
Lin Huohuo kicked the poor and fearful saint away.

"Fraud corpse? God damn deceitful corpse!

A stone sculpture can still cheat corpses, are you kidding me?

This is clearly my poor girl, she will die with peace! "

Lin Huo was deeply saddened.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched violently.

I thought you had some great ideas, but I never thought that you and the poor and fearful saint are basically the same thing!

Do you want to die?

The gods don't die with peace!

This is clearly alive, okay?

Didn't look at Shui Qiqi's body, was there a trace of life?

But what exactly is going on here?

"Sister? What girl?

Didn't you say yes, I will be the big one, and you will be the small one? "

When Shui Qiqi woke up, she was not happy that she was resurrected from death, but when she heard Lin Huohuo's words, she instinctively wanted to refute.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the two big worlds started a heated debate on who is the older sister and who is the younger sister.

This made the originally heavy atmosphere become cheerful.

Although Gu Xuan felt very speechless, it at least showed that Shui Qiqi really came back to life, but she looked too weak.

Moreover, he lost all control over the Jiexin space.

In other words, she no longer has the slightest relationship with Jiexin Space.

But obviously, Shui Qiqi hadn't realized this yet.

Because her attention was attracted by the tombstone in front of her.

"What does it mean?

I'm not dead yet, have the tombstones been erected for me? "

Shui Qiqi's face was gloomy.

Lin Huohuo looked a little embarrassed, and was about to explain, but Gu Xuan stopped him and said:

"Cough cough, let's end this matter.

I just want to know one thing now, can my fairy soil still be taken out? "

"Immortal soil? What's wrong with the fairy soil you got from the ghost vine?"

Shui Qiqi looked suspicious.

Lin Huohuo pointed to Shui Qiqi's chest, and told what happened just now.

After listening, Shui Qiqi's expression became very complicated.

She didn't realize until now that she actually existed independently of the world heart space, and was no longer a world heart high above her.

She has nothing to do with Jiexin space.

If there is no gap in my heart, it is impossible.

Shui Qiqi bowed her head in silence for a long time, then sighed heavily, and raised her head.

"Things about the fairy land..."

Gu Xuan reminded in a low voice.

"It has been integrated with me, and I can't take it out.

However, I have another thing that I can give you as a reward. "

Shui Qiqi's tone was flat.

Lin Huohuo said contemptuously: "Can you still have good things now?

Don't forget, you are no longer Jiexin, and you can no longer take out many treasures that belong to Jiexin's space. "

Shui Qiqi rolled her eyes.

"In the Jiexin space, what good treasure is there?

I want to give it to Shui Qiqi, of course I want to give it a fairy artifact! "

"Fairy Artifact!"

Everyone was taken aback.

Gu Xuan's eyes shined even more.

It's not too bad to exchange fairy soil for fairy artifacts, so-so!

Shui Qiqi flipped her right hand, and a treasure appeared in her hand.

That treasure is extremely familiar.

Gu Xuan recognized it at a glance.

"Tianxuan Star Clothes!"

Lin Huohuo was also surprised.

"Why is the Tianxuan Star Clothes of the Yaoguang Realm Lord on your body?

I thought that this treasure had fallen into the depths of space with the fall of the Lord of Fluctuations, and was swallowed up by the abyss of nothingness!

Damn it! Hidden enough you! "

Shui Qiqi smiled triumphantly.

"The Tianxuan Starcloth is originally a treasure of the Seven Star Realm, and as the lord of the Seven Star Realm, I also know how to drive this treasure.

Therefore, once the Yaoguang World Lord died and the connection with him was severed, I took it into my body without anyone noticing it, how would you find it? "

These words made Lin Huo very angry.

The three of them worked desperately together to kill the Yaoguang World Master.

You actually swallowed the fairy artifact!

Gu Xuan didn't feel angry.

Anyway, this fairy artifact seems to be his own soon.

"Huh? Wait! Why is the light on Tianxuan's star clothes so dim?

It was not like this when it was on the Lord of the Fluctuating Light! "

Gu Xuanzheng stared at Tianxuan Xingyi happily, and suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Even if it hasn't been activated yet, a dignified fairy weapon shouldn't be so dim, right?

Even the coercion and aura that belonged to the fairy artifact are all vague.

If I hadn't seen it before, who knew it was a fairy weapon just based on its current appearance?

Shui Qiqi stuffed the Tianxuan Starclothes into Gu Xuan's hand, saying:

"Don't pay attention to these details, although it is a little bit damaged now, it is still an immortal artifact.

There is still a lot to be done to fix it. "

Gu Xuan's eyelids twitched.

Hearing this, the current situation of this Tianxuan Star Clothes is probably even more pessimistic than what I thought.

Gu Xuan pinched a corner of Tianxuan Xingyi.


The Tianxuan star clothes stretched out.

There is a big hole in the chest.

Around the big hole, there is still a vague aura flowing, and when you feel it carefully, there is a feeling of trembling.

"This big hole, shouldn't it be the one left when you were attacked by Wudiqian?"

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

Shui Qiqi coughed, and seemed a little embarrassed.

Anyone who gave someone a gift with such a big hole would probably feel embarrassed if it was displayed in full view.

"With Tianxuan Xingyi, you still died once.

How strong is the five emperors' money? "

Lin Huohuo's expression became serious.

If it wasn't Shui Qiqi who was attacked by Feng Nihong at that time, but her, her fate would be worse than Shui Qiqi's.

There is no defensive treasure on her body that can compare to the immortal artifact of Tianxuan Star Clothes.

A cold murderous intent flashed in Shui Qiqi's eyes.

"Five Emperors Qian is indeed strong, but if it wasn't for a sneak attack, I wouldn't have died once."

No one thinks that the term "die once" is inappropriate.

Because Shui Qiqi really died once.

Otherwise, even if there is a sliver of vitality that has not been cut off, the control of Jiexin Space will not be completely concentrated on Lin Huohuo.

Even if there is a trace of vitality that has not been cut off, she is still Jiexin, one of the rulers of this space.

However, she no longer has anything to do with this space.

This is enough to prove that her vitality has indeed been cut off.

"Fortunately, your fairy soil saved my life.

Although I am no longer Jiexin and my strength has been greatly reduced, at least I can go out. "

Shui Qiqi looked at Gu Xuan and smiled faintly.

"Gu Xuan, this time I owe you a favor.

When I reorganize the Seven Star Realm... oh no... the Seven Star Realm is right. After straightening out the Seven Star Realm, this favor will be repaid by itself. "

Gu Xuan didn't seem to hear Shui Qiqi's words.

His gaze has been falling on the Tianxuan Starclothes, and he is becoming more and more focused.

The broken pupils opened involuntarily.

The majestic power of the soul also poured into it, carefully examining this treasure.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes.

"I understand! I finally understand why you can come back from the dead!

Immortal soil only accounted for half of the credit, and the other half of the credit was all on this Tianxuan Star Clothes! "

Gu Xuan pointed to the big hole in Tianxuan's star clothes, quite excited.

"This fairy artifact, the core material for forging it is the legendary 'phoenix wood', the 'phoenix wood' stained with the blood of the phoenix!

There is a saying in ancient books: bathing in phoenix and wood fire can hide the soul inside, the soul will not die when the body dies, and live when encountering life...

I guess, when you were on the verge of death, the majestic vitality I injected into your body had already activated the 'Phoenix Wood', allowing a trace of your soul power to enter the Tianxuan Star Clothes.

And after that, when your vitality was cut off, the majestic vitality contained in the fairy land awakened this trace of spiritual power and brought your dissipated soul back together.

Therefore, you can come alive!

Of course, your own earth element also plays a big role.

If it were a wooden sculpture, an ice sculpture, or a Jiexin with the power of the fire element in its body, there would be no possibility of resurrection. "

Gu Xuan deduced the truth, and seemed to be happier than getting the fairy artifact of Tianxuan Star Clothes.

Both Lin Huohuo and Fairy Feihong had heard of the legendary "Phoenix Wood" and knew how precious it was.

He was even more amazed at the coincidence between "Fengmu" and Xiantu that brought Shui Qiqi back to life.

"I have to say, my luck is great."

Shui Qiqi was also filled with emotion.

If it wasn't for Gu Xuan who happened to have fairy soil on her body, if it wasn't for Gu Xuan who had been giving her energy.

If it weren't for her being a stone sculpture, the attributes of the five elements fit perfectly with the fairy soil.

If she hadn't hidden the Tianxuan Star Clothes on her body, and a big hole had just been punched out of this fairy artifact, allowing the power belonging to "Phoenix Wood" to be leaked...

In short, in this series of links, if any link goes wrong, she may not be able to be resurrected.

Just as Shui Qiqi was feeling emotional, her body suddenly swelled up!

In the blink of an eye, it became like a growing stone ball!

Click. There was a crack in the stone ball!

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