"Ah! Help me, boss! Help me!"

A shrill scream came from the dragon swallowing vine.

The bewitching bookworm was even more frightened.

It was not the scream of biting dragon vine that made it scared, but Gu Xuan's dignified expression.

It can be seen that Gu Xuan seems to still attach great importance to this spiritual pet. If the dragon swallowing vine falls, he may be angry at himself.

At the thought of Gu Xuan's means, the enchanting Gu bookworm is a little empty.

Although it is confident that Gu Xuan can't kill it, even if it hides, Gu Xuan can't hurt it.

But just because you can't kill or hurt doesn't mean you can't seal.

Gu Xuan's seal technique is no weaker than it. If it is sealed, I'm afraid it can't be broken with its weak attack means.

It certainly won't die, but it won't get energy supplement for a long time, that's for sure.

Without energy supplement, you can't cultivate and improve your strength. No matter how long you live, it's nothing.

Because I'm afraid there's no second way to go except to be sealed to death.

If others seal it, it still hopes to endure the death of the enemy, perhaps it will have a chance to break through the seal.

But the person in front of me is Gu Xuan.

"With the power of ancestral God tree species and the green wood longevity skill, we may not be able to endure him!"

The enchanted insect and bookworm are confused.

It now hopes that the dragon swallowing vine is all right than Gu Xuan.

But there is no way.

The dragon swallowing vine made another scream, as if even the soul had been torn.

In its body, two energies are competing for dominance, which is equal to tearing its will into two halves, and after tearing it into two halves, they have to fight each other?

Who can stand this?

"What should I do?"

Gu Xuan thought for a long time and never felt that there was a 100% feasible way.

The energy in the dragon swallowing vine was divided into two strands, and there was no way to integrate perfectly, which he didn't expect.

"But the power of the ancestral tree species and the energy generated by running the green wood longevity skill can be perfectly integrated in my body. Why do they fight each other in the dragon eating vine?"

Gu Xuan frowned and his thoughts flew around in his head.

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility.

"The power of ancestral God tree species is extremely advanced and far exceeds other energies.

Like the supreme flame, it will never melt into other flames, will only devour other flames, or let other flames surrender.

The power of ancestral tree planting, even if there is only a trace of breath that can not be observed, is also high and can only be in a dominant position.

The energy generated by running "Qingmu Changsheng Gong" is too majestic to be dominated by it.

In short, that is, the power of ancestral God tree species in dragon eating rattan is not enough! "

At this thought, Gu Xuan showed a smile at the corners of his mouth.

Once the key to the problem is figured out, the solution will naturally follow.

That is, increase the power of ancestral tree seed in dragon swallowing vine.

"You can't separate the power of ancestral tree seed from me.

That thing has long been refined and melted into my blood. I can't peel off even a trace.

At least not now! "

Gu Xuan muttered to himself.

It doesn't mean he has no way.

Since the power of the ancestral God's tree species has been integrated into his blood, you can directly give your own blood essence to the Dragon vine, won't you?

Just do it!

Gu Xuan thought and stretched out his right hand.

A red light lit up from above the right hand.

A drop of pure blood essence rose from between the index fingers.

The powerful blood power radiates from it and distorts the surrounding space.

"What a powerful drop of blood essence!

This drop can be regarded as ten drops, no, a hundred drops of blood essence! "

The bewitching bookworm widened his round eyes and seemed unable to believe his eyes.

From that drop of blood essence, it felt the majestic vitality, the strong vitality and the unspeakable mysterious power.

That drop of blood essence, even for Gu Xuan, was not as simple as ordinary blood essence, but a drop of blood essence specially made for dragon swallowing vine.

Among them, it contains a strong wooden power, which is almost close to the origin.

And the powerful wooden force seems to be dominated by a weak to almost invisible force.

"Wait! That's the breath of the power of the ancestral God!

Gu Xuan, don't, don't, such a drop of blood essence, why swallow the Dragon vine? It's a terrible thing!

Why don't you give it to me and I'll be your pet? "

The saliva of the enchanted insect bookworm is about to flow out. At this time, what dignity and reserve do not exist in its eyes and heart.

If you can get that drop of blood essence, its potential, its strength, of course, especially its longevity, will increase to an unimaginable level in a very short period of time.

"Are you shameless?

My young master is not short of spirit pet. I don't want you to be so ugly! "

Gu Xuan looked at the enchanted bookworm with disgust.

This guy thinks highly of himself, his eyes are higher than the top, and he is greedy for life and afraid of death. His attack power is inversely proportional to his defense power.

If you want it to be a spirit pet, you'll accept a shrinking turtle as a spirit pet. What's the use?

Let it out and make people laugh?


On Gu Xuan's shoulder, the space fluctuated for a while, and a little squirrel jumped out and kicked on the head of the enchanted insect bookworm.


A loud noise.

The enchanted insect shuddered and was obviously startled by the sudden appearance of the little squirrel.

"Get out!"

The little squirrel scolded vaguely, withdrew and returned, fell on Gu Xuan's shoulder, and disappeared in a burst of spatial fluctuations.

"That squirrel, what the hell?

Its way of time and space is rare in the world! "

Of course, the enchanted insect bookworm will not be kicked by the little squirrel, but the little squirrel's hand suddenly appears and suddenly disappears. It is really shocked by the way of time and space.

If it can do this, plus its defense ability, it can walk horizontally in the God killing cemetery!

Even three thousand world planes can traverse more than half of them.

Gu Xuan doesn't want to talk to the evil insect bookworm at all. This guy doesn't even look up to the little squirrel, let alone him?

He controlled the drop of blood essence and sent it into the dragon swallowing vine, and disappeared into the energy dominated by the power of the ancestral tree!


The energy suddenly shook, and the color became bright red in an instant, but only a moment later, it became green again.

Finally, it turned into a tree, and it was a towering giant tree, a towering giant tree facing the sky and poor and blue below!

The huge tree shook and the leaves fell. In a trance, it turned into a towering hand, falling from the sky, as if to destroy heaven and earth and all living beings!

On the other hand, the pure wood power generated by Gu Xuan's operation of "green wood longevity skill" is simply vulnerable before the towering giant hand.

Just one beat, it is scattered and absorbed in the blink of an eye.

That huge tree seems to have grown stronger.

The giant hands dissipated, and the fallen leaves began to float again on the branches of the giant tree.

The scream of swallowing dragon vines suddenly stopped.

Hoo Hoo.

Suddenly there was a wind.

On the ground and in the water, the pieces of yellow and dry, from the dragon eating vine crown, the falling leaves quickly float up and change from yellow to green.

Time seems to have reversed.

What happens in this space seems to be inverted.

All the leaves belong to the trunk.

On the trunk of dragon eating vine, cracks and fist sized tree holes disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I'm good! I'm good again!

Thank you, boss!

I feel like I'm going to grow tall again! "

The dragon swallowing vine made a very excited and happy sound.

Its trunk, which has reached 70 feet high, began to grow rapidly.

The trunk is also getting thicker.

The canopy becomes wider.

Only half an hour later, the trunk of the dragon eating vine had grown to a height of 90 feet.

The trunk is already five feet thick.

The tree crown is bigger than before.

Of course, the most important thing is that the breath of dragon swallowing rattan has become stronger again, and the realm has made a breakthrough, reaching the realm of the supreme monarch.

It is only one step away from the great fullness.

The bewitching bookworm swallowed his saliva and was so jealous that he went crazy.

"Gu Xuan, if you don't make a discussion, don't give me a holy pill every month. Just give me a drop of your blood essence a year.

Just like that, how about it? "

The enchanted insect looked at Gu Xuan like a bookworm, full of expectation.

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