It was a black dagger that was used to attack Li Xie Yun fiercely. It was haunted with death and ghostly. It was a king's life and Emperor's weapon with curse power!

Even Li Yiyun feels extremely dangerous.

But after all, the person who uses this imperial weapon is only powerful. An ordinary martial artist in the realm of great perfection is taught by himself!

Therefore, with one move, Li Yiyun dissolved the fierce attack and destroyed the imperial weapon with curse power.

He doesn't believe that powerful people will rebel. It's clear that they have been controlled by some kind of magic.

Li evil cloud had no way to wake him up, but Gu Xuan could certainly do it.

He was about to take away the powerful knockout. Unfortunately, a palm knife didn't touch the powerful neck. The three Hall leaders of the three kings hall formed a very powerful battle array and attacked Li evil cloud again.

Moreover, it is still an indiscriminate attack. If you don't pay attention, the power will be affected.

Considering his power, Li Yiyun could only push one of them out of the battle circle and fight with the three Hall masters.

Li Xie Yun is a martial artist who robbed the great perfection. After the special training of Princess rosefinch, his actual combat ability is ridiculously strong.

With one against three, although defending more and attacking less, it just fell into the disadvantage a little.

However, Li Xie Yun also knew that he could hold on for several hours because the three Temple masters didn't really kill.

The three of them wanted to catch him and use him to force Gu Xuan to submit and hand over the lotus medicine saint, that is, the little lotus root.

Otherwise, the three Temple masters would fight for their lives at any cost, and the battle would have ended long ago.

However, although the battle will end ahead of time, no one can tell what the outcome of the battle is.

The three Hall masters believed that they were merciful everywhere, and Li Yiyun could persist until now, but in fact, Li Yiyun also kept his hand.

He has only exposed one or two of his many cards.

It's really urgent. He plays all his cards and takes the lead in an instant. If he wants to leave or stay, he still has the right to choose.

However, whether it can take away the power is still unknown.

As for killing the three Hall masters and returning home with a great victory, Li Xie Yun also thought about it, but he just thought about it.

Difficult, too big!

Not to mention the three Hall masters, they are also the great consummation of the first robbery. Relying on the battle array, they can give play to their strength comparable to the great consummation of the second robbery. Just standing aside, Li Xie Yun has been tied up.

If the fighting is too loud, I'm afraid it will spread to serious people.

The three Hall leaders don't need to consider the fierce life and death, but Li Xie Yun can't.

Therefore, Li evil cloud is bound everywhere.

He could only fight with the three Temple masters while looking for opportunities to take him away by force.

This is more difficult than his own breakthrough. I don't know how many times.

Boom, boom!

A series of explosions sounded again, and several large pits appeared on the ground of the side hall, with dust everywhere.

Li Yiyun was still standing in the middle of the side hall, surrounded by the three Hall masters, panting heavily. It was obvious that his breath had been a little disordered.

After all, after fighting for so long, one against three, his consumption is far greater than that of the three Hall masters.

The head of the skeleton hall stared at Li Xie Yun and smiled.

"Li evil cloud, how are you thinking about the proposal just made by our Lord?

If you agree to our terms and join us, we can change the three King's halls into the four king's halls, so that you can also serve as the Lord of the hall and be on an equal footing with us.

If you stay here, the benefits you can get are guaranteed to be ten times and a hundred times more than your salary in yingtianzong! "

The Lord of the skeleton Hall said seductively.

He has said similar words more than ten times.

In short, it is all kinds of temptations, all kinds of threats and all kinds of compromises.

After all, Li Yiyun is Gu Xuan's disciple. He is much more important in Gu Xuan's heart than he is powerful.

It can be said that the possibility of forcing Gu Xuan to submit by him as bait has greatly increased.

Therefore, the three lords of the three kings' hall urgently wanted to talk about Li Xie Yun.

At first, Li Xieyun would strike back severely, but up to now, he had no desire to speak, just smiled coldly and ignored it.

A holy pill appeared in Li Yiyun's hand. As soon as he looked up, he swallowed it.

Suddenly, a violent energy burst from the fierce evil cloud.

Obviously, the effect of that holy pill is immediate. It can't be better.

"Three bastards, come again!"

The fine awn in Li evil cloud's eyes flashed. Just now there was a slightly disordered breath, which had completely recovered.

He's still fighting!

The three heads of the skeleton hall showed flesh pain one after another, as if the holy pill swallowed by Li Xie Yun belonged to them.

The same scene has appeared three times!

Li Yiyun has swallowed three holy pills!

This made the three Temple masters envy, envy and hate.

The head of the skeleton hall wished to point to Li Yiyun's nose and ask him, "what family conditions?

In a few hours, you swallowed three holy pills?

Dare you really eat Shengdan as sugar beans? "

Of course, this picture can only be thought about in the brain.

It seems that they really have this condition at home.

Master is the first Dan emperor to burn heaven for thousands of years, and younger martial brother is the leader of Li family of Dansheng aristocratic family.

The Li family, however, has a living Dan saint.

Ying Tianzong has a saint of medicine, and Li family has a saint of pills. Under the combination of strong and strong, isn't the saint pill continuously refined like running water?

"The old man and horse monster, the old bark ghost, wants to exhaust the energy and mind of Li evil cloud, kill his will and make his soul flawed, so that we can control it. I'm afraid this road won't work!

He's not a great fool!

I'm afraid to fight again. He took out a few more holy pills to supplement the consumption. The first crazy person will be the three of us! "

With a sad face, the Lord of the skeleton hall sent a message to the dead of half man and half horse, as well as the old man with bark face.

"Asshole! What are you yelling at, old monster?

My name is Lord Ma Ren! Ma Mingren!

Scream again and tear down your bones! "

"Bastard! What are you yelling at, old man?

The Lord of this hall is the best selling coffin among the coffin sellers. He is not the bark old man, let alone the bark old ghost!

I advise you to read more books and carve a tombstone for yourself early. Because of your smelly mouth, it is estimated that you will need it soon! "

Ma Ren hall Lord and Shu PI old man, at the same time, shouted abuse at the skeleton hall Lord.

The head of the skeleton hall didn't think much of it.

"Your name doesn't match your appearance.

A horse is not called a horse, but a horse.

A man with a bark face, like a ghost, actually pulls words and chews words. What's his name? The old man with a book cover? Who remembers that? "

The main voice of the skeleton hall reached half way. Seeing that the other two showed signs of violent walking, he quickly said:

"Don't worry about the title. What I just said is the name? It's Li Xieyun!

What should we do now?

Continue to endure and collapse, or just hurt the killer and kill him first!

He threatened Gu Xuan with power. Although the effect was poor, it was Li Yiyun's grandson after all. If Li Yiyun died, Gu Xuan felt guilty and was bound to pay attention to power.

The final threat effect may be similar. "

As soon as these words came out, the master of the horse benevolence hall and the old man Shupi flashed a fierce look in their eyes.

Obviously, they don't want to entangle with Li Xie Yun more.

After all, Li Xie Yun is too difficult.

Every time I beat him disorderly and wanted to work hard to consume his energy and mind, people took out a holy pill and swallowed it.

Then, he became lively immediately, as if the battle had never happened at all.

How do you play?

Three murders broke out from the three Hall masters, locking Li evil cloud firmly.

Li Yiyun's pupils shrunk slightly, and his eyes, which were still clear, immediately became red with blood.

Black hair turned red.

"It seems that you can't help it at last. You're going to be serious.

In that case, I'm not polite! "

Li evil cloud activated his own blood.

After Princess rosefinch's special training and Gu Xuan's help, Li Xie Yun's blood force can already be stimulated and restrained freely.

Red hair and red eyes are his real combat form!

"I'll go! Blood Protoss!"

The Lord of the skeleton hall exclaimed.

"Cheated! Cheated!

I knew it was the blood Protoss. What do we waste so many hours doing? Just kill him and it'll be over.

If we want to control the complete disaster of the blood Protoss, our 'magic binding technique' can't do it at all! "

The other two temple masters were also surprised and inexplicable.

Obviously, I didn't expect that after playing for so long, Li Yiyun still had such a big card and didn't expose it.

"Damn it, we should be punished for wasting our time!"


The three Hall masters shot at the same time, showed their killing moves and attacked Li Xie Yun!

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