In the side hall.

The battle between Li Xie Yun and the three masters of the three kings' hall immediately became white hot from the beginning.

The head of the skeleton hall, the head of the horse benevolence hall, the head of the millet PI old man, and the three main hall heads are all the great consummation of a disaster. They cooperate with each other, display the battle array and occupy the geographical advantage.

The combat effectiveness they have demonstrated is no longer simple: one plus one plus one equals three, but has been equivalent to a qualitative change, comparable to the great perfection of a second robbery.


In a series of explosions, Li Xieyun once again dissolved the must kill skills of the three Hall masters at the same time.


A mouthful of blood vomited from the mouth of Li evil cloud.

He was hurt after all.

However, the three Temple masters are not much better.

The flame in the eyes of the Lord of the skeleton hall flickers. This is a sign that the breath has been disordered as a skeleton man.

One leg of the Lord of the horse benevolence hall has been broken.

There are cracks in the coffin on the old man's back.

So far, the fight between the two sides has been a loss to both sides, and no one has taken advantage of it.

"One against three, I think you can hold up a few waves!

Die! Yin Yue Huang Quan! "

The Lord of the skeleton hall clenched his fists, and the light on his fist was shining. There was an immortal smell, which was faintly revealed.

This means that his fist is not only a part of his body, but also refined into a king's life and Emperor's weapon, or the kind with the smell of immortal tools!

With the sound of thunder, the space is distorted everywhere, and the power is strong enough to make a top ordinary person complete and disappear.

But Li Yiyun is not among them.

"Grandpa Xie Yun of your family can hold on until you consume yourself first!"

Li Yiyun sneered. Although he was injured, his fighting spirit was still high, and his combat effectiveness was not affected at all.

"Blood god nine changes, blood cloud changes!"

With a violent drink, Li Yiyun's body seemed to decompose and turned into a bloody cloud. He could not see the entity, floating and changing.

In the clouds, blood colored runes suddenly appear and disappear. Sometimes they condense into palms, sometimes they condense into claws, and sometimes they change into beasts.

In one move, all the changes and powers of blood cloud nine changes are contained in it. It is the killing move among the killing moves.

In the blink of an eye, the bloody cloud was entangled with the Lord of the skeleton hall.

Bang bang.

A series of blows rang out.

In less than a second, they have attacked each other hundreds of times, or even more!

"Blood cloud? Hum! Disperse it!"

The head of the skeleton hall seemed to see some clues of the blood cloud, and his confidence increased greatly. Under the roar, the double fist moves changed, a dense and unpredictable fist technique, which was also changeable and difficult to figure out.

Bang bang.

The void exploded.

The bloody clouds were scattered and fragmented.

The head of skeleton hall is very proud.

"Hahaha, you have become a blood cloud, but now the blood cloud has dispersed, and your body must have been seriously damaged?

If I don't show up, I'll count all the blood clouds... "

The head of the skeleton hall thought he had won the game. He was very proud and made a mockery of Li Xie Yun.

The other two temple masters, with a proud smile, thought they were sure to win. They couldn't use it anymore.

But just then, it was a sudden change!

The split blood and mist as like as two peas and pieces, and become human form, grew up in an instant and became the same as Li Xieyun.

At first glance, there are 18 evil clouds in this space!

Nine of them are still in the encirclement of the three Temple masters, while the other nine are already outside the encirclement.

"What ghost?"

The three Temple masters, with their faces changed at the same time, cried out in surprise.

Obviously, they used the three man battle array to surround Li Xieyun, but now, Li Xieyun has turned 18, nine people inside and nine people outside, but they have surrounded them.

The profound meaning of their battle array is to surround the enemy in a battle circle and limit their actions.

In this way, they can not only easily look at the overall situation and understand the shortcomings of the enemy, but also make the enemy have no way to avoid their attack.

All attacks can only be hard wired.

The three of them, however, can move freely. They can either accept the enemy's attack or avoid it. They can even divide their work and cooperate, attack and defend at the same time.

There are many options.

In this way, even if the enemy is stronger than them, they will often be consumed by them.

But once the enemy breaks away from the encirclement, the power of the battle array formed by the three of them will be reduced by more than 50%.

Therefore, they feel so shocked when they see themselves surrounded by anti-government.

While the three were shocked, eighteen evil clouds sneered at each other.

"The change of blood cloud is just the foreshadowing of my move.

How many pieces you break my blood cloud into, how many parts I can have.

You should be glad that you just broke up the blood cloud I transformed into eighteen pieces.

Blood god nine changes, separate changes!

Die, die! "

Eighteen fierce evil clouds, moving in unison, each used a powerful killing move to attack the three Hall masters!

It can be called terrible energy, which is vast and filled with the whole side hall.

For a time, the space in the whole side hall was twisting and shaking. Even if it was the top one, I'm afraid I would suffocate in this distorted space.

It can be said that Li Yiyun has crossed his own realm and has the power of one strike with all his strength!

"No! Hide!"

The pupils of the Lord of the horse benevolence hall shrink sharply, and his body seems to have become a little unreal. It is obvious that he has operated a special body method and wants to avoid.

"No need to hide, defend, wait for the opportunity to fight back!"

The old man Shupi tied his hands with a French seal, and a transparent coffin condensed in front of him.

"Don't talk nonsense, move quickly, play the strongest card and replace defense with attack, then you may retreat, otherwise you will be in danger!

This move is so deadly that even I feel a fatal threat! "

In the eyes of the Lord of the skeleton hall, the flame flickered fiercely and his mood was very restless.

Eighteen fierce evil clouds smiled coldly at the same time. What he wanted was this effect.

What we need is that the three Temple masters have differences in the way of fighting!

In fact, the three Hall leaders formed a battle array, always cooperated in an orderly manner and advanced and retreated together. Even if Li Yiyun wanted to break the situation, it was extremely difficult.

But since he began to show "blood cloud change", he has been in layout.

This kind of skill can really cooperate with the "separation transformation", which condenses the separation from the blood cloud decomposed into many pieces.

But not all of them have entities, let alone all of them can use attack means.

Among them, there are only three that can really use attack means, including noumenon, and the others are illusions.

In particular, the nine separated bodies outside the battle array are the illusion among the illusions, which already contain some magic means.

In fact, when you think about it carefully, you can know that if Li Xie Yun could break through the encirclement with his own body, he would have rushed out of the encirclement. How could he have fought so long in the battle array?

He tried his best, so he could only send out a few strands of energy and pretend to be separated.

It's a pity that the three Hall leaders saw that Li Yiyun had separated 18 separate bodies, and even sandwiched the three of them inside and outside. Where did they have the time and mood to think about the flaws in their separate bodies?

In addition, Li Xie Yun's words were chiseled to kill the three of them, and launched an attack with a power comparable to that of the full force of the second robbery, which was not like fraud.

This set of psychological tactics was beyond the imagination of the three Temple masters.

Of course, these are just the foreshadowing for Li Xie Yun's ultimate goal!

The three Hall masters were originally an iron bucket. They were completely connected, but their cooperation was at least extremely tacit.

The evil cloud can be turned into 18. Among them, only noumenon and two separate bodies can really attack.

In fact, there is only one target for these three people from beginning to end, that is the Lord of the skeleton hall!

Therefore, the Lord of the skeleton hall will feel that he has been fatally threatened.

Because he was really threatened with death.

As for the Ma Ren hall master and the old man Shu PI, who were targeted by the other 15 people, they just felt that there was some danger, but they could escape or block it.

The three had different judgments, and naturally had differences on the next step.

And there is no time for them to have the opportunity to discuss. They can only act instinctively according to their thoughts.

In this way, they are not an iron bucket, and they have flaws.


Eighteen Li evil clouds and six False separations rushed at the Lord of Ma Ren hall.

Six fake separations rushed at the old man Shupi.

The former chooses to use body method to avoid, while the latter chooses defense.

Only the head of the skeleton hall chose to fight back in the face of six fierce and evil clouds, three truths and three fake!

His hand was like electricity. With his hands, he turned a shooting technique into boxing, opened and closed, and greeted him!

Tragedy, also from this moment on, is doomed!

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