time!

"Taoist friend Gu Xuan, let's stop dawdling and start cultivating directly.

I will try my best to help you. When you become the third day, there will be nothing for me. I can enjoy happiness at ease and wait for you to worship the holy Dan. "

The enchanted insect bookworm hid in the book and smiled obscene at this time.

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