In Gu Xuan's mind, he recalled some information about Weak Water Demon.

According to many ancient records, when the original power of the five elements is polluted, there is a one-in-a-million chance of giving birth to a "familiar".

The original power of fire is polluted, and the "familiar" born is called "extreme fire familiar", also known as "extreme fire demon".

This is true, it once appeared in the Burning Heaven Realm, leaving behind many legends and records.

In the same way, when water is polluted by its original power, the "familiar" born is called "weak water familiar".

The more commonly used title is naturally "Weak Water Demon"!

Weak water demons are born with the most top-notch talents in water practice, and they usually have two or even more innate supernatural powers.

Their fighting power is top-notch, and their life-saving ability is the top among the top. It is impossible to kill them unless you use a fairy weapon.

Gu Xuan has the divine body of a true monarch, even if he is turned into powder, he can still reshape his body.

This is already an extremely remarkable method, and ordinary warriors dare not even think about it.

But the body of Weak Water Demon is not inferior to that of Zhenjun God.

Even in a certain sense, it is even better and more difficult.

If Gu Xuan was asked to choose between a person with the divine body of a true monarch and a weak water demon to be his enemy, then Gu Xuan would choose the former without hesitation.

No matter how strong the divine body is, it is limited.

If you can chop a person into pieces once, you can chop them into pieces twice.

And when a person becomes a powder, he cannot attack.

More importantly, the divine body is limited. If it is consumed, it needs to be cultivated and replenished in time, otherwise the divine body will be exhausted and it will no longer be possible to reshape the body.

But the Weak Water Demon, his whole body is full of Weak Water, so there is no such thing as injury.

Even if it is broken up, it will not be damaged. It only needs to gather the scattered water droplets, and then it will be a lively Weak Water Demon again, and there is almost no consumption.

"The only good news is that the Weak Water Demon in front of us is not the real Weak Water Demon.

Instead, seven or forty-nine seven-star warriors were transformed by some means.

Its combat effectiveness should be several levels lower than that of the real Weak Water Demon.

Otherwise, there is no need to fight this fight, and even I can only turn around and leave! "

Gu Xuan frowned.

A dharma sword has been condensed in the right hand.

It's just that, this time, what he condensed was not the most commonly used golden Xingfa sword, but an earth Xingfa sword.

More precisely, it's a stone sword!

Contains the extremely pure power of the earth, and the stone sword that lingers with the rhythm of the earth!

"Brother, let me help you deal with it!"

Fairy Feihong had a solemn expression, and she also recognized Weak Water Demon.

It is not difficult to identify Weak Water Demon.

Because all Weak Water Demons have special patterns between their eyebrows, like a drop of water or a rune, and there are many mysteries in it.

Ordinary warriors would feel dizzy and sinking just by looking at that pattern.

Fairy Feihong knew very well how difficult the weak water demon in front of him was.

She is the descendant of Princess Suzaku.

Princess Suzaku usually taught her not only martial arts skills, but also a lot of knowledge about the planes of the three thousand worlds.

Raising her head, Fairy Feihong swallowed a few pills, adjusted her breath, and assumed a fighting stance.

The Golden Binding Slaughter Battle Formation Disk is also held in the palm of his hand, and will be sacrificed at any time.

In this world heart treasure house, the most powerful treasure can still be used once with her current power.

Although the power of the golden binding killing battle formation was neutralized by Shui Qiqi once before, it was only because Fairy Feihong was unprepared.

There are two stages of attack in the golden binding killing battle formation, the first stage is "binding" and the second stage is "killing".

If these two attacks fell on Shui Qiqi from the front, one after the other, she couldn't guarantee that she would be able to retreat completely.

The tower master waved his hand knowingly, and led a group of people from the Fentian Realm Realm Heart camp to retreat slowly.

This battle, once it starts, it is beyond his ability to intervene.

Gu Xuan smiled slightly, turned his head to look at Fairy Feihong, and said to himself:

"Junior Sister, step back and recover properly, that's the serious thing.

In the following battles, there are still many places where you need to contribute!

It's just a weak water demon, plus a 'Shi Zhixuan', I can still handle it! "

Fairy Feihong nodded resolutely without hesitation.

"Okay, come on, brother, I believe in you!"

After finishing speaking, she stepped back and stood with the tower master.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched imperceptibly.

Is it that simple?

At least be polite again, drag for two more rounds, and then go back!

Brother, there are still many words in my heart to persuade you to retreat, and I haven't said anything yet!

What about the deep love between brothers and sisters?

Just go, can you leave the golden bound killing battle array disk behind?

call out.

In the distance, a green ray of light fell, interrupting the slander in Gu Xuan's heart.

time is limited.

When there are no more than 90% of the flags in the sky, that is, six sides, the stronghold will be born!

However, birth is birth, and it is still unknown whether everyone can find out where the stronghold is.

However, once a stronghold is born, its location is not unknown to Jiexin of the Seven Star Realm.

"According to this speed, within five minutes, I have to grab all the flags!"

A look of determination flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes.


In a blink of an eye, Shui Qiqi had already stood on top of Weak Water Demon.


In an instant, Shui Qiqi's aura merged with the Weak Water Demon, becoming even stronger.

On the ground, there were circles of imposing ripples, which were almost visible to the naked eye. There was a terrifying aura in them, which made everyone who had already hid in the distance feel terrified.

A look of surprise flashed across Fairy Feihong's face.

Apparently, she never thought that the aura of "Shi Zhixuan" could be integrated with Weak Water Demon.

In this way, the possibility of Gu Xuan defeating "Shi Zhixuan" may be greatly reduced.

"It's not appropriate to help rashly.

Even if the senior brother is invincible, it should be no problem to hold this Weak Water Demon. "

Fairy Feihong pondered for a moment, then turned to the master and said:

"Here we are, we can't help you.

There are not many flags in the sky. Next, every flag that falls will probably attract two camps, and a large number of people will gather in advance.

The battle will become more and more chaotic.

Let's help out elsewhere and collect more banners, that's what matters!

In this way, even if the senior brother can't grab the three flags in the deep pit, the influence can be minimized! "

The tower master nodded.

"You're right. But, let's go quietly, and everyone else will stay.

Shi Zhixuan was very suspicious, he might think that you were laying an ambush and had some concerns.

After all, your gold-bound killing battle formation is a big killer that even he can't take lightly! "

Fairy Feihong narrowed her eyes.

"It's still you who are always thoughtful! Let's find a chance and escape quietly.

Although the possibility of helping senior brother is very low, there is always a possibility.

The successful filling may be reversed because of this. "

The two of them retreated into the crowd without making a sound, and slowly hid themselves, waiting for an opportunity to leave.

At this time, Gu Xuan was still arguing with Shui Qiqi.

"Damn it, Shi Zhixuan! You rubbish, are you unreasonable?

It's all right to make a Weak Water Demon, but you can still blend in with the Weak Water Demon?

With two against one, even if you win, can you win with peace of mind? "

Shui Qiqi laughed out loud.

"Since ancient times, the winner is the king. If you win, you win. How do you care about me?

What's more, this Weak Water Demon is not a real Weak Water Demon, but a Seven Star War Guard.

So, this can't be counted as two to one, strictly speaking, it's fifty to one, don't you want to slander me! "

Gu Xuan: "..."

Isn't fifty against one more despicable than two against one?

How did you say it out of your mouth, so proud?

"If you have the ability, we will be one-on-one!"

Gu Xuan raised the stone sword and pointed it at Shui Qiqi.

"Stop talking nonsense! Die for me!"

Shui Qiqi smiled coldly, and said the magic formula in his mouth. The three-foot-tall Weak Water Demon, with a figure like the wind, stepped forward and arrived in front of Gu Xuan.

One punch! Slam it down!

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