After Gu Xuan activated the chess formation, a lot of information about the chess formation automatically appeared in his mind.

Most of the information is to explain the method of arranging this chess formation, as well as the difficulty of arranging it, and how to use it.

"The Tiangang life-and-death chess formation, the strongest chess formation in the chess world, contains the most powerful way of life and death in the world..."

Gu Xuan looked at the introduction about the chess formation, especially the introduction about the power of the chess formation, which gave off a feeling of excitement.

According to these descriptions, the strongest form of this chess formation, once it exerts its power, it will kill any Heavenly Dao, World Master, or World Heart with one blow.

In short, to describe it in two words, that is: invincible!

But obviously, such a magic circle cannot be used recklessly.

"The life-and-death chess formation of Tiangang, the formation is completed, one blow can be made, and only one blow can be made!

This blow was only aimed at one person.

But this blow is sure to kill! "

Gu Xuan recited these few words silently in his heart, for a moment he didn't know whether this was the advantage of this magic circle, or a black spot.

One hit kills, it certainly sounds powerful.

But this attack can only be aimed at one person, so it seems a bit of a thing.

"The person who created this chess formation, didn't he ever think about the situation where there are two, or three, or even more enemies?"

Gu Xuan shook his head, abandoning these disturbing thoughts.

There is only one enemy in front of him.

The only thing that should be worried is how much water is in the so-called one-hit kill of this chess formation.

The strongest form, capable of killing the heavens and the world lords.

But the chess formation under his control is not a complete formation at all, let alone the strongest form.

There are six out of thirty gangs.

And the chess formation transformed from the slaughtering battlefield only has thirty-two formation flags and thirty-two formation bases.

Even with the main formation flag in his hand, it is only equivalent to thirty-three formation flags and thirty-three formation bases.

Fortunately, the Lord of the Seven Star Realm is also in a state of residual blood.

Her realm is only the realm of the Great Perfection of the Four Kalpas.

Although in terms of strength, one can even fight a group of strong people of the same realm.

However, with one blow from the chessboard, there should be a chance to kill her!

At least, it can also be severely damaged.

Although Gu Xuan's brain supplements are quite a lot, in fact, only three seconds have passed since he used the colorful formation flag to summon the "Yin-Yang Life and Death Chess Formation".

More than ninety-nine percent of the people have not reacted yet, what happened?

The fluctuating light world master is obviously not included in this list.

She stared in shock at the chessboard under her body, feeling the changes around her.

"How is it possible? How could the strongest chess formation in the chess world appear here?

Or is it controlled by Gu Xuan? "

Suddenly, the eyes of World Master Yaoguang fell on the colorful formation flag in Gu Xuan's hand.

A ray of light flashed in her eyes of heaven.

Blessed to the heart, she saw the predecessor of the colorful formation flag.

She recalled the scene of the green flag flying out of the deep pit and landing at Gu Xuan's feet.

The Lord of Fluctuating Light immediately understood everything.

"Lin Huo, all this is your conspiracy!

The killing field is just a cover for the chess formation.

You have long planned to use this chess formation to kill me, right? "

The Lord of Fluctuating Light roared angrily.

Her anger value climbed to the limit again.

Lin Huohuo, how many tricks did she use to plot against herself!

But I, who clearly saw everything in my eyes, failed to connect it all.

Otherwise, how could they fall into such a passive situation?


The flag waved loudly in the air.

Gu Xuan waved the flag of the main formation, frantically injecting life and death into it.

He is also very good at the way of life and death.

Lin Huohuo entrusted him with the task of killing the Lord of the Fluctuating Light, presumably because of this.

Only those who have mastered the way of life and death, can freely transform the two qi of life and death, and provide them to the main formation flag, can truly exert the power of the chess formation to the limit.

"Yin-yang life-and-death chess formation, one piece determines life and death, kill!"

call out!

A huge round chess piece flew out from the chessboard. It was incomparably mysterious and exuded a terrifying coercion, extremely frightening!

Countless dao rhymes, visible to the naked eye, are almost condensed into substance, spinning on the chess pieces.

The Sanskrit sounds of heaven and earth also came from the chess pieces, vaguely, as if they were telling the meaning of life and death.

And on that chess piece, there is a big word "death" written on it!

This word contains great power and terror, as if it is determining the outcome of everyone who looks at it!

Gu Xuan's body was actually trembling.

It wasn't excitement or fear, but the body itself trembled instinctively.

It was as if his body was no longer under the control of his thoughts, and he wanted to escape death, stay away from the word "death"!

"As expected of a one-hit kill formation!"

Gu Xuan praised in his heart.

call out.

That "dead chess piece", carrying mighty energy, was like a star moving across the void, and it blasted towards the Yaoguang Realm Lord!

The Lord of Fluctuating Light turned pale.

She felt great terror.

She felt that her ending seemed to have been locked by that "dead chess piece" and could no longer be changed.

This blow, even if she used the "Eye of Heaven", she still couldn't bear it.

"I can't die! I don't want to die!

I waited for a million years before I got out of trouble, how could I die?

A mere calculation by Jie Xin, a mere ant-like Gu Xuan, how could he kill me with just a chess formation?

In this world, no one can kill me!

From the day I swallowed the body of Heavenly Dao of the Seven Star Realm, I am immortal! "

The Lord of the Fluctuating Light roared hoarsely.

In her vertical eye, a wrist-thick thunder shot out, like a giant python, cruising in the void.

This thunder light contained extremely terrifying energy, much more energy than what ten drops of her blood essence could convert.

It belongs to the Heavenly Dao of the Seven Star Realm, and is stored in the "Eye of the Heavenly Dao". It can penetrate everything, see through life and death, and even kill all enemies in the eyes!

Originally, she wanted to use this thunder light to kill all the people from the two camps except for the two world hearts.

Unfortunately, Gu Xuan dragged him into the chess formation before he had time.

"Break it!"

The Yaoguang World Master yelled and closed his eyes, only the vertical eye stared like a copper bell, driving Lei Mang to destroy everything in his eyes.

But at this time, in her eyes, naturally there is only that "dead" chess piece!

Seeing this scene, Gu Xuan's pupils shrank, and he finally understood why he had the desire to make a move.

The attack of the "Eye of the Dao of Heaven" of the Yaoguang World Master is not an ordinary attack, but a very special attack.

Wherever he looked, it was her attack, and it was only the place affected by that ray of thunder.

That thunder light is the extremely condensed thunder of the heavenly tribulation, whose power is so strong that it is simply unimaginable.

Once she successfully releases such an attack, other than herself and the two world hearts, everyone else may die!

Even I can't protect them!

Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on Gu Xuan's back.


Finally, that dead chess piece and Lei Mang collided together.


A loud noise shook the heaven and earth, almost causing the entire chess formation to collapse.

Lei Mang spread all over the sky.

Dead air also filled this side of the sky.

The power of the explosion, which contained thunder and death energy, suddenly swept towards the surroundings, shattering the space heavily.

People from the two camps were all affected.

Even if it was Feng Nihong, Fairy Feihong and Fairy Feihong couldn't hold on and retreated.

More people were blown away by the power of the explosion.

Explosion core area.

Gu Xuan's face has turned a little pale.

That "dead chess piece" passed through the main formation flag and absorbed a lot of energy from him.

The so-called must kill is simply a fallacy.

If the energy is not enough, why kill it?

Killing is based on the premise of sufficient energy.

Fortunately, the energy in Gu Xuan's body can be called massive.

That "dead chess piece" gathered the strength of the entire chess formation and the energy in Gu Xuan's body, and finally defeated Lei Mang.

call out.

Under the power of the explosion, the chess piece shuttled through the shattered space, and finally, with the last strength, it hit the Lord of the Yaoguang Realm hard!

Dao rhyme, death energy, and even mantras poured out from the chess pieces, and crazily sank into the body of the fluctuating light world master!

Chess pieces, getting smaller and smaller.

However, the fluctuating light world lord was getting bigger and bigger by the energy, like a ball.

"No! No!" The Lord of the Fluctuating Light roared helplessly.

To no avail.

In the end, there was only a bang. Lord of the fluctuating light, it exploded!

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