Within the phantom.

Gu Xuan returned to Ying Tianzong.

In the sect, apart from him, there is no other living person.

There were corpses all over the ground, and ruins everywhere.

Everything shows that Ying Tianzong has just encountered a catastrophe.

Gu Xuan stood in the sect, but he didn't feel any sadness.

He was sober and knew it was all an illusion.

He is like a bystander, looking at the pictures displayed in a mysterious mirror.

Suddenly, an elder of Ying Tianzong appeared.

That person looked familiar, somewhat similar to the poor and fearful saint, but his movements and demeanor were like a pagoda master.

In short, Gu Xuan thought of several people in succession through the elder of Yingtian Sect.

But no one can match up with him.

"Is the quality of the illusion of the demons already so low?"

Gu Xuan was very surprised.

This elder of Yingtianzong was obviously transformed by a demon.

As for the Heavenly Demon, it was obvious that he wanted to transform into a core figure of Ying Tianzong that Gu Xuan cared about in Gu Xuan's memory.

However, the illusion failed very much, and a four-dimensional illusion was created.

The elder of Yingtianzong had several knives stuck in his body, and there was also a sword, which entered from the center of his eyebrows and exited from the back of his head. It was so miserable that it couldn't be more miserable.

He staggered and ran towards Gu Xuan.

"Sect Master, save me...help me..."

Unfortunately, just a foot away from Gu Xuan, he seemed to lose his strength, and with a puff, he began to vomit blood wildly.

This vomit lasted for half a minute.

After vomiting, he fell to the ground with a bang and died.

Gu Xuan: "..."

Isn't this acting too exaggerated?

Gu Xuan almost laughed.

In the blink of an eye, the corpses on the ground got up, including the elder Ying Tianzong who had a sword stuck in his head.

They stared at Gu Xuan viciously, and transformed into a famous woman.

These women, who are so beautiful that they overwhelm the country and the city, are full of smiles, and they walk slowly towards Gu Xuan, and surround him.

For a while, the fragrant wind hits the face.

Handkerchiefs fluttered in their hands and slipped across Gu Xuan's face.

Gu Xuan didn't feel it at all.

He is sober.

Not the slightest bit of confusion.

Can't get confused either.

To play beauty tricks, can you at least change the scene first?

This Yingtian Sect is in ruins, as the suzerain of Yingtian Sect, do you still have the mood to covet your beauty in this ruins?

Isn't this too low-level?

"Go away."

With a cold snort, Gu Xuan released his soul power.

The group of beautiful women retreated back as if their bodies were out of control.

There was a look of horror on their faces.

Soon, they changed back to their original shape, back to the ferocious demons with teeth and claws.

However, when they looked at Gu Xuan, there was still horror in their eyes, as if they had seen a more terrifying demon than them.

In the illusion, Gu Xuan frowned and raised his chin.

In reality, Gu Xuan also made the same action, frowning, and raised his chin.

"This situation is wrong!

It's not that this young master has never encountered an illusion or entered an illusion. Although he can always see everything immediately, it is the first time he feels this way.

Those heavenly demons are actually a little afraid of me? "

Gu Xuan's heart moved.

In the illusion, he walked towards the demon.

The demons trembled and fled in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, all illusions disappeared.

Gu Xuan appeared in his ocean of consciousness.

The group of heavenly demons are also here, but they just huddled in the distance, gathered together, trembling.

Not to mention, the appearance of a thousand demons shivering together is really quite spectacular.

As Gu Xuan looked at them, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

He finally knew that the quality of this group of demons would be so low.

He finally understood that these demons would be afraid of him!

"come here!"

Gu Xuan stretched out his finger and casually pointed at a sky demon.

I saw the pupils of the demon shrank, and it almost fell from the sky in fright. It was extremely frightened.

But even with such fear, he still flew towards Gu Xuan's direction, tremblingly, as if he didn't dare to disobey Gu Xuan's order.

Gu Xuan was happy, and kicked the flying demon out.

"Heavenly Demon? Fart Demon!

These thousand idiots are not demons!

Although they are stronger than ordinary demons, they are just ordinary demons! "

Gu Xuan smiled wryly and shook his head.

No wonder I didn't perceive too much danger from the beginning to the end.

It's no wonder that the illusions they create are just like playing games, crudely made, and useless at all.

No wonder they are afraid of themselves!

The reason for everything turned out to be that they are not heavenly demons at all, but ordinary heart demons!

It's just that they are stronger than many heavenly demons, and they misjudged themselves, and they didn't discover the truth until now.

And as long as it is a heart demon, it is useless to Gu Xuan.

In Gu Xuan's body lives the Heart Demon Emperor!

Gu Xuan's soul contains the aura of the Heart Demon Emperor!

"Come out, Heart Demon Emperor!"

Gu Xuan contacted the Heart Demon Emperor who was sleeping in the deepest part of the ocean of consciousness, and even he almost forgot its existence!

"Jie Jie."

A strange laugh suddenly resounded through Gu Xuan's ocean of consciousness.

A black jar flew out from the deepest part of the ocean of consciousness.

That black jar, completely condensed by the power of the soul, is the sojourn and training place of the Heart Demon Emperor.

call out.

The black jar flew to Gu Xuan.

A black cotton ball with arms and legs and a whole body like a black mist floated out of the black jar.

Two big eyes grow on the side of the cotton ball that is considered as the "face".

"Heart Demon Emperor, I have seen my master!

Thinking of the last time we met, it has been more than a hundred years.

I fell into a deep sleep, oh no, after practicing for so long, my strength has greatly improved, waiting for idle warriors, emperor-level warriors, or even warriors who have just entered the emperor realm, are definitely not my opponents!

Just one look from me can drive them crazy!

So master, don't let me practice anymore, let me out, let's join forces and rule the entire little purgatory, oh no, let's burn the heavens! "

The heart demon emperor saluted Gu Xuan respectfully, partly coquettishly, partly flattering, how could he be half as the emperor among the heart demons, that kind of aloof attitude?

He also deliberately blinked his two cute big eyes.

In fact, this pair of big eyes was created by him on a whim, in order to pretend to be "cute" and to win Gu Xuan's favor, and he deliberately transformed it.

Gu Xuan recalled the scene when he first got the Heart Demon Emperor.

The Heart Demon King was a gift from a senior named "Heart Demon Old Man" in a dangerous place called "Little Purgatory" when his strength was low.

The "heart demon old man" spent 100,000 years to cultivate the heart demon emperor through the method of cultivating "heart demon Gu".

The heart demon emperor, with noble blood, is the emperor among the heart demons!

Waiting for the idle heart demon, whose bloodline is not as good as it, no matter how strong it is, it will be restrained to death by it.

This point is very similar to the bloodline suppression of the Dragon Clan.

Owning the Heart Demon Emperor is equivalent to having nothing to do with such things as being insane.

Of course, that was before meeting the Heavenly Demon among the Heart Demons.

As Gu Xuan's strength is getting higher and higher, when crossing the tribulation, the heart demons that appear in the heart demon tribulation are already heavenly demons, and the effect of the heart demon emperor is getting lower and lower.

Therefore, Gu Xuan simply let him sleep and practice in his ocean of consciousness.

He only borrowed the power of the Heart Demon Emperor when he needed it.

Unexpectedly, in a trance, it has passed a hundred years.

"Time flies so fast, I haven't seen you for more than a hundred years.

I remember more than a hundred years ago, you didn't grow such big eyes, did you?

Don't say it, it's strange... wait! Are your eyes illusioned? "

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched a few times.

The king of heart demons, the king of heart demons, his name is so majestic, if you transform your eyes, can't you be more vicious, scary, and majestic?

The Heart Demon Emperor was exposed, and he said pitifully: "Master, don't care about these details, let's talk about how to rule the Burning Heaven Realm, okay?

Now, I can charm the Emperor Realm... Wait!

Master, what state are you in? I seem to be a little dazzled, I see you as Dzogchen...

It's only been more than a hundred years, and your improvement cannot be so fast..."

Gu Xuan covered his forehead.

Sure enough, the spiritual pets raised by my family will eventually go on a strange path and become a funny comparison?


What sin did you do?

Gu Xuan held down the head of the Heart Demon Emperor, and forcibly turned its face with eyes 180 degrees, facing the thousand Heart Demons.

The heart demon emperor's eyes widened instantly. "Go... the ancient heart demon!"

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