"I'll go!"

Seeing the arrow feather and the riprap shooting across the river, Gu Xuan's whole face was twitching.

"Even if this is the test space for the heart of the world, and the rules and order are different from those of the outside world, we should also pay attention to the basic law, okay?

Our sect leader is a big and powerful man. You shoot some arrows and throw a few stones, which can make me feel threatened. How can you play? There's no logic at all, okay? "

Gu Xuan felt sick in his heart.

By this time, the arrow feather and rubble had fallen.

Boom, boom.

Explosions were heard everywhere.

Of course, Gu Xuan would not be hit. All the arrow feathers and rocks hit the shore.

Looking at the arrow plumes inserted on the ground and the rubble that blasted the ground out of countless pits, Gu Xuan finally realized why these arrow plumes and rubble made him feel a trace of danger?

Because every arrow feather contains the power of origin.

These original forces have been transformed into runes, which has increased the power of arrow feather thousands of times and tens of thousands of times!

The same is true in the riprap, which contains the runes transformed by the power of origin.

But this, Gu Xuan will not be afraid.

He felt the breath of the original power, his eyes were straight, and his heart was very excited. He caught several arrow feathers and wanted to absorb the original power.

Unfortunately, once sucked, the rune snapped and broke directly.

All the power of the source, at the moment when the rune is broken, directly disappears without a trace.

"Sure enough, it can't be absorbed!"

Gu Xuan frowned, disappointed.

However, this is not too unexpected.

If the power of the source can be obtained so easily, can it still be obtained?

He stood here and waited for the guards on the other side to shoot arrows and throw rocks. I'm afraid he could collect enough original power to fill the Dantian several times.

Boom, boom.

The explosion continues.

The figure of Gu Xuan has been obliterated by dust and the power of explosion.

Gu Xuan wanted to go to the other side to see the castle. What's the matter? Why are there so many guards stationed?

Unfortunately, I can't fly.

He tried to enter the long river and wanted to walk over it, but as soon as he stood on the water, his whole body sank.

"Weak water!"

Gu Xuan's pupil shrinks slightly, and the whole person has sunk into the weak water.

This weak water looks very calm on the surface, but below it, it is extremely turbulent. It almost pushes Gu Xuan's two meter high tree down the river.

Not only that, Gu Xuan felt that great pressure came from all directions, as if he wanted to squeeze his body directly into a piece of paper.

Vaguely, Gu Xuan felt that he was carrying the whole river.

Gradually, there was a sense of pain on Gu Xuan's body, and this feeling became more and more serious and exaggerated.

Gu Xuan's body is also sinking.

"This weak river is strange!"

Gu Xuan's pupils suddenly shrunk, and he was still careless after all.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the castle guards on the other side, even the arrow feathers and riprap they use, contain runes condensed by the power of origin, which can threaten themselves.

How can this weak River, which is thousands of feet wide, be simple?

If it's really simple, I'm afraid the people on the other side will never be stingy to spread the guard force to the river bank on this side.


There was a crack in the tree body of Gu Xuan.

"Ho ho ho -"

A shrill roar came from the depths of the water, which was extremely frightening.

Vaguely, it seemed that there was a fierce beast, bound by heavy chains, who was unwilling to howl, teeth and claws, and wanted to fight people.

Endless terror and endless resentment are spreading in this weak water.

"Burning the sky, why did you imprison me? Why..."

"I am the seven stars, the core of the seven star world. I should have swallowed you. Why can you swallow me..."

"But it's useless for you to swallow me. I'm ten times stronger than you. One day, I'll eat it back!"

"This day will not be far away! The glory of my seven star world will be cast by me again!"

"Ah, burn the sky. You have the ability to fight with me. I'll fight you to the death!

I should be the core of the new world after the fusion of the burning heaven and the seven star world!

Not you... Not you... "

That shrill voice, echoing at the bottom of the water, directly passed into Gu Xuan's mind.

Dong Dong Dong.

Gu Xuan only felt that there were countless copper bells ringing in his mind at the same time, leaving only the sound of buzzing, which made him feel dizzy.

Fortunately, Gu Xuan had a strong will and clenched his teeth, so he didn't faint.

That hoarse roar made Gu Xuan think of many things.

"The burning heaven and the seven star world are just superficially integrated.

The boundary heart of the seven star world has not really been swallowed up by the burning heaven boundary heart!

It's just temporarily suppressed!

It is still fighting and trying to bite back!

Once the counterattack is successful, the heaven burning world will no longer be the heaven burning world, but will become the seven star world!

With the progress of the burning heaven disaster, the heart of the burning heaven world is bound to be affected and gradually weaken!

Therefore, burning the heart of heaven created a birth vision and attracted countless strong people.

What it wants to do is to completely defeat the heart of the seven star world and completely devour it with the help of these strong hands, so that the burning world can completely devour the seven star world!

That's why we were brought here! "

Gu Xuan's mind suddenly turned.

However, while thinking through many things, there were more questions in Gu Xuan's mind.

For example, the way of heaven in the seven star world has long been destroyed, and the rules and regulations are extremely disordered and incomplete.

The luck of the world has weakened to the extreme.

The heart of the seven star world should also be extremely weak. Even the independent consciousness is on the verge of extinction.

But why can you resist the devouring of burning the heart of heaven, and even want to reverse it?

All this seems unreasonable.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and flashed the figure of burning the heaven.

"It is the way of heaven that brings the two worlds together!

But the two worlds merge into this ghost. He must have moved his hands and feet in it!

After all, from the beginning, his purpose was not to really keep the burning heaven!

Because his name is' White Emperor '!

And the seven star world, the last heavenly way, is also called the 'White Emperor'! "

Gu Xuan will always remember the shock in his heart when he first knew the news.

And this is the memory from a wisp of remnant soul of Li Dongbi Dansheng!

However, this shock only shocked Gu Xuan for a moment.

Soon he returned to normal.

He knew from the very beginning that the way of burning heaven was not credible.

Heaven is truly trusted, only princess rosefinch!

A matter of expediency is the royal highness of princess.

Both sides of the cooperation are just using each other.

However, one really wants to keep the burning heaven, while the other has an impure purpose!


Click, click, click.

Cracks are increasing on the trunk.

The sharp pain seems to have penetrated the soul of Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's thoughts were interrupted.

"Damn it, this is not the time to think about these things.

I must get ashore as soon as possible! "

Gu Xuan's mind moved. The roots under him suddenly began to grow, stretched out of the water, grabbed several convex rocks on the bank, pulled hard, and wanted to climb ashore with the help of this force.

His body finally began to rise.

Speed, not too slow.

Soon he could see the water.

"There's another ten feet, add more strength!"

Gu Xuan judged the distance and continued to work hard.

Finally, with the sound of "Hua" on the water, the tree crown finally drilled out of the water.

"Finally out of the water. It's almost ready to go ashore!"

Gu Xuan was relieved and was preparing for his last effort, but at this time, the group of guards on the other side saw him.

Thus, a new round of arrow feathers and rocks came.

Bang bang.

The roots of trees entangled in the raised rocks on the bank broke in the sound of explosion.

"Lying trough!"

Gu Xuan scolded angrily, and his body sank to the bottom again.

Before sinking into the water, he actually saw the figure of the poor and afraid saint and the tower master in the forest on the bank.

Gu Xuan controlled the root of the tree, grew out again and extended towards them.

"Pull it!"

Gu Xuan roared.

They also saw the exposed head, oh no, the ancient Xuan exposing the crown of the tree and the extending roots.

However, they did not come to rescue, but each picked up a stone and threw it to the extended roots.


The root of the tree is broken.

"Ya, you still want to sneak into our side. It's a dream!"

"The two of US patrol here. Don't say that a tree as big as you is a spirit fly. He can't swim that river!"

They roared proudly.

Yelling and throwing more stones.

This time, point to Gu Xuan!

Gu Xuan felt very clearly that there was also a rune condensed by the power of the source in the stone. Its power was not small.

Dong Dong Dong.

One stone after another fell into the water and hit the crown of the tree.

When the pain hit, Gu Xuan bared his teeth.

"You two bastards, I won't let you go!

You wait for me... "

This time, Gu Xuan sank directly to the bottom of the water and was swallowed up by a vortex!

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