"Die, poor and afraid, tower master!"

Gu Xuan looked at the two huge trees in front of him. He seemed to regard them as the poor and afraid saint and the tower master. With a low drink, he rushed up.

Two Vines extended out and plunged deep into the trunk of two giant trees.

Two giant trees withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a moment, all the leaves of the tree had turned yellow.

When the wind blows, yellow leaves fall all over the sky.

In this way, time passed day and night.

Half of the trees in this forest have been damaged by the ancient mystery.

At the beginning, Gu Xuan absorbed the energy of trees slowly, but as his strength continued to recover, he absorbed it faster and faster.

It takes a day and a night to absorb half the energy of trees.

But for the remaining half of the trees, Gu Xuan absorbed all their energy in only one hour.

After careful calculation, I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of trees harmed by ancient Xuan in this day, night and hour.

As for more accurate figures, they can't be tested. Even Gu Xuan can't remember them.

There is no way to absorb the energy of trees. This is an extremely boring process. Therefore, Gu Xuan just separated a small part of the spirit to carry out it.

Gu Xuan devoted more energy to the deduction and study of "Qingmu Changsheng Gong".

This "green wood longevity skill" was obtained by Gu Xuan when his strength was still low.

This skill has six days in total.

The first day of cultivation and refining can increase longevity by 20000 years.

When you cultivate into the second day, your longevity will increase by 40000 years.

By analogy, every time you complete a heavy day of cultivation, your longevity will double that of the previous heavy day.

When the sixth heaven is refined, Shouyuan can increase by 640000 years.

In other words, after practicing all six levels of "green wood longevity skill", Shouyuan can grow by 1.26 million years!

This is a very attractive number for ordinary martial artists.

Unfortunately, Gu Xuan is not an ordinary warrior.

The attraction of this skill to him is not too high.

For one thing, he is still young.

Second, this skill is not effective for fighting.

Third, he had too many opportunities and had too many choices. He really didn't want to spend too much time studying a skill with weak combat effectiveness.

Of course, at the beginning, he spent a lot of effort on cultivating the wonderful skill of increasing longevity.

But later, with the rapid growth of his strength, he felt that this skill was a bit weak and cost-effective.

Therefore, after Gu Xuan finished the third day of "green wood longevity skill", he simply gave up his cultivation.

Although mosquito legs are small, they are also meat.

However, when it takes a lot of energy to get this mosquito leg, Gu Xuan, who has always been in a tight time, must consider whether it is worth it.

This "green wood longevity skill" corresponds to the growth of Shouyuan, which is the difficulty of cultivation.

Every time you finish cultivating a heavy sky, the cultivation difficulty of the next heavy sky will increase several times.

Even, compared with the third heaven, the cultivation difficulty of the fourth heaven has increased more than ten times, which can be said to have undergone a qualitative change.

Therefore, Gu Xuan gave up when he reached the third heaven.

Based on his strength at that time, he calculated that it would take at least one year to complete the fourth day of cultivation.

For Gu Xuan more than 100 years ago, a year is simply not too long.

In addition to a long time, cultivating this skill also requires the most pure wooden power.

Although there is no explicit explanation in the general outline of the skill, according to the deduction of Gu Xuan, when the cultivation reaches the sixth heaven, the force of the wooden line is very close to the original force of the wooden line.

Such power, even today's ancient Xuan, is difficult to transform through Dantian.

We can only rely on the outside, take it directly from the outside, or use pills to provide it.

This is also one of the reasons why Gu Xuan gave up practicing this skill at the beginning.

Of course, all this, it seems now, is prejudice.

Now, these prejudices have become a thing of the past.

Since Gu Xuan had an adventure in Teng demon God's space ring, Gu Xuan paid attention to this skill again.

The bewitching bookworm, who has lived for thousands of years, was extremely shocked by Gu Xuan's practice of "green wood longevity skill".

Therefore, Gu Xuan believed that there was a secret in the "green wood longevity skill".

However, Gu Xuan had no idea what the secret was.

However, after one day, one night and one hour, Gu Xuan finally got some eyebrows by constantly deducing "green wood longevity skill" on the basis of swallowing the power of wood.

"On the surface, this skill has only six heavens.

However, there is still room for the cultivation method of the sixth chongtian, which has not completely pushed this skill to the peak.

According to the cultivation method, there is still a meaning of laying a foundation, as if it is paving the way for why! "

Gu Xuan murmured to himself, his eyes glittering.

"This feeling is very uncoordinated.

A complete and mature skill should let people see its limits.

Moreover, even if there are shortcomings, it should not make people feel uncoordinated.

Therefore, this skill is not only the sixth heaven, but also the seventh heaven!

It's just that you need to practice until the sixth day to show the clue! "

Gu Xuan came to a conclusion and felt more and more that he needed to start practicing this skill as soon as possible.

He has finished practicing the first three days. Now he wants to practice from the fourth day.

Gu Xuan is confident that as long as the strength of wood is enough, he can complete the fourth day of cultivation in three days.

More than a hundred years ago, with Gu Xuan's strength at that time, he was still sure that he would complete the fourth heaven within a year.

More than a hundred years later, it only takes three days, which is very reasonable.

"Unfortunately, I only recovered 30% of my strength by absorbing the wood power of tens of thousands of towering giant trees in the whole forest.

The soul power has only recovered 30%, and even the soul is slightly damaged and needs to be recuperated.

This energy in the elixir field can only be used and protected. It can't be used to practice "Qingmu Changsheng skill."

Gu Xuan felt sorry.

"You'd better go out of the forest and see what's going on around you.

I am now in the territory of the heart of the seven star world. There are crises everywhere. I must summon up 120000 spirit. "

Gu Xuan had already seen the direction and soon came to the edge of the forest.

Outside, it is a hilly area.

Gu Xuan has long been in the forest. The top of the tallest giant tree has confirmed that he can enter a grassland through the hills.

The castle full of guards is on the grassland.

The weak river is also on the grassland!

"If you want to go back to the territory that burns the heart of heaven, you must go to that grassland!"

Gu Xuan's pace is very firm.

Unfortunately, this firm step suddenly stopped after Gu Xuan came out of the forest.

In the distance, on the nearest hill, suddenly, a familiar figure appeared.

The man who suddenly appeared also noticed Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's pupils suddenly shrunk, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

What a bad fate!

"Damn it, it's you, Teng demon God!

Even you want to kill me? And go around in front of me and intercept me!

Good. There are pursuers in the rear and ambushes in the front. It's really a desperate situation.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time that the evil ancestor met such a desperate situation, and this time, it will still not be me! "

The person who suddenly appears on the hill is Shi Zhixuan!

He was light footed and obviously had been badly hurt, but his evil smile did not abate at all.


He rushed down the hill to guxuan!

"Die, Teng demon God!"

Shi Zhixuan burst and roared. The speed was fast to the extreme. In a moment, he rushed to Gu Xuan!

Stormy fists, suddenly hit head-on!

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