At this time, Gu Xuan had an idea of looking for an underground hole to drill in.

But on second thought, it doesn't seem to be necessary.

Feihong fairy obviously misunderstood something and thought she was waiting for her to fly so slowly on purpose?

In that case, how can I admit that I don't know that Feihong fairy knows her identity?

Gu Xuan laughed.

"Younger martial sister Feihong, are you all right!

I deliberately revealed many flaws before. With your intelligence, you must be able to guess my identity.

That's why I deliberately slowed down and waited for you here! "

Gu Xuan forced his respect. Anyway, as long as he was not embarrassed, it was others who were embarrassed.

Here, it must be explained that the matter that Feihong fairy is called Gu Xuan's "senior brother" and Gu Xuan is also called Feihong fairy's "junior sister" has lasted for a long time.

Originally, Feihong fairy wanted to call Gu Xuan "brother Xuan" or "brother Gu" like Ouyang flower butterfly. Unfortunately, as the leader of Zhuque Xianzong, she was embarrassed to call it out after several attempts.

Therefore, Feihong fairy has always called Gu Xuan "big brother Gu Xuan".

Unexpectedly, the title was very harsh in Princess rosefinch's ears.

The first master of Feihong fairy, the former patriarch, and the core high-level leaders of Zhuque fairy, especially the elders, also felt inappropriate after listening to this title.

This makes them have a deep worry that Zhuque Xianzong seems to be about to become "Yingtian Xianzong", and their surname is "Gu".

In view of this, after thinking about it, Feihong fairy decided to call Gu Xuan "elder martial brother".

Since ancient times, there has been an old saying among the major schools: "elder martial brothers and younger martial sisters are made for each other."

Therefore, it is called "elder martial brother", which is in line with the expectations of Feihong fairy.

So they became martial brothers and sisters.

This seems reasonable to everyone.

Although Princess rosefinch is not Gu Xuan's master, she is excellent to Gu Xuan and is really treated as her younger generation.

Even, the older generation of Zhuque Xianzong was a little jealous. They thought that Princess Zhuque was better at guxuan and Tianzong than Zhuque Xianzong.

"Younger martial sister, I'm ashamed, elder martial brother. In fact, I didn't find the flaw you deliberately revealed.

Actually, i... "

Feihong fairy's face was slightly red. It turned out that her senior brother had revealed flaws to her. Unfortunately, she didn't see any of them.

Gu Xuan didn't expect that Feihong fairy was so sincere. Seeing that he wanted to explain, he quickly changed the topic.

"Younger martial sister, don't be too modest. Time is urgent. Let's talk about Jiexin."

When Gu Xuan said the word "boundary heart", Feihong fairy was surprised and admired.

"Princess Shifu is afraid that you might mess around. You shouldn't have disclosed any information about Jiexin to your senior brother.

Even the poor and afraid saint and the tower master were told about it a quarter of an hour before the first treasure glow appeared.

Now, they should not have found your identity, nor have they had the opportunity to tell you about it.

Unexpectedly, you already know! "

Feihong fairy caught a streamer, which was a dry medicine emperor. While refining the streamer, she continued to convey the sound to Gu Xuan.

In fact, Gu Xuan just guessed that the unborn treasure was Jiexin.

But this kind of loading time, this kind of words, of course, can't be said.

"Elder martial brother, I'm also the leader of the sect. I still have the ability to probe the news.

However, although I know it is Jiexin, Jiexin is too mysterious and I know very little.

I don't know. What is the arrangement for Princess Royal to fight for the boundary? "

Gu Xuan asked curiously.

Feihong fairy smiled mysteriously.

"Of course, Princess Shifu has plans, but I can't tell you.

He only asked me to tell you one thing! "

Gu Xuan was stunned: "what's the matter?"

Feihong fairy said solemnly, "go all out!"

Gu Xuan: "

What is this!

Do you need to tell me about it?

Know that is the boundary heart, can you not go all out to compete?

Gu Xuan was a little unhappy.

"Feihong sister, what is the arrangement of your royal highness?"

At least, tell me, how long will the world heart be born? "

Feihong fairy's right foot gently touched the void and kicked a streamer towards the Zhuque Xianzong warship.

She chased the streamer and flew back.

"In less than half a minute, you will be born!"

When the voice of Feihong fairy came into Gu Xuan's mind, she had returned to the warship, caught the streamer and was refining it.

Gu Xuan stopped all his actions and looked at the horizon. Shi Zhixuan and Qingyi emissary, who had become two small round dots, sighed.

"Sure enough, it's good to fly slowly.

In less than half a minute, Jiexin will be born. They are so far apart that they should not have almost. Did they compete with me for Jiexin the first time? "

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and was ready to compete for the heart of the world.

Now, the strongest here is him.

Even if the three green emissaries turn back, he is not afraid.

First, Princess rosefinch's arrangement came to the bottom.

Second, when necessary, you can reveal your identity and win over Shi Zhixuan. The green emissary immediately has no threat.

As for the Taoist elder, that guy has only one soul left. What waves can he turn over?

I'm afraid we can't even keep our current strength if we don't hurry to find someone to win it.

Around the canyon, everything is as old as before, and there are constant cries of fighting and killing.

However, the purpose of fighting is different.

Before, it was simply because the army of the dead wanted to clear the field and monopolize the heart of the world.

But now, it has evolved into a treasure hunt.

At the beginning of the treasure hunt, everyone's eyes turned red.

No matter how many people there are in the army of the dead, it is useless. The treasures they have seized are not as much as they have been painstakingly.

Compared with the Tiandao camp, Zhuque Xianzong and Yingtian Zong are much worse.

Time, second by second.

Standing over the canyon, Gu Xuan suddenly felt that the time seemed to be stretched.

Thousands of thoughts have flashed through his mind and many things have been thought of, but the time has only passed for ten seconds.

Gu Xuan simply didn't think about anything, emptied his head and waited for the birth of Jiexin.

But Gu Xuan never thought that an accident had happened!


A space vortex appeared ten feet in front of Gu Xuan.

The soul body of the Taoist elder, drill out of it!

As soon as I came out, I saw Gu Xuan opposite.

"How could it be? Aren't you chasing after me?

I sent it back with the 'heaven and earth moving talisman'. How can you be faster than me? "

The Taoist elder was shocked to the extreme, and even his eyes were afraid.

Before that, he attacked Gu Xuan and the green emissary secretly, but he was still found.

Now, he clearly led them away, shot a horse gun and sent it back. The "Teng demon God" has been waiting here for a long time?

This man, can he not predict?

"Heaven's Secret calculation? Can you say that you have also practiced 'heaven's Secret calculation' like the evil Lord?"

The Taoist elder was a little frightened.

People who practice "Divine Providence" are all crazy. If they have nothing to do, they always like to hide in the gutter.

If you are Yin, no, no if, you have been Yin!

The enemy is still here waiting for himself. What else is it like to wait for a rabbit?

"I remember!

According to the ancient books and records, a god killing cemetery and a demon God, who has entered the tomb of ancient great energy, not only came out safely, but also obtained inheritance. He has lived for many years!

This guy is just as like as two peas!

Ah, they won't enter the same ancient tomb of great power, will they?

In that case, most of the people in front of him have also practiced 'Divine calculation', which is troublesome! "

The Taoist elder made a mental supplement and made a hard talk in his head. Unexpectedly, he linked Gu Xuan with the evil owner.

If Gu Xuan knew his inner thoughts, he would give him a thumbs up and praise him for his "rich imagination"!

Gu Xuan also wondered.

Your luck, that's it?

Standing here and waiting for the birth of Jiexin, you can wait until the Taoist elder who kills a horse returning gun?

However, what's the matter with this sect elder?

What is the "secret"?

No square bitter Lord, what he practices is "divine calculation"?

"Forget it, this is not the time to think about it.

I don't have time to tangle with the Taoist elder! "

Gu Xuan stared at the Taoist elder and said angrily, "I don't have time to talk to you. Get out before I change my mind!"

Gu Xuan didn't want to give the Taoist elder one, but looked at the canyon below.

At this time, a column of light appears faintly.

Gu Xuan's eyes brightened.

Jiexin, it seems that she is going to be born!

"Did I guess wrong that this guy was there, just by chance?

He doesn't want to be my enemy alone? "

The Taoist elder glanced at the rear and saw that Shi Zhixuan and the green emissary had also flown back. He didn't dare to hesitate any more and hurried to the left!

However, after only flying a hundred feet, there was a pillar of light under him, which burst out of the canyon. The speed was extremely fast!

The Taoist elder didn't react at all, so he was hit by the light column.

"Teng demon, you're hurting me again!

You're really practicing 'Divine Providence'! "

The Taoist elder roared.

The next second, he was completely swallowed by the beam of light!

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