"Be careful!"

Feihong fairy reminded me that the light on her body flashed, a piece of red light landed, attached to the warship, and turned the whole warship into red.

At the same time, vine compaction, power burst.


A loud noise.

The red light was pumped away directly.

The whole yingtianzong's warship was shaking. With great strength, he withdrew from the ship for tens of feet and then stabilized.

Fortunately, Ying Tianzong's warship seems to have excellent material, but there is no crack.

"It's too strong. The attack just now was definitely an attack of the second robbery Da Yuanman level!

Otherwise, my body protecting divine light will not collapse at one blow.

Who provoked such a great enemy? "

Feihong fairy's face was dignified, her hands were sealed, and countless light feathers floated around her body, emitting hot light, making her whole person look beautiful as if she were in a fire.

On the warship, yingtianzong's saints turned pale.

Such enemies, for them, are dimensional reduction attacks, which are not of an order of magnitude at all.

Their eyes, involuntarily, looked at the poor and afraid of saints.

Obviously, there was a doubt in my heart at the same time.

"Such a powerful enemy, poor and afraid, shouldn't you provoke it?"

The tower master stared at the poor and afraid of saints with skeptical eyes. Even he was already skeptical.

The poor man was afraid of the saint's mouth. He seemed a little unsure and didn't refute immediately. Instead, he recalled his recent action track and found that he didn't do anything angry and resentful. He should not provoke such an enemy.

He is poor and afraid that he likes to bang, but he is not a fool. How can he provoke such a powerful enemy?

As for the previous provocative acts, it is entirely because there is a hostile relationship between Ying Tianzong and the Tiandao camp.

What kind of provocation is it to provoke the enemy?

The enemy doesn't have to provoke, but he has to smile?

No provocation, we won't fight when we win the treasure later?

Not yet.

Will you join hands to solve the enemies outside the burning heaven first? I'm afraid it's still two words.

"No, definitely not me!

Brother tower leader, you are always steady. You won't provoke such an enemy.

I'm afraid there is only one truth, that is - to make trouble, jingguxuan!

That monster, which is obviously a tree but uses vines to attack, must have been provoked by Gu Xuan! "

The eyes of the poor and afraid Saint flashed a bright light of wisdom.

The tower master seems to have seen through everything and realized it.

"Poor and afraid, brother, you are right!

Gu Xuan, the troublemaker, always likes to make trouble. Unexpectedly, he provoked such a great enemy this time.

He shouldn't have been swallowed by that guy? "

The tower master looked at the dragon eating vine and showed suspicious eyes.

Although the conversation between the two people was whispered, it was not concealed at all. Gu Xuan heard it clearly.

Cause trouble, Gu Xuan?

These two bastards!

It seems that the smoke just now didn't make these two bastards aware!

Gu xuanleng snorted and moved his mind. On the huge trunk of dragon vine, tens of thousands of vines grew directly, swaying in the void.

In the next attack, he must smash Ying Tianzong's warship and make the poor and afraid saint and the tower master look ashen to vent his hatred!

Whoosh, whoosh.

Vines pierced the void and attacked Ying Tianzong's warship at an unprecedented speed.

At the moment of taking the shot, Gu Xuan caught a glimpse of the wind neon hiding in the distance and the two brothers who were in trouble. Suddenly, he felt that he understood them.

The core members of Ying Tianzong are all troublemakers except themselves and a few people.

Even the patriarch himself is often so angry that he wants to spit blood and beat some people of Ying Tianzong, let alone outsiders.

Outsiders, I'm afraid I've been suffering for a long time!

With this in mind, the ancient mystery showed its ferocious light, separated more vines, and aimed at the poor and afraid saints and tower owners.

No wonder Ying Tianzong has so many enemies. These two guys provoked him. It's unreasonable. We must teach him a lesson!

Fortunately, I'm afraid the Holy One and the tower master can't hear this, otherwise they will shout injustice.

Especially the tower master, how long has it been since he joined Ying Tianzong?

Can provoke so many enemies?

Isn't that funny?

"You two, don't guess who provoked the enemy there.

It's important to fight with me, block the blow, protect everyone and evacuate the warship! "

Feihong fairy's eyes are burning. She is wearing red clothes and shining red light. The whole person is like an elf born from the fire. People feel ashamed when they look at it.

Countless feathers, virtual and real, fluttered around her body, emitting mysterious energy. Obviously, their power is not vulgar. It is a means to press the bottom of the box.

But at the moment, in order to protect the yingtianzong Shengjun on the warship, Feihong fairy couldn't care so much.

The poor were afraid of the Holy One and the tower master, so they stopped discussing who was the troublemaker. As soon as their momentum swayed, violent energy surged out.

"Connect the stars with Bi!"

The poor and afraid of the holy man made a seal with his hands, and then led down a piece of starlight, which formed a sea of starpower under his feet, which has a sense of vastness.

It was a desperate gesture.

The head of the tower said something. When he moved, his body turned into a huge pagoda, which was shocking and seemed to suppress everything.

He seems to be going to work hard.

As soon as they tried their best, Gu Xuan regretted it.

Yourself, will you go too far?

At least they are all their own people. They are forced to work hard by themselves. When the two sides fight, it will be difficult to control their power.

Although he wanted to teach them a lesson, he just thought about it. His vine attack was actually thunder, little rain and a lot of water.

Together with Feihong fairy, they worked hard together. This water attack had to be exposed.

If you can't hurt them, it seems that your attack is fake.

It's really hurt. With their desperate posture, it's difficult to be slightly injured.

If they are seriously injured and naturally can't come forward to treat them, what can we do?

Moreover, even if fortunately, I didn't get seriously injured, but I worked hard, and the consumption must be not small.

Later, there will be a big war!

What's more, the tree is a dragon vine. Sooner or later, the poor and afraid saint and the tower owner will know. At that time, they don't know how to arrange themselves!

For a time, Gu Xuan was entangled again.

"Kill them! Kill them!"

The two brothers, who are suffering from no side, are gnashing their teeth and shouting.

The wind neon is also biting with silver teeth. I hold a breath in my heart and want to see Ying Tianzong's ship destroyed and people died.

Of course, she wanted to see how long Gu Xuan could hide?

"I was provoked just now. I don't know what tricks to play. Now, I'm afraid you didn't expect to be punished so soon!"

Wind neon sneers.

At this time, the dense vines were only twenty or thirty feet away from Ying Tianzong's warship.

Seeing a fight, it is inevitable.

At this time, the warships of the three kings' hall came to the top of the canyon.

"Hahaha, you are so elegant.

It was not long ago that Gu Xuan and Li Yiyun were swallowed up. Now they are attacking Ying Tianzong's warship again.

In fact, such a small matter, why do you have to do it yourself and lose your identity.

As long as you promise to join hands with me, we can destroy them at will.

Don't mention them, it's just to destroy everyone in the canyon and leave only our dead here. What's the matter? "

The green emissary laughed and seemed to want to win over the "Teng demon God", so he casually said something about the scene.

After all, the attack of "Teng demon God" has reached that level. How can it stop?

However, the green emissary seems to have forgotten that the "Teng demon God" in front of him likes to surprise him and create an unexpected existence.

Therefore, all the vines released by Gu Xuan stopped when they were only a foot away from the yingtianzong warship.

Then, with a whoosh, it all retracts.

In the void, there are no more vines, only a big tree up to 90 feet high.

The next second, a face appeared on the trunk.

"Since you want to fight, I'll give it to you!"

That face, looking at the green messenger with ambiguous eyes, seems to say "surprise is not surprise, surprise is not surprise"?

At this moment, everyone was confused.

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